Some new ones blooming!!

Delaware, OH

this is a 4 yr old multiblue,which still blooms low. i have it off the ground on a boxwood and just let it sprawl on top.i do insist it at least get on the boxwood. the flowers are amazing, but of course i wish it was a little higher. it does bloom higher later in there seasons(like now) this pic is maybe 6 weeks ago.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

this is an early huge single, john warren. it was my original john warren and does not want to climb like ones i have purchased later. this on is 5 years old and sprawls on a retaining wall. it has the biggest blooms of any of my john warren. i use a small piece of fencing or something to get it off the ground and then just let it do what it wants.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Thanks Jeanne and Niobe. I'm embarrassed to even post pictures because I haven't had the time to get out and mulch yet this year. Next week I'm on vacation and that's my top priority!

Guess I'll just try to be patient and wait 3 more years for it to grow up. On the opposite side of the fence from the spirea and cornus I've just put in a peony garden. So in about 3 years the peonies should be well established and bloom about the same time as Crystal Fountain.

Delaware, OH

my only peony is a singe japanese style, that i was fortunate enough to be given (dig myself style) oodles of from a neighbor ,that is grown in front of a rouge cardinal and a ramona clematis. unfortunately, or fortunately which ever way you look at the all three do not bloom at once.the peopnies are early but we will have rouge cardinal and ramona at the same time in a couple of weeks. but the peopnies are long gone already. they are a delight. i refuse to get more as i do not have time for another plant collecting obsession!!!

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

That's a pretty one! Are you suuuuuure you can't squeeze in one more plan obsession??

Delaware, OH

nnnoooo more obsessions! i do have a minor sedum obsession, although it does not take any time or care and they give much pleasure. good balance for clematis in term of how much work and care they require. of course peonies don't need much either!
sedum urn pic attached!

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

niobe, your blue looks like my "Blue Light" blooming now for four weeks.

Thumbnail by se_eds
Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Wow, love those blues. Both the Multi Blue and Blue Light. They just look so. . .cool and calm.

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Niobe I love, love ,love your sedum urn!!!

Delaware, OH

thanks jazzzy... me too. last year i had some nasturtiums in there, but this year there was enough sedum that popped up that i stuck with that . i am always sticking bits and pieces in the sedum urns to root. one of the urns is a birdbath with holes drilled in it!
sedum is so easy but i am always fussing over the clematis and shortchanging the sedum projects around here!!!!

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Got a better picture of VOLUCEAU this AM. It is blooming like cray, and I had cut it down to two buds in early spring.

Thumbnail by se_eds
Fallston, MD(Zone 6b)

niobe, you are the clematis queen!!! Gorgeous pics. I get no full sun, so not many flowers, except for ternifolia ( or whatever it is now ).
Here is a seiboldii that is now open; it's all I have :-((

Thumbnail by kudrick
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Both Clematis "Voluceau" & "Florida Sieboldii" are awesome Clematis and very vigorous in my gardens...Jeanne

Delaware, OH

here is clematis tie dye in zone 5 b, second year.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

more tie dye

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Libby, MT(Zone 4b)

Niobe: I like your tie dye. Mine would be in its second year, but this year it did not come up. It is completely gone. I've never had a clematis do that.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Dig, don't give up on it! I planted one two years ago, and it never appeared at ALL last year--appeared to be totally gone. I bought a replacement last month, and what do you know, the original came up and is going strong this year! There was not even a tiny sprout last year, so I guess it was just growing a great root system. Already off the top of the trellis and climbing into the redbud tree behind it.

Libby, MT(Zone 4b)

Booker, that sounds great. It will be a nice supprise to see it when it decides to show its face.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Something is wrong withmy clematis "Kermisina" this year. It bloomed great last year. I bought it for its pretty red color. It seems the buds are drying up on the vine. Those that open have a broader than normal green stripe. Temps were in the 85-96 deg range for the past three weeks. Now we are back to normal and will remain in the 60-70 deg range for a week or so.

I guess I need to give it a 'water bottle'. LOL I have screw on tips for 2 ltr. soda pop bottles that you sink into the ground at the base of the plant. You can feed Miracle grow and water, or just plain water. I did this last year with cl. "Blue Light" and it responded great this spring.

Any other thought on buds drying on the vine???

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Se-eds...check to make sure you don't have powdery mildew on those that have flowerbuds that dry up and don't open....My "Kermensia" has grown like a weed this year and blooming later than normal...Jeanne

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Jeanne - I checked it and it had powdery mildew - didn't realize they got that disorder. I gave it a good spray with Orthonex which is a good systematic insecticide, fungicide and it responded very nicely in a matter of days.

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Ok i have a picture of my 'Polish Spirit with my Marmori'.
I don't know if it will help but my Marmori bloomed low for several years but htis year i gave it some manure by opening up the soil around the roots. I also fed it with bone meal in the very early Spring and It is the tallest i have ever seen it!! My screens are 4' w x 10' h.

Thumbnail by jazzzy704
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Nice combination - they sure look healthy and happy together!

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

I put up 24' of screen and I put 18 clematis and 3 climbing roses on it. Just did it this spring. I am hoping i will have some great pictures in the near future! I do love clematis and I had another 54'
of screen put along the side yard. I was moving some and adding some. It has been a busy spring
but I hope it will yield some "walls" of flowers to my yard.
Here's a very new picture of the 24' of screen.

Thumbnail by jazzzy704
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

That will be incredible!

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

I sure hope so gold!! It was an undertaking. My yard is still not recovered!!

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

jazzy, I sure love your screens. Bet they will be gorgeous!

Tomah, WI

jazzy-your screens are awesome! did you build them or buy them somewhere? love em! that will be just gorgeous when filled with blooms!

Delaware, OH

the marmori combo is great! i love marmori. mine has been a pleasure from the the beginning and never a whit of trouble. yours are beautiful.

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Wonderful pictures, jazz! That first picture is awesome!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Julie..CONGRATS..I love Marmori..she is a must have..what a stunning pic...Just call me "Pea-Green" with envy over your new will be a showstopper one day with all those mature clematis and climbing roses...can't wait to see pics each year...well done...Jeanne

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

I'm finally getting around to posting some pics from the last week. This one is Pink Fantasy.

Thumbnail by goldfinch4
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Daniel Deronda

Thumbnail by goldfinch4
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Blue Light - this one blooms forever for me.

Thumbnail by goldfinch4
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Perrin's of my favorites.

Thumbnail by goldfinch4
Delaware, OH

guess i have to break down and get blue light. really beautiful , your plants look healthy and well cared for , for sure.i love perrins pride too. mine struggled for YEARS and is finally looking like a clematis, but not as good as yours yet.

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Thanks Niobe. I like the shape of the flowers on Perrin's Pride. Mine took a couple of years to do much too.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Gold!!..WOW..those are spectacular-!-!...Thanks for sharing a pic of Clematis "Perrin's Pride"..I planted two of those last old are your clematis?...Jeanne
ps...I just can't get over your "Blue Light"

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Hey Gold i also love those pictures. i see two new ones That are my new Must haves!!
Great Pics!
Oh my screen were made by a carpenter. He made a total of 9 of them. I had 6 before so now I have
15 of these going down both sides of my 3/4 acre lot. Soon they will be filled with clematis!!
Can't wait!

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Thank you Jeanne! I planted Pink Fantasy last year, Daniel Deronda is maybe 6 years old, Blue Light about 5 and Perrin's Pride about 4....just guessing on the last few though.
Blue Light has always been a heavy bloomer for me.

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