Sans. Growers: Browning Tips

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi everybody,

Am new to growing Birdsnest Type Sans. which new one of mine was getting browning, drying tips. This one was mailed to me, w/ nice roots, so after potting it up, I did water it somewhat. The browning seems to have subsided, but I haven't a clue as to what might have caused it. My non-Birdnest type Sans. haven't done this, so am at a loss as to cause. TIA for any & all ideas.

Have thought about your question that I've seen here and there, and got to thinking about one of mine doing something similar.

Are these spots, raised, sunken, irregular? Just brown spots leaves lots to the immagination. The BN of mine that has done this, I sunburnt on fresh tender growth. It is a sunken brown spot almost like tissue paper. I'm wondering if both of you could have sunburnt these, or was it sunburnt before sent to you?

Really, I'm just guessing here!

Valley Village, CA

Hi gals, I don't know, but I thought that the tips of most Sans. turn brown, tan, white. Mine do not have this yet, but they are young. I am surprised because of our dry hot weather that this would not occur. If I can get in touch with the San. group I'll ask them. Would you both like this email address? Could they have dried out at any time? I can't manage to keep the T. hanii alive due to the fact I just water them too much in the winter. They like it warmer than I can keep them, I don't have a heated green house. Norma

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Thx ladies for trying, I do appreciate it.

Cena - they're not brown spots (maybe my explanation could have been more clear), but browning tips (looking dried out), more like a Spider plant's or Aglaonema's brown tips. The other person having this problem posted same query to GW in hopes of culling answers (maybe from Supannee &/or Brooks, as I know them to be major & excellent Sans. growers). Someone named Russ answered, but mostly his comments had to do w/ (1) culture & (2) medium & the other person having this problem (& I) both have a handle on those aspects (which Russ confirmed after I described situation w/ both aspects).

The browing tips have abated & plant continues to get taller (tho' doesn't yet have new inner growth). Just that none of the (now 14) other types (non-Birds Nest) Sans. I have do this. Am perplexed & would like it not to happen again. Thx all the same gang!!

Crasulady: Sure I'd like their address, tho' am a bit overextended at the moment. If you could ask them on our behalf, we would be most grateful. Thx much for offering to help, pls. post back if, when, they reply.

Didn't you say the plants were recently received in the mail. The problem could be from the shock of transportation--not that the other grower did anything wrong--just that plants in transit--especially with the hot weather could have suffered tissue damage OR root damage--which often shows up as leaf die back or leaf spotting. It sounds like your damage was temporary as you say they are recovering. Sunburn can easily occur with sansevierias. A plant that is not used to direct sun--especially a more shade tolerant species like trifasciata (of which hahnii is a sport) can easily burn if put where direct rays of the sun can hit. The other problem is heat burn, which happens when a plant is next to a sunny window, which heats up the still air and foliage. The cure for this is either to move the plant or create air ciruculation with a fan positioned to move the air inside the window.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)


Thx much, you raised some excellent points. Yes, it ws mailed (tho' in May/June(?), before it got so hot). Hadn't thought of shock of transit.

Also, hadn't stopped to consider that I might be giving it more light that its prior home, that makes sense; especially since it does seem to be getting better. Sharp thinking, YAYYYYY Jon!!

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