Some new ones blooming!!

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

marieortiz - I am finding clematis plants at WalMart and some of the other box stores for $5.00. This thing is, they are in small 3x3x3 in pots and are root bound. To grow them successfully, you need to transplant them to at least a gallon pot and feed them well with Miracle Grow in water over the summer. And provide a support (stake) for them to twine on. Then I plant them in a permanent place when we start getting our fall rains.

Fact is - you lose a year when you buy these small plants. just depends on how long you want to stick around to see them bloom. LOL

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Meig!!..Your "Nelly" is scrumptious!!..I just planted two this past Spring...can't wait to see them look that good...

Delaware, OH

nelly is huge this year in zone 5b. here she is growing on boxwood and hydrangea.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Timnath, CO(Zone 5b)

Niobe, I canonly dream that my Nelly will look as good as that one. I love where you have her, too. Looks really nice.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

What beautiful photos. I just got Miss Batemann - a white one and planted her in a gallon pot for the summer. You know I still have 30 ft. of chainlink fence with only two plants growing on it. Hmmm... Wally World doesn't have any others I really want so I guess it is off on the internet to see what's new.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Niobe..How that a Climbing Hydrangea I see?..I just planted to Clematis "Nelly Mosers" this past Spring...Jeanne

Tomah, WI

My HF Young finally had its first blooms. The one on the right looks like it is trying to double.

Thumbnail by mattsmom
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Finally - my first clem flower of the season - Pink Fantasy.

Thumbnail by goldfinch4
Delaware, OH

jeanne, yes , nelly is planted well in front of a climbing hydrangea that i keep pruned pretty small, the hydrangea doesn't get a load of blooms due to this, but it gives nelly plenty of space and nelly kind of lays on a small boxwod hedge and sprawls onto a alberta spruce to complete the display.
i like to grow clematis on natural supports as much as trellis, arbor and the like. with 170 types and over 300 clematis plants however, i have a lot of everything as far a supports. but they naturalize here on evergreens, (arbor vitae and others)boxwood, spirea, wisteria .

mattsmom, the HF young is one of my favorites. a beauty.

gold finch, i do not have pink fantasy, but will add it to my list..the greensish are at the base of the sepals is beautiful with the pink. very pretty. is it growing in partial shade?

Fallston, MD(Zone 6b)

I have severe clematis envy!! I have many that have not bloomed, but my durandii just started!

Thumbnail by kudrick
Fallston, MD(Zone 6b)

I found this one blooming at the bottom of an arch, in total shade! Not sure if it's proteus or josephine. Any one know?

Thumbnail by kudrick
Fallston, MD(Zone 6b)

A closer view

Thumbnail by kudrick
Fallston, MD(Zone 6b)

I also have seiboldii starting to open. I love this plant!!!!

Thumbnail by kudrick
Fallston, MD(Zone 6b)

Took this last month of claire de lune

Thumbnail by kudrick
Delaware, OH

kudrick, love your photo of claire de lune. mine just finished blooming (zone 5 b) very jealous of your sieboldi. here in 5b i tried one a few years ago, but she did not survive the winter.
your double looks like a proteus to me it is def not joesphine. my proteus all bloom low, which may be another clue. it is too hot for me to go outside and check the anthers of my proteus for comparison 95 degrees here in zone 5b at 5 pm. too hot. and i am too lay to check any photo bank, or my bible, mary toomey's enncylopedia of clematis.

are there any other mary toomey fans out there? i have heard her speak 3 times on the subject of clematis. she is amazing!!!

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

kudrick, .My plant of Josephine died. Looks like Proteus to me

Thumbnail by se_eds
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Niobe, my Pink Fantasy gets shade in the morning and late afternoon, full sun for about 5 hours mid-day.

Fallston, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks niobe. Weather here is also miserably hot. I spent about 5 minutes watering plants at 8 AM and came in soaked in sweat. Can't take the heat!!!

Here are a few pics of seiboldii from last October.

Thumbnail by kudrick
Fallston, MD(Zone 6b)

She has a friend in this pic

Thumbnail by kudrick
Delaware, OH

villa de lyon showing darker new bloom, and sun faded older bloom

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

another view of villa de lyon

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Tomah, WI

First bloom on this clematis. It was a gift noID. Bloom is 7". Any ideas?

Thumbnail by mattsmom
Delaware, OH

etoile rose (texensis)

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

niobe, I just love that shot of Villa de Lyon showing its fabulous growth habit.

Delaware, OH

thanks for the comment re the villa de lyon. this one is 8 years old, in full sun and get two annual prunings to about 3 nodes from the it is kept smaller and that helps them be really full. the base of it is planted with angelina sedum which you can not really see in the pic. it is my favorite clematis when it is blooming!

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Hmmm, I have one called Voluceau which gets pruned to two nodes above ground in the spring. It is in full and glorious bloom right now. Do you think if I cut it back to the ground when blooms stop, it will bloom again in fall? Will this weaken the plant? I am a newbie at clematis.

Delaware, OH

yes, prune it to about 3 nodes from the ground. a little less severe. fertilize it. it should spring back with vigor and more shoots from the bottom and bloom again. don't wait too late to prune it, do it as the blooms start to wane in size or quantity or the plant looks tired.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

My first blooms on Proteus. I'm falling in love with clematis. . . So, do I understand correctly that the first blooms of a season are usually double, and then later ones single? This bloom doesn't look much like the picture that was on the tag, but it is pretty, especially in the late afternoon light.

Thumbnail by Bookerc1
Delaware, OH

how old is your proteus? a very young plant may put out singles during first bloom period. once proteus is established there will be profuse double blooms followed by single blooms in the same bloom period. then you may have a second bloom period where they will be all singles. proteus is one of my favorites!

Libby, MT(Zone 4b)

Has anyone grown Piilu? I bought one that was on sale yesterday. It was an impulse buy and need to figure out where to put it. Whats your opinions on this clematis?

Delaware, OH

piilu is one of my favorite clematis. you can keep it small, the bloom period is long and the number of flowers is amazing.
it can be trying to get multiple stems form the root wants to produce fewer shoots. mine are in full bloom now and i am going to prune them back this year as blooms wane to encourabe more growth at the is a photo of piilu from a few days ago in zone 5 b

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

What is the best way to propogate these?

Timnath, CO(Zone 5b)

mattsmom, that NOID looks like The President to me.

Libby, MT(Zone 4b)

WOW! Niobe: I love it. I'm glad I was an impulsive buyer the other day. Thanks so much for the photo and comments

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Niobe, I just bought and planted it about a month ago, so it is quite young. I figured it would probably form doubles after it got more established. I was actually surprised to see buds already.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

niobe, thanks for your comments on Voluceau. I felt bad about pruning it to the ground (almost) this spring but it is spectacular. Spent yesterday in the 90 deg heat putting about 6 inches of composted cow manure around the base of each plant. This worked wonders last year. Does not burn them and keeps their roots cool. I cut back the wilted branches of Duchess of Edinburgh and she looks much improved already. This is her second spring here. She forms a good vine and buds like small golf balls, then begins to wilt. I picked off the buds and applied lots of compost. Last year I used the plant spikes that you screw onto 2 liter soda bottles with the bottom cut out. I filled them once a week with Miracle grow and water and sunk them next to the roots. This provided good growth, but she still could not support bloom this season.

Am hoping for better results next year.

Clematis "Kermisiana" is growing great guns but does not bloom until later. Guess that is why I appreciate it, the other are largely done until it blooms.

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Here are a couple of shots of one of my Crystal Fountains. This plant is 2 years old. It seems to be rather low growing...I hope in the future it gets higher, but other than that it's a great clem.

Thumbnail by goldfinch4
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Here it is on the other side of the fence. I'm pleased that it's making a nice show on both sides of the fence.

Thumbnail by goldfinch4
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Finch..your Clematis "Crystal Fountain" is Stunning!!..
Kudrick ,Seeds and Niobe your clematis are so beautiful..How I wished I had a spot for a climbing Hydrangea..they are wonderful!!..Jeanne

Delaware, OH

love the crystal fountain. a lot of the true doubles seem to bloom low until they are 5 yrs old. you have to work with it, maybe let them hang over a wall vs look small on your support. i love the red twig cornus and spirea in you border with crystal fountain!

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