rabbit's foot fern

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4a)

With my new digital camera. The fern is about 25 years old.

Susan in Minneapolis

Thumbnail by smkennedy
North Augusta, ON

WOW...very nice!!!

You have my respect Susan, I've never been able to keep one of those ferns alive. That is one you can be very proud of.


(Zone 1)

One Awesome Fern! Great Growin!


(Zone 6a)

Very nice!!! I've had one of those for a few years......Do you have any growing tips?


Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4a)

I put the fern outdoors every summer on my porch, so it gets good light, but not much direct sun (although it gets some). In the summer, I water it until it overflows about twice a week. A large pot that can accomodate the "feet" that trail down is good, since to repot it disturbs them. In winter, it hangs in a south window, and looses at least half of its leaves. I water sparingly in winter, but start increasing water as spring approaches. I have never had any pests on it, even though I ALWAYS have some scale somewhere in my plant collection. And to make it even nicer, the leaves it sheds in winter are not nearly as messy as the Boston type. I don't fertilize much since I am cautious about fertilizing ferns, but maybe that isn't really true. Do you fertilize yours?

Susan in Minneapolis

This message was edited Apr 5, 2007 8:36 AM

(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the tips Susan :)
No, I never really fertilize it much, maybe once in a blue moon.....but thats it.
I grow mine near a north east window in a group with a bunch of other plants and it seems to do not to badly there. Do you mist yours? I get out of misting my plants by growing them in a group and they sort of humidify each other :) It does seem to lose alot of leaves in the winter so I thought maybe it would lost less if I misted it...


(Zone 6a)

What kind of soil do you use for your fern?


Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4a)

Mine has been in the same pot for about 20 years, but I am guessing it was the so-called Universal mix, which is intended for most house plants.


Deer Park, TX(Zone 9a)

How do you transplant an old beat up rabit's foot? I have already done what I thought I was supposed to do. But?

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4a)

I don't think I understand what the problem is with your fern. Why are you transplanting it? What is wrong with it? Can you attach a picture?


Deer Park, TX(Zone 9a)

Welllllllll not knowing what it was until after I butchered it, I took all the little furry roots (so I thought) that had a piece of fern on them and planted them in the soil.
I got it from a neighbor who was throwing out plants she did not want anymore. Everything was a little worse for wear, so I proceeded to transplant everything.
At this present moment they are all still alive....?
Just wanted to know If I have killed them.

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