Should I cut it back?

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ(Zone 7a)

I have a succulent, I don't know it's name, but I have finally found the right lighting conditions for it in my house. The thing is from it growing in the not so great lighting conditions it has a bare stem till the new growth. The stem is about 4-6 in long. and it is also curved in an odd way. Should I just leave it be or should I try and help it look a bit better?
Thanks for any help that you can give.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Holly,

Wanna help, but really hard to say w/out a clue as to what the plant is, can you pls. give some descriptive clues. As to curving oddly, perhaps can you turn it (& afterwards it might even out on its own, restretching to the light). HTH

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ(Zone 7a)

P.G. I put a photo in the identification forum. Bit here is the link to the pic.

Valley Village, CA

It looks like an Echevieria or hybrid, not a Crassula, but the treatment would be the same, cut off the head or leaf cluster just under the rosette. Now lay this on clean soil and wait until you see the roots then sink them, not the plant, you may now water it. Save the base leaving only about 2" above the soil line. You may want to give this base some fresh soil, that will ususally jump start a plant. Water the base, not the rosette. I believe if I'm correct about the species, even the leaves is put on top of soil will eventualy grow offsets. Norma

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Holly,

I just answered this ID for ya (I hope) but w/out realizing it, I posted it (at the link) at ID section, sorry for the goof, but pls. go there to read my response. Thx

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