Guess what our HD got in 2 days ago?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

First time I ever saw this plant offered in HD! It is so bizarre looking! We got about 40 of these. They are selling fast as they are such a novelty.

They have a wonderful, honey-like aroma that comes from inside of the "pitchers". I guess that is why the flies love it too.

Run, don't walk to your nearest HD and see if these were distributed in other stores as well.


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here's a closer look.

They are in 6" HB's and are selling for $12.99

Thumbnail by Gitagal
West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Nephentes sp.?

edit: oop, wrong name, it's Nepenthes

This message was edited May 3, 2007 11:46 PM

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Ooohhh! I've been wanting one of these for my hubby! He thinks they are so neat looking! I didn't know HD carried them... I hope the one in F'burg has them!


Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Karen HD gets deliveries every day now and the one in Annapolis has them too. I checked for todays deliveries and there is one scheduled for you today so if it didnt come in within the last day or two it should be there today.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Yay!!! Thanks Dravencat! I hope I can get there this evening after work!

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Your welcome. I might not know what they are bringing in but I can check to see who is getting a delivery. Most everyone is getting in 20 carts of plants a day, Im lucky enough(cough, cough) to work at a store that can get 40 carts a day.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Cool! I am anxious to get out there. Right now, we only have one truck as mine is in the shop. I'm hoping that HD opens at 7:00am tomorrow, so I can stop there on my way to work, when hubby drops me off.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Now thats an idea!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Well... it didn't happen. I spent half an hour this morning looking for my checkbook, so I didn't make it to HD. I am frustrated (I want my truck back!!!) Hubby has promised to leave me his truck this afternoon so I can go after work. He's a good man!

(Zone 6a)

It looks like Nepenthes ventrata. I may am wrong.


This message was edited May 4, 2007 1:19 PM

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I didn't get one! (she says as she kicks the dirt and pouts) My HD was already out!



Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

THANK YOU GITA!!!! I can't tell you how happy it makes me to be able to inform you that the HD in Laurel DOES have them in stock today. My sweet hubby took me there first thing this morning and they must have just gotten in a shipment. The name on the tag says Nepenthes 'Alata'. I don't know the first thing about them, but they look tropical and I figured they would not like the cold air we had come in over night so I gently covered them with bags to bring them home. I didn't want to hurt any of the pitchers. It was a real trip coming home as I bought three and we were in hubby's pickup. Of course I had to get one for my daughter and one for my daughter in law. They are just so cool!! Who knows about their culture? The instructions on the tag say: Pitcher Plant: Bright position, but no sunlight. Sprinkle every day, preferably with rainwater, keeping the soil wet. Try to keep the plant in a moist environment. Fill the pitcher up to half with rain or distillated water. I want to learn all I can about them. If anyone knows about them, tell us please.
ShirleyC in Laurel
Gita, my daisies are doing great! I think about you every time I pass them in the garden.

Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

Just read , "I have 2 Nepenthes from Home Depot that were marked Alata, but I understand from discussion and pictures on Gardenweb, that they are probably Ventrata from the Florida ". It makes me wonder if they have them correctly named. Is there an expert here? Thanks.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

We have a forum for bog plants. I'll just bet someone there will know exactly what they are.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I am happy that you found the plants at HD. I checked yesterday and we still had a bunch. Maybe when you really ID this plant correctly, you can take a bunch of pictures and post them in the Plant Files.

Please forgive me if I forgot, but----when did I give you my Shasta daisies? I know Critter got a bunch and I think she shared them with a couple of people. Were you one of them? Did you just get them this year or some previous years? I know that only people have come to my garden to dig up and take home plants, and you were not one of them--were you???? :o(

Ah--to be a senior!!!

Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita, from one senior to another, you sent them to me last year. I totally understand. Last year was a long time ago. However, since they are, in my mind, Gita's daisies, I think of you every time I pass by them and always will.
Hugs, Shirley

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Well... I broke down and ordered a pitcher plant off eBay, because I wanted one toooo!!! (she says in a whiny voice, while stomping her foot)

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

I had thought about buying one from my store and sending it to you, but was worried about damaging the pitchers. Id still be willing to do that if your ebay purchase dosnt work out.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Aawwwww!!! Dravencat, thank you so much for thinking about me!! I really appreciate that! My order is supposed to be here Thursday, so I'll keep you posted. (I can't believe you thought to do that... I'm nearly speechless) :-)

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

edited because my message didnt go thru, weird

This message was edited May 8, 2007 11:28 PM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey, Wild Rose!

If you would go to Hart's Plant Swap on June 9th, I would buy one at my HD and bring it to you there. I'd take decent care of it until then. We still have a lot of them in our store--all dry, of course. No one has put any rainwater in the pitchers at all. Yeah, right! Who would at a HD?

I will do this if I know 100% sure that you will be there. I, myself, am not interested to have this plant.

Go to the Mid Atlantic Forum and sign up asap if you are interested. There are about 3-4 separate Posts going on it--like who is going, who is bringing what for lunch, carpooling, etc.


Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

My post wouldnt go thru up there even when I edited it, weird. Wanted to say I know how it feels when you want something really bad and cant find it.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Haaa...haaaaa..... I thought you were being funny!
Your last line in the previous post was that that you are "nearly speechless" and then you posted a blank post....

I thought it was just your sense of humor---do you get it? "Speechless" ==blank Post?

Just my warped mind.....Gita

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

ROFLMBO!! It sounds like my sense of humor so I wouldnt put it past me but this time "I didnt do it".

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

You know Gita... I thought the same thing! I thought she was poking fun at me for saying I was nearly speechless! I thought it was quick-witted! Ha! And she didn't even plan it.

By the way, I am already signed up to come to the Mid-Atlantic plant swap. I'm really looking forward to it too! Thank you for offering to buy the plant. My order from eBay is due in tomorrow. Hold that thought until I get it and look at it. If it doesn't look good, or if it's really small, I'll probably take you up on your offer. Don't buy until you hear back from me though. (Don't you hate the way those places treat plants sometimes... I always feel like I'm looking at a box of kittens dumped on the side of the road when I see the plants not taken care of... I feel obligated to but them all up to save them! But you can't always do that... Wwaaaaaaaa!!!!!)

Thaks to both of you for thinking of me! :-)

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

I hate looking at plants that just need water, Im really trying to keep up on that. I think during the summer months most of the problem is time. We spend so much time bringing in deliveries, moving plants, helping customers and trying to keep the place clean that even with the help of a watering crew the greenhouse especially gets forgotten. Ive been trying to water the plants in there at least once a week to keep everything in good shape but alot of times Im overwhelmed with the work that needs to get done. Im trying so sorry about any kittens in there, LOL.

OMG, my cockateil just sneezed in my ear! At least there were no buggers

Ill wait to hear how your ebay purchase comes, Im hoping tho that its a real nice one, cuz everyone wants real nice plants when they get them.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Oohhh!!! Don't take it personally! At least you try to look after the plants where you work. I just know that alot of places... it just seems that they put them out there and forget about them. We have a K-Mart down here that is just awful for that... I can't even go there anymore!

Your cockateil sneezed in your ear???? That is too funny!!!!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Tell me what you actually do at the HD you work at. Which one? Pasadena???

In case no one here remembers, The greenhouse at my HD was ALL MINE for almost 5 years. That is what I wanted to do and was hired for that. I knew the name of every plant and built up quite a following among the regular customers. There was NO dead plants and the place was well taken care of. That's just ME!
We even had a full pond in the G-House, waterfall and all, and I knew enough about that also to tell customers how to build one and set up all the pumps and filters.

Back then, we had no pack out crew and no night crew. I had to put all the stuff out myself and often, I dealt with all the vendors and ordered most of the plants. NOT an associate's job, but the management was horrible then.
I have been at my HD (2502) for over 9 years. The last 4 I have been in the Phone Center as an Operator. Bad knees....Pain.....Went Part Time..........BUT------I sure miss the whole garden thing....

Now Bell takes care of everything in the GH and also in the garden. They do an excellent job and things look really great, BUT--there is NO ONE at this time in the whole garden that knows anything about plants. I go out there sometimes when I have an overlap in the schedule and just get swamped.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Gita, I hate it that stores now have people who know absolutely nothing about their section of the store. And this isn't just true at the big box stores, I find the same thing at the local nurseries too.

Three times in the last couple of weeks I've been sent from the hardware end of the new Lowes to the garden shop at the other end only to have to march back to the hardware end because that's where it really was.

The latest was clothesline. When I said I couldn't believe clothesline would be in the garden shop, he said, "It's a seasonal item." What in the devil does he think his grandmother did with her wet clothes in the winter?! LOL It was, of course, not in the garden area but in the hardware section with other rope type items.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita, my official title is "merchandiser". Im there to move plants, direct customers to where the plants they want are and give basic care instructions. Im not really supposed to show them just point them in the direction but I do it anyway. Also set up the aprons(tables out front) and tables, consolidate plants that have been worked thru by customers, relocate them when necessary, make note of what needs watering to tell the crew(Ill do it myself alot too), and basicaly trying to make everything look good and sellable. I like working in the greenhouse, dont care for picking up others messes(or their nasty food wrappers and coffee cups)but watering caring for and learning more about what Im caring for makes me happy.
I had a lady come in one day looking for a lipstick plant. She figured I wouldnt know what she was talking about but when I went straight to them and handed her one she was all kinds of happy, LOL. I know I have a lot more to learn about alot of these plants but I at least know most of the basics and I like it when there is a plant I know more about and can give the help needed without having to look it up.
Im in the Annapolis store(2557), Im right across the steet from Annapolis Mall. Its a big store so there is always something to do. I like that my manager doesnt feel the need to follow me around because she knows Im always working at something and not standing around woolgathering. I also like the fact that the constant physical activity now has my jeans fitting a bit loosely.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Good morning! Well I did get my order from eBay yesterday. Nice plant - it's a Nepenthes ventricosa. It is small, but is in good condition. I do think I would still like one of the HD ones though. Gita, would you mind terribly??? What is the cost? Are they still in good shape? You said they were dry... are the pitchers falling off?

Let me know how they look and how much they cost, and if you want me to send you money ahead of time, before the plant sway.

Thanks again, for thinking about me.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


The HB's sell for $12.99+ tax. You do not have to pay me in advance.
I will look at them. They seem to all be OK. Of course, no one has watered the little pitchers but the plants do get watered by the care-takers.

Can you tell me what to look for if this plant is NOT doing well? I have no idea. You said something about the pitchers falling off???

I will pick one up tomorrow, unless you want me to give you a report on how thy look first. When I get it home, it will hang under my tree in bright shade. I will also pour some bottled water in all the cups. I don't have distilled or rain water. It should be quite happy by the time you get it.


Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks so much Gita! I just remembered you saying that no one was watering the little pitchers, and somewhere I read that they need to stay half full or will fall off. I have actually never owned one. I know you will take great care of it.

$15.00 it is... I'll have it at the swap if your sure you don't want me to mail it.

Thanks again... Karen

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Well, I went in a bit early to work today as I had a couple of returns and I also wanted to go pick out the HB for you. So, I went to the Greenhouse and they were not there!

I thought--Hmmmm....they couldn't have sold as there were about 15 of them a few days ago???? So I asked the garden cashier what they did with them and she said they moved them "up front" meaning right in front of all the cashier booths. So--I walked all across the store and found only THREE of them left. I guess it must have looked like a neat Mother's day gift to a lot of people.

I picked out the "best" of the three. The plant is perfectly OK, but a couple of the hanging down "pitchers" look like they are drying up from the opening down. These may not recover but I still bought it, as in 15 minutes--they were all gone.

This evening, we had a very hard rain. It kept pouring and pouring as I sat with a bucket next to me in the Phone Center--as our roof leaks in heavy rains. This started when they put on a new roof on the WHOLE HD building about 3 or 4 years ago. Go figure!

When I got home, I had plenty of rainwater in some trays I had outside and so I filled every 'cup" with it half way. It may rain again tonight and in the early AM, so it will get a good rainwater bath.

I feel so bad that I did not get to pick a more perfect plant out for you, but you know the old saying...............He who hesitates is lost!

It is not bad, you just might lose about 3 of the "pitchers". I think with proper care, a lot of new ones will grow anyway.


Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)


Thank you so much for what you HAVE done! You didn't have to even offer, but you did, and I appreciate you for your time and care. I'm sure the plant will be fine, and I look forward to receiveing it at the swap, and to meeting you!

Thank you again, I hope the rest of your weekend is good, and Happy Mother's Day to you and yours.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Thought I would post a picture of the Pitcher Plant HB I picked up for you. It has been hanging outside my front door under the eaves and gets ONLY the very early sun for about an hour. it seems to be doing great.

The "pitchers" that had started drying up have not changed, but the lower part of them looks OK. Don't know if you can make it out on the picture.

Well, I just thought i would let you make the "acquaintance".....:o)


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Hey, y'all, I was at the HD in Manassas today and they had oodles of those pitcher plants.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow, Gita! Thanks alot! I think it looks great, and I can't wait to "take it off your hands", so to speak. Thank you so much for sending the photo, and for getting it for me.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh...just saw this thread...Karen...glad you're getting one...was going to check out the Stafford and Woodbridge one for you if you didn't have one yet. Our HD got those in over a month ago - I was quite tempted at the time but those type of plants tend to die in my I decided against it. See I can actually use self control...every now and then...LOL

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