New Thread for April

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Masgard--- A RU is a gathering of folks that come in here. Next one is in Sedalia Mo. WOW Caseyville I got realations in that area. Mostly belleville now. Use to be loaded with them but now it is just 2 cousins and a Aunt. My kids are over in St charles and Columbus Oh One of my cousins works for the Belleville News Paper and the other is retired and lives out on Lincoln Trails.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Oz, I think you have relatives everywhere!! LOL

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

masgard, we would be glad to have you attend the RU. The more DGers the merrier. There are threads specific to the RU on this forum. Please feel free to jump right in the pie.

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Well i have some in Ill ,Oh, Mo and Hawaii.

Caseyville, IL(Zone 6a)

Oz, it sounds like you have a large family like mine. I'm the oldest of 14.Lincoln Trail is about 2 miles from me. Leaflady, the gathering sounds like a lot of fun, but my rose society's annual auction is on the 22nd of April so all of my extra plants will have been sold and my gas money spent.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Masgard, no plants for trading is no deterient to coming to an RU. Now, push water for you vehicle could be a BIG problem. I don't know where in Il. Caseyville is or I would tell you to check around and see who in your area you might be able to ride with. Check out the RU forum and see when and where the IL RU is. Maybe you can make it to that one. Or plan for our fall RU.

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Leaflady she is right accross the river From St Louis. I think the closest person to her would be CrystalNurse over in Maryland Heights my old neighborhood in a suburb in St Louis.

Masgard--- No a small family. Getting smaller every year. I deo not see anyone but very rarely from your area. I live on Lake of the Ozarks for the past 13 yrs.

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

What's the deal? I think I missed the memo that winter wasn't over yet!!

Thumbnail by cjolene
Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I heard from someone at work tonight that this patteren is suppose to continue until the 24th of April. 10 more days. We have snow!! Possible accumulation of 3" by morning.

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

They're predicting 5-10 inches here. And next week it should warm up. What's the deal??

Maysville, MO(Zone 5a)

Must be global warming...........

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

You know...I was thinking something along the same lines!!! lol ; D

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

I do not know if it is global warming but I am convinced the climate is changing

Compton, AR(Zone 6a)

The climate has always been changing, otherwise the northern states would still be covered with glaciers, the forests would still be growing in the Painted Forest, and on and on.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

No snow here. Just rain.

Sedalia, MO

We got snow and rain mixed, the grass is white and it is still raining here this AM. I say it is global warming.My DD called and ask me last night, if April showers bring May flowers what does April snow bring.LOL It is supposed to warm tomorrow and start getting warmer so maybe this is the last fling, my poor plants sure hope so they want to go outside.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Yeah, my gardenia wants back out too. I want it out so the ants will quit coming out of the pot and invading the house. Still haven't managed to kill them all.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Pepper, water the plant with a special ant killing solution. That is what I do. It kills them in the soil and that is the end of it. You might even want to soak the pot in some of the solution for 30 minutes or so to get to the ones at the bottom of the pot.

I agree with Marion, the climate is always changing. It has been that way since the beginning of time. The earth tilts on it's axis about once every 50 years or so. I remember the ice age predictions back in the 60s & 70s. When that didn't happen they switched to the global warming. This weather hardly seems warming to me.

I will be so glad when I can put these animals out of the house for the entire season with the exception of hard rains, etc. The 2 little ones had gotten pretty good about going outside to potty. Since it has gotten cold again they have forgotten why they get put outside and come back in to do their jobs. They have been loose in the main part of the house the past few days but that is going to end as of now.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

No snow here yet but it has been raining since last night and the temperature is dropping rapidly. This kind of weather wreaks havoc with my hands. They are very cold and stiff with the dampness and low temperatures. I guess I had better wear gloves to walk the pups.

But on the positive side, I just looked at some of the posts from folks up north who have FEET of snow so I guess we should count our blessings here.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

TT, I feel for you with the sore stiff hands. That must be a real pain to live with. I've known others who have that problem and they hate this kind of weather. With my youngest DD it is her feet that she has problems with. People with fibro and arthritis hurt all over. I don't think this weather agrees with much of anyone really.
The snow is 99% melted. I wonder just what the next 10 - 15 days will bring. That is why I am suggesting the indoor plan B for the RU. At least we can get in out of the cold. I am not a nice person when I am cold and stiff for very long. I'll take my chances with the people from this site. It seems about the same people who were at the ones last year will be here the 28th so I feel I know them anyway.

Holly came up and helped show me again how to change the whole house filter in the basement. This time she let me do it so I know how to do it myself next time. She did it for me last time. We also connected the sump pump hose to the one outside so the basement won't fill with water with all this water from heaven. I thought it was because I saw a hose for it outside. Dumb me didn't look to see if it was connected to the one in the basement. We noticed some water on the floor in the basement and that caused her to check on it. Now it will drain way out into the yard. It use to keep a tree well watered but it was cut it down last summer. Now it will just water that part of the yarden. I may move it over closer to one of the Mulberry trees so it will get the extra water. We don't want too long a hose as it has to be moved when the lawn is mowed.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

As this morning, it was 31* and darn so cold. I has take business guy to Springfield Airport today. Sure it rain there, too!

I stop by at Wonders of Wildlife and Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World sure there is so much fun to see all the displays. I took alot of pics today about 229.

Thumbnail by JuJu55
Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Another one:

(My Black Van)

Thumbnail by JuJu55
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

They are building a HUGE Bass Pro complex in Independence. Will be done in 2009.

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Yeah i figured that would be coming soon Pepper. They are going to give Cabelas a bit of competion it appears. I have never been to the Cabela's in KC would like to see it.

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

I went inside and it so huge long like big fireplace like double doors open it really nice there to keep warm!

Thumbnail by JuJu55
Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

2nd wall:

Thumbnail by JuJu55
Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

3rd wall upper:

Thumbnail by JuJu55
Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Another one I took far way to see deers:

Thumbnail by JuJu55
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Oz, there is also a Bass Pro in Olathe. But it's just a regular store. Nothing fancy. Just finished it last month I think.

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

The weather has really warmed up. Yesterday I was wearing gloves and today I could almost be wearing shorts (if was prepared to scare the local wildlife with my white glowing legs.......) Speaking of local wildlife, we had several deer come up to within feet of the back door early this morning. Do you think that the latest cold spell blasted all of the food they usually count on in the early spring? I have quite a bit of dried squirrel corn left from this winter I was thinking about setting out. Will they eat it if it is still attatched to the cob or does it have to be loose? It would be quite a job to get all of that corn off.

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

I do take the dries corn off and put on ground...

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Any farmer will tell you to save yourself the effort of shelling corn for deer. They can do a fine job of eating that corn right off the cob. They destroy thousands of acres of corn fields every fall. That is why the hunting seasons have increased in length.

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Rusty----- Do not feed them if you value your plants. Thery might eat the dried carn then again they might just decide they would like some fresh greens and that will not help your garden a bit.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I'm one of the lucky ones. Have never had a deer in the yard. We have had turkeys and horses get loose here but none of them damaged anything.

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

I don't have deer around here I am in city that only I have is rabbit and squirrels. Rusty is guard his own yard! lol...

Only I gonna get some good soap which is 20 mules pulled huge old wagon (salt soap) that I use on ground to get rid of fleas and some pests. It will grow back and nice green lawn (grass). I has use this before. Remember never put around the trees. It'll destory trees' roots. I can't remember the name of 20 mules pulled huge wagon.


Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the help regarding the corn for deer. I am fortunate in that we have some room. We have a large power line that goes through part of our property and I had set out some salt blocks for the deer last year near there. It is a bit of a distance both from the house and the flower garden and I went ahead and scattered some corn there. I have seen deer tracks near the salt blocks so I am sure they will find the corn. Ours is old strip mine ground and heavily wooded. There is a small lake very near it (within a 20 minute walk) so I am surprised they came up to the house. I have heard a lot of turkeys this year in the woods but have yet to see any. I will have to look and see if the fox family has come back again this year. There is a female that has denned in a mound of what I assume are the leftovers from mining. It has a lot of burrows going in and out and she usually will have her babies there. Last year or the year before she had twins that stayed around for quite a while. I would see them from time to time and they were so cute to watch!

BOUQUETS and Happy Birthday Pepper! Glad you don't have the rats with 4 hooves pestering your garden.Have a great evening!

I think the Bambi's friends from the farmer's field devoured my redbud nearly to death during the bitter cold and the KILLER FREEZE finished them off!

Benton, KS(Zone 6a)

I don't see many deer in our yard eating from the garden but the bunnies are pretty regular visitors if we don't stay on our toes. The good thing is that I work in a salon...and know a few people that work in other salons and can get as much human hair as I want to put in stockings for the perimeter of the garden. With so many of us saving the hair....I can have a bunch in a short period of time :-)

It snowed here last week too...but the few things I already had out in the garden fared well. I put row covers over them to help and it worked out great!

Sedalia, MO

Oh a late happy birthday pepper!! My Sis's birthday is also the 15. Hope you did something fun.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Blood meal or even meat juices will keep the bunnies away. So will hot pepper sauce.

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