68 House Plants ....

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Just brought them in from the porches, it's suppose to drop down to 32F tonight and 25F on Saturday, with the possibilities of frost and snow. Don't even mention Global Warming to me!!

Now we're out to bring in approx 50 Brugmansia ... @#$@$@#$ (that is not cussing it's frustration)


Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

What a job! The weather sure has been odd. You be careful moving all that or you'll end up with a backache.


(Zone 1)

I feel your frustration Judy! We have had a very mild winter down here in Florida, but there were 3 or 4 times where I was moving plants in and out, thinking it wasn't gonna get cold again! Hah! I guess Mother Nature likes to pull fast ones on us once in awhile! I will have to move my Orchids in by the weekend and a couple of other tender plants. We have been in the Mid 80's for hight and Mid 60's for lows the past few weeks, now we are supposed to be in the 40's at night by the weekend and 60's during the day! This Global Warming thing is making me @#*&^%$@## if you know what I mean! And, I don't cuss!

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Wow 60 brugs. I do good to manage the 6 I have, and they are small. I love brugs after having one last summer.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


Many of mine are duplicates or rooted cuttings. I can't seem to throw even a broken limb away. They make my heart sing when they are in bloom but are so much trouble.

I left 16 planted in the yard and I know for sure 3 Frosty pinks had new sprouts, I just hope they make it through this cold spell. I'm anxious to see how many more make it.

Do you have the Frosty Pink? If so you might try leaving one planted in the ground over-winter to see if it will come back in your zone. I put mulch around them, then large black plastic buckets over the top, weighted down so the wind didn't blow it off. Buckets came from a cattleman, minerals etc for cattle are shipped in them and he really didn't have use for them, so you might want to see if you can find some in your area. They also make great pots for the brugs, after you drill drainage holes.


This message was edited Apr 5, 2007 1:18 PM

Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

I to am on way to get my houseplants in at least for the next week :o(...I have about 100 of them on the front porch..so i guess i should get crackin...it will be in the mid 30's for the lows the next week. :o(
Will count them as i bring them in


Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

You know, I feel your pain. Really, I do. But this is a pic I just took out my front door about 30 seconds ago.....

Thumbnail by heathrjoy
SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Uggh....and I thought bringing them in and toting them out *once* was bad!!

Can't believe you folks have plants out already.....I can't put anything out until at least mid-May, and last year we had frost on May 18th.

One year was so cold and rainy in the spring, that I didn't take plants out until June!!

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

heathrjoy & nan,

It's tough for me to handle the up and down temps we have here, so I know I couldn't handle the cold temps farther North.

I just checked the weather and it's suppose to go down to 22F Saturday night. Can you imagine, the Iris that are about to bloom, the tiny peaches on the trees, the hostas some up and out all the way while others are just up about 4-5 inches, the azalea blooms .. all of this will be killed by the freeze this weekend. Right now it's 54F with winds at 10 MPH with gusts up to 17 MPH and there is no reason to think the wind will die down for the weekend.

All this sounds so bleak ... but I'm always looking for the silver lining in all situations so I'll keep looking. At least we got to enjoy the earlier Spring weather, that sounds pretty near to a silver lining doesn't it.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Eeeek....that white stuff! It too is very cold here today, 40 degrees now with a bitter icy wind. I just got back from the store and I saw someone out with shorts and a T-shirt. I couldn't believe it. It will be about another month before we can think of putting plants outdoors for the summer.

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

I just keep telling myself that this will be the end of winter for us. We had warmed up, then got blasted w/ this. Actually, we should be used to this kind of thing, it happens nearly every year.

Our silver lining - nothing has begun to grow so much that it will be harmed for the year. I hope everyone else's stuff will be ok and pull through.

I usually put my houseplants out around mid-May also. Nothing will go in the ground until Memorial Day weekend. I really don't know how folks north of me have gardens...zone 4, 3, etc. They must put out some mammoth sized seedlings!

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

So, is everyone warming back up yet? Did everyone get everything brought in? I hope so!!

Our snow is almost gone again...hopefully for good this time.

Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

I got my plants all in, however my azalea and hosta blooms are up and looking beautiful and i hope they will do ok...at least my hosta....they are looking so nice...this is only my second year growing them and oh they look so nice...i brought in over a hundred houseplants and my living room is all filled up but at least the will survive.


Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Hi, Char, glad to hear your hosta are doing well. Some of mine didn't fare so well the past two nights, the foliage was frozen. The good thing about hostas is they just put up new leaves :~) I'm not so sure about some other plants :~(


Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

Yeah Lana, your right....we broke a record low last night, i think the old record was 20, i don't know what the new record is now, my mom just mentioned it to me on the phone...I know by wednesday it is supposed to start warming up again...I know in the summer when it gets in the 90's i WONT complain that it is to hot....so if I do just direct me back to this thread..hehehe

Hope you all have a Blessed Easter,


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

We have one more night of freezing weather to get through.

The leaves on the Oak tree outside my bedroom window are shrivelled therefore I'm not in a hurry to look at other plants.


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I have hauled mine in so many times this winter, I am getting a tad weary......today the weather is supposed to get better and be in the 90's by Friday....go figure what mother nature is doing....Now, I get to clean the front porch and haul them back out hopefully for the final time...check out the coleus in my bedroom (LOL)
PS....I spend Friday pulling folding tables out of the storage building...no wonder I am tired of this!!!!

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

I gave away so many house plants last fall because I knew I couldn't take care of so many. Up popped an early Spring and I bought more. lol lol Tomorrow I should be able to move them out to the porch for the final time.

red_princess_71 - Now you know we will all complain about the 90F or higher days. lol

gessiegirl - those coleus look great!!


This message was edited Apr 9, 2007 10:24 AM

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

because i treat the plants like real babies....my adult children laugh at me....can't clean porch today...temps still lingering in the high 40' s, low 50's....water is too cold to be washing down anything outside for me!!!!!

Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

Well i took my plants back out to the porch and said a long prayer that they would stay safe... and as of right now they are all safe....i guess i will give it a month on so and see how they are doing...


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Gosh Awful Winds Here...... the trees were swaying something awful, therefore I didn't move the house plants back to the porches, but maybe tomorrow.


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