New croton

Phelan, CA(Zone 8b)

Picked up a croton the other day at Lowe's. I wish I could post a pic, but it doesn't work for me. Anyway, it has narrow leaves, but not as narrow as many crotons I've seen. They are about 3/4 of an inch wide. The lower leaves are almost black with a bright red stripe down the center. The new growth on top has leaves that are medium green with yellow stripes down the center. Also, some of the leaves have little tendrils that come off the ends of them and little baby leaves on the ends of the tendrils. Anyone know what this croton might be?


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I'm jealous!! (Ü)
I had one a couple of years was growing like gangbusters and then (gasp!) I forgot to water it.....!!!!
I don't recall the Latin name offhand but it's aka 'Mother and Daughter' or Mother-Daughter croton.

Congrats on your new find....Lin has totally renewed my interest in Crotons, and I'm happy for you despite my jealousy;)

Nan, thank you so much for the ID! And that is indeed what I have, although its hard to find much info about this croton online. I did manage to find a few pictures, and you did a great job! There were a few others there too. Did you want me to pick you up one?


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Randi...I know that darned plant has a specific name, but, for the life of me....I can't find it/can't remember it!
I noticed, too, that it's tough to find info about it on the internet. I'm thinking I'd found more info with the botanical name.....but I have absolutely drawn a blank!

Wow, thanks for offering to pick one up for me.....I don't know what to say!!??
I'd love one, really, but would have to reciprocate somehow....anything you're looking for?

Its been over a week since I got the Croton, so don't know if there are any left there or not. Its SUPER windy here in the desert today, so I won't be going out. I plan to be out and about next Monday for sure, and I'll look to see if there are any left. There were only about a dozen, and to be honest, I doubt any will be left, since anything the slightest bit unusual goes real fast around here. The plant distributors don't like making the trek here real often. But I'll definitely look for you!


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Oh, Randi...don't worry about it, really!! (Ü)

I'll bet you're right....gone in a flash, just like they would be around here.

How's yours doing? Good I hope!

It does look like it MIGHT be my croton, but the color in mine is so vivid - maybe the picture just didn't pick that up, but the older, lower leaves on my plant have a LOT of vivid red, and the upper, new ones have a LOT of vivid yellow. Its one of the brightest colored crotons I've ever seen. If I can find a pic on the web of one that has coloring like mine, and is of the same type, I'll post the link. Its just too hard to describe this gorgeous plant.

(Zone 1)

Sure wish you could post a pic of yours, it sounds so pretty!

edited to say: Usually the more sun, the more vivid the colors will be.

This message was edited Apr 13, 2007 1:26 PM

(Zone 1)

Here's my favorite ... growing in the ground in my yard:

edited to say: The name of this one is "Mamey"

This message was edited Apr 13, 2007 1:30 PM

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Here's one called Croton 'Batik'

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

This one is 'Petra'

Thumbnail by plantladylin

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