I LOVE Marden's!

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

You never know what you're going to find at Marden's here in Maine!
They just got a huge shipment of these little girls and I fell in love with them immediately.
I was afraid to see how much they were asking for them but when I tipped her over I saw $7.99!!!!
I bought 2. One for this little Goldfish Plants which seems to like being carried so gently by her and the other little girl holds the toilet paper in the bathroom which is so cute but thought you'd rather see the picture of her holding the plant *lol*
I'm always looking for cute ways to display my babies and I just LOVED this little girl.

Have a great day all!


Thumbnail by kimskreations
Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Well there you are stranger!!! I've been thinking about you. Where have you been posting or did you just come back today? I don't frequent C and S anymore, for no particular reason.

The girl is so CUTE! You always display your plants so nicely.

Good to see you posting again!


Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Hello Friend!

I don't post much anymore. I went back to work 6 months ago and just don't seem to have the time that I once did. I miss it dearly but life gets in the way. Work is very stressful on me and every other day I'm leaving to find a "normal" job but alas I feel dedicated to trying with all my might to make it no matter what. Foolish me.

Things in Maine are so cold, damp and wet.

How have you been? Miss you muchly!


(Zone 1)

Oh, I just LOVE that "Little Girl" statuary! What a GREAT buy .... $7.99??? I sure wish we had a Marden's down here in the South, but alas, I've never heard of them. Do they by chance have a web site? What type of store is it?

Oh, she is just soooo cute! I love displaying plants and things like that too! Love the idea of her holding the TP in the bathroom too! Cute! She would also look very proper just standing in the garden amongst the flowers!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

That is beautiful, wish I had that store here in Texas,; I would snap that up!!!! Gorgeous.
Thanks for sharing!!!
Ruby :)

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)


Marden's is a surplus/salvage store. If you don't buy it the day you see it there, it won't be there when you go back. They NEVER have the same stuff....changes every day. I LOVE going there just to see what kind of "goodies" I can't live without. I couldn't leave her behind that's for sure. She is so "me".

Thank you so much for enjoying her first photo shot.


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