REALLY stupid question Hyacinth bean vine seeds

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

i purchased some hyacinth bean vine seeds off ebay...the seller had good feedback and was selling white and purple...2 out of the 20 i planted came up.....i can't decide if it is me or the seeds...and being the idiot that i am ....i want to try to plant some more....i read somewhere that you should soak these in water?? any ideas for success?

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Just plant them directly in the ground or pot where you want them to grow, water the spot every couple of days, and let them grow. Watch for squirrels and varmits that might dig them up. To prevent this from happening, cover the seeds with chicken wire before you cover them with soil.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

Sticks, don't cry. I'll bring you some to the swap next month. Shoot, I might even have time to get them growing for you by then. I wish I had some white ones, but alas all I have are purple but they are really healthy little boggers!

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

smockette....wish i could go to the roundup....but will have to hold down the fort here.....the gas $ would kill me...; if i end up with any white vines i will send you some seeds.....i got my white and purple seeds messed this will be fun to watch....i have 12 of somethings that lived and are outside hopefully they will start pepping up with this heat....; remind me later about the white seeds so i can remember:)

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

Sorry, I just read the 'Crosby' which is down here by us. Sorry, having a selective vision problem. You are Zone 7a & that is definitely not down here. lol
Surprises are so much fun. Will keep an eye on this thread for further 'growth'.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

i all ways soak my seeds for a day or 2 i just planted 9 8 came up

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a) you tell me...(grin)...; thanks for the information; i have had a dozen or so planted outside and they have maybe at the most grown an inch....and when i put them outside they were about 6 inches high....don't know why they are poking along....any ideas?

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

yes they transplant really slow

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

what do you mean by that?

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

and is there anything i can do to hurry them up? i have fertilized and thats about all i know to do...

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

did you transplant theam in to the ground?

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)


Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

ok thats why its shook it will take a few weeks to get over it did you plant the whites or the pinks?

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

its been outside for like 2 months....they are the purple and also the white...what should i have done?

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

nothing just give pleanty of water and fertlizer

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

thank you:) there something i can do different next year?

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

yes start theam out doors in the ground you will see a diffrence i transplanted a white one in april its just now starting to look good it was in a pot for nine mnts to

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

when starting these from seed (for next time), keep in mind that any type of bean seed will rot very easily, or damp off once sprouted, if given too much water.

Either do not pre-soak them,... or pre-soak them, but be sure the soil is not too wet. A great way to see if your soil is too wet, is to grab a handful of it, and give it a firm squeeze. If it drips, it is too wet.

Perfectly moist soil is still moist, but will not drip when you squeeze it. Once you get the soil "perfectly moist", be sure to cover it, so it will stay that way.

Once they start to sprout, start to crack open the cover, little by little, and and slowly raise the cover gradually, more and more as they sprout more.

Once the majority of the beans have sprouted, the lid should be removed completely. Now, they can be watered(just a little), and the now the next most important thing is air circulation. If starting indoors, be sure to set up a fan nearby(not too close or you'll dry them out too quickly.)

Too much water, and not enough breeze, will kill them every time...

They also like to germinate on the hot side, so pick a time to sow them(especially if sowing outdoors), when you will have a stretch of sunny weather, and no overcast, or rainy days...

Cold is another "bean killer". If they germinate on a cold day, they will remain weak, and never grow quite right.


Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

seed...thanks for all that great information....i have since transplanted a dozen out doors and they have been there since april and they have grown 2 inches....i repeat 2 inches a plant that is suppossed to grow 30 ft in a season.....i did something wrong for sure....this rate and they will not see the fence i am trying to wrap them around....someone said i should plant them outside next year after the threat of frost has passed....they said that right now they are just building root growth which is the reason they are not taking off.....:(

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

They may be stunted permanently...I read a very convincing article that said if seeds germinate slowly and in cold temperatures they are never as strong as seedlings that sprout quickly and in heat...

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

I am in love with peat pots..I start most things in them, so when it is time to transplant, I can peel of the pot (or plant the whole thing) and they have very little transplant shock. I have gotten to where that is the medium of choice, for my rose cuttings, and salvia, clematis, etc.
I had the same experience with corkscrew vine seed, I must have planted more than 20 seeds and I just have four plants. I tried to get them going too early.

This message was edited Jul 13, 2007 11:43 PM

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

My vines start slow until they get their heads in full sun, then they take off. Perhaps yours are shaded part of the day or it has been cloudy a whole lot this year? My first year they were slow to grow, they were transplants. Now I just poke seeds into the ground in the fall, they grow much better. Even with our cold winters, I still get plants.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

ah heck....i just went ahead and bought a large one and it is going gang busters.....; the dozen or so that i started in the house are still about a foot tall....i think i stunted the seed growth by starting inside during cool year i shall plunk the seed in the soil and hope they come up....

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

Me too.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

well, HUGE news....i guess a watched pot never DOES boil....(grin); i stopped watching the dang vines cause they were so disappointing i lost interest....well......WHOOHOO!!!! 2 of them have actually started vining YESIREE ....they are a couple feet tall and vining !!!! YAYAYAYAY; this is the good part about gardening.....; now i only have 3 or 4 more months of the gardening season so i will have to see what those pups do!!!! i am so excited(if you didn't realize it) (he he)
will photo in the next couple of weeks!!!!

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

Hope you have time to see them flower. It takes a while as they seem to climb and then put out the flowers on the very tops of the stems. Bring the pots indoors if there is danger of frost as they are very frost sensitive and will die very quickly leaving soggy beans on the stems.
You could probably over winter them in a frost free area inside under lights.Just keep clipping the stems or you will have a huge vine indoors with no where to go. LOL

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

I have some plants that have done the same thing, I had given up on them...I am going to try to overwinter them, and try to grow more of them, from cuttings next year..the seeds just seem to be too 'iffy'

Thumbnail by melvatoo
Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

windy...i transplanted the plant into the ground...there will be no digging it up for me...if it doesn't have flowers then it wont...but i have so much other stuff to bring in that the vine will have to just die....if it doesn't seed then i have other seeds...but thank you so much:)

San Antonio, TX

Im glad u didnt give up Sticks and yes a watched pot .....etc..... I've been growing these for a while in a pot outdoors. I have a wrought iron arch and the pot is at the base at one end and a pot with moon flower at the other end. Between both they grow and vine on to the arch ( I should take a pic and show u) Every year I gather enough seeds to just stick in the pot and allow it to regrow again. I've never babied my plants and these have never failed me with this method. Once u get them going, just kinda expect them to return the following year and enjoy them. I too have both the purple and the white. Mixed in with the white Moon flower the arch is beautiful.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

Anaid, pix, pleassssssssssssssse!
I want some white HB! Have plenty of the purple even growing fresh ones now!

San Antonio, TX

I'll try to get those pics this after noon and post them. Hopefully it wont rain when I get off. Will keep u posted.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)


Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

yes we need pics....and i will photo mine today hasnt started blooming yet but sure is making a great show!!!

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

here is one in part of its blooms yet...

Thumbnail by sticks_n_stones
Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

here is the actual one i started from seed that is taking forever

Thumbnail by sticks_n_stones
St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

I will have white and purple seeds in late September if anyone would like some for a SAE. I soak them overnight, and plop them in the ground. Even with our cold winters, they come back every year from seed that has dropped. Cathy

dmail me if you are interested, i'll give you my address

This message was edited Aug 29, 2007 3:11 PM

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

me me me me!!!!

San Antonio, TX

My supply of seeds is gonna be less than last year cuz we have had an over abundance of rain and there are tons of ants. These little buggers are eating the seeds on these plants and every other ones too. I've come to see them inside the house too. Cant leave anything sitting anywere that the will get to it cuz they will swarm. Wonder if anyone will trade plants for an "Ant Eater"..........

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh, Cathy4, could I interest you in some white Tx Star hibiscus seeds? Or some red ones?
Sticks, I truly think it has to be all the rain this yr that has slowed the HBVs down. Mine are always in bloom b4 now.
Anyone ever have a 'Jack in the Beanstalk' vine? Got seeds for it this yr enough to share! We planted them @ the base of my only pine tree & it has gone up @ least 20'. So kewl with pods a foot long!

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Smockette, for my area i have to have hardy hibiscus. Are these hardy in zone 5? If so, I'd love to try a Tx Star. I have reds in my yard already. Remember, it will be the end of september before my seed pods are ready to pick. dmail me with address.


Thumbnail by cathy4

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