Oh yeah baby! I scored 3 more heuchera!

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Seems you might have to take the Northern route,,,Marie and I will take you out to lunch,,,,just leave the keys in your car so Bill can get some out of there for me.......lol

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Well then it's time to buy a roof rack so you can pack your clothes up there and stop wasting inside space on stuff like that ;-)


Falls Church, VA

9kittymom - Wow!!! I want to buy some from where you go!! I'm kinda far - northern Virginia. Too bad.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

It's only a short detour bzas :-) She can do it on the way to me up here -LOL


Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

You guys are so cute!!


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

(takes a bow) why thank you Susan! ;-)


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Yeah, what Molly did and said,,,,LOL

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)



Falls Church, VA

Thought I'd share a website with you all. Lists all the heucheras "on earth", or so it says.


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Went to a local nursery/garden center (the one where I've bought several heucheras so far) and found Caramel ! Paul bought it for me as a Mother's Day gift! I was so excited. It's been real high on my want list! Now Georgia Peach or Sparkling Burgundy are tied for that place - LOL

I also stopped at our Lowes this morning and found two there but didn't buy them. They had Mocha Mint and Creme Brulee (I think it was those two-bad memory). Anyway they were very similar and straggly like the ones from Walmart (and expensive at $12.99) so I passed.

At that nursery where I found Caramel they also had Paris but I saw nothing very interesting about it (unless it was mislabelled). Looked like a plain green with red flowers.
With Caramel I believe I'm up to 10 heucheras. (almost left Obsidian out of my counting!)


This message was edited May 13, 2007 7:41 PM

Thornton, IL

I know it's not a heuchera, but it's a friend, tee hee. I had to tell someone...today, I found Crow Feather tiarella from Terra Nova. Tag says "probably the best winter color of ALL Tiarellas - simply stunning"! I love that the most, it's like getting 2 for 1, LOL. Happy planting you all!

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Good for you! That is a nice Tiarella.

Thornton, IL

What can I expect for fall Kelly? Is it multicolored, or all one color? The girl at the nursery said it "turned colors" but also they didn't have Crow Feather last year. The point she was making was that they leave them out in fall, and that all their containers go in the greenhouse for winter. That helps explain the high prices for some of their older stock, but I guess you do get a more well-developed root system, to a point.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Mine is outside all year. It gets a nice purple color in the middle as the season progresses.

Thornton, IL

Ooo, sounds kewl. The Snow Angel heuchera I got last summer surprised me with a pinkish tinge in fall and winter, and it's now in bloom! It's no wonder these are so addicting, not much is showy here all year long.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Went to a nursery today and completely forgot to look for the Heucheras,,,,sheesh

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Wash your mouth out with soap! Forgot to look at the heucheras! Next thing she'll be saying she doesn't look at plants! Sheesh-LOL


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I completely forgot. I think I had it in my mind that I have no more room and that's why I didn't look at any Perennials,,,,,,,not even hostas,,,,,Hate it when I have no room, and Bill's not being very cooperative with putting in another bed or 2.

(Zone 5b)

I'm new to DG (as a member, not a casual lurker) as of yesterday, but hey, did any of you take the Dale's Strain out of my cart while I was looking around Bluestone? LOL!

I scored a Marmalade at a local nursery as well. Sweet! The small one I got from (somewhere) last year never came back this year. (I am quickly learning the value of a good fall mulching!!!)

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Most plants really treasure that fall mulching! I do two.
I use a triple ground mulch in the spring because that holds moisture and that's what you need throughout the summer. In the fall I put down a chunky mulch because you don't want the water retention then. You want the insullating value instead.


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Welcome to DG. You will find many wonderful people here, very generous and caring.

What kind of mulch do you use in the fall?

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

The kind that is big pine chunks.


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Oh, I see. Do the plants have any trouble pushing up through that in the Spring? I just use leaves and get them off before the plants start coming up.

Birmingham, IA(Zone 5a)

I'm going to have to get Midnight Rose and French Quarter. I'm just getting started and didn't even realize there were so many. I have Marmalade, Purple Palace, Caramel, Lime Rickey (isn't doing well and will probably lose it), and one other reddish/burgandy leaf one.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Once I'm sure the worst of the weather is over I walk around pulling it backfrom the crowns. I do this for all my plants, not just the heucheras.


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Welcome to the holics world of Heucheras. Yes, there are many lovely ones out there.

That's what I thought.

Finger Lakes, NY(Zone 6a)

I thought I would jump in with a HeucLovers hello. All of my heucheras came back this year and look good so far, but the heat has not hit yet. Some of mine do fine in the summer heat but Lime Rickey, and the Stoplight looked heat stroked last year. They are all great now. Here are a few of mine:

Snow Angel

Thumbnail by rsquared
Finger Lakes, NY(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by rsquared
Finger Lakes, NY(Zone 6a)

Silver Scrolls, Stoplight, and another marmalade

Thumbnail by rsquared
Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Lovely plants. They all look so healthy and lush.


Finger Lakes, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks! They seem to do well in this garden, especially the shadiest side. My Lime Rickey, Obsidian and another Sport Light get more sun on the other end and don't keep that lush look that I love about heucheras.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)


where do you get most of your heucheras from? I'm in the Canandaigua area and am having trouble finding them with a few exceptions. I don't think I've even seen Silver Scrolls.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I got two more today in the mail, Petite Pearl Fairy and Raspberry Ice. I couldn't believe it when I opened the package that Raspberry Ice was in. The plant was huge and had flower spikes on it. I ordered in from Viette Nurseries. Petite Pearl Fairy was very tiny and it came from Mason Hallow Nursery.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Do you have a website for Viette Nursery?


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Here you go. http://www.viette.com/products.php?pid=77713160&openparent=1630

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

I found it too!! :( the frown is because I FOUND it!!! I would like to know where to go to find the shipping costs. The prices are kinda high, but if the plants are big, it makes a lot of difference.

I got my Bluestone perennial sale order today. It is wonderful!! Sure didn't expect the plants to be that good and be on half price. I will get some pictures soon, the darn thing came by FedEx at 6:30pm. Now is that a good time to receive plants???



Finger Lakes, NY(Zone 6a)


I too live in Cdga and I found some of my heucheras at Bristols (in Victor) and Wayside (in Fairport not the mail order place.)

My Silver Scrolls is older, but I recently added a Prince of Silver from Bristols and I can't tell them apart. It is too new for me to tell if it is as hardy as SS.

I want many of my plants before the local nursery get them in. I have place orders in Jan/Feb with both Bristols and Wayside and they do their best to get "new" releases for me. I often pay too much to get them before general release.

I also order from the internet to get plants I can't find locally.

Good luck with your gardening. I saw some previous posts from you and know you are working with a lot more land than I have here in the City. If you can find Silver Scrolls, I highly recommend it. It is hardy and has needed no special attention.

Best Wishes

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Thanks Rose,

I'll have to check out Wayside. I haven't been over there in a year at least. Place is so big I get tired walking around!
I was at Bristols just yesterday but there was nothing new in the way of heucheras. Even the hostas seemed on the way out. They seem to be focusing on the summer perennials now.
I have to go back today so I'll look through their stuff again and see if anything new came in the shipment they were unpacking yesterday.


Finger Lakes, NY(Zone 6a)

I added another Heuchera today. I said I had to stop buying them, but a huge gallon sized beauty for a steal; I couldn't pass it up. I told my husband that it would be probably be around $12 to $15 because of the size, and that if I saw the tag and it was less than $10, it had to come home with me...$5.99 what a deal....Crimson Curls.

I know it is not new to many, but new to my garden and looking great with the rain we finally got after a month with nothing.

Thumbnail by rsquared

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