Velvet Leaf Philodendron

Oshkosh, WI(Zone 4b)

I rescued this plant from work about a year ago. It was planted in a small pot with several other plants, and I wasn't sure if this one would make it. It has been growing, as you can see from the long stems, but the leaves are so small on it. Is it normal for this variety of philodendron to have tiny leaves? Or is there something I should do to make it grow better.

Thumbnail by candace101
(Zone 1)

Nice plant Cancace! I love the Velvet Leaf Philodendron micans. Here is the link to Plant Files where you can read about this plant:

edited to say: I have a couple of small pots of this plant that I've had probably five or six years. Some Philodendron leaves get larger as they get older. My Velvet Leaf Philo's have stayed small and the leaves are small too, but both plants seem to be healthy and doing well.

This message was edited Mar 26, 2007 9:01 PM

Oshkosh, WI(Zone 4b)

Thank you, plantladylin. I wasn't sure I could save this one at all. All that was left was two stems that didn't look very good, but I was able to get them to root in water. I was thinking of cutting down the long stems and rooting them, then putting them back into the main pot to make a fuller plant. I do that with my other philodendrons and my pothos plants too.

It's good to hear that the small leaves are normal for this one. It does seem healthy, as it just keeps right on growing. Would fertilizer help it? I was thinking that it's almost time to get out the plant food and start feeding my plants again.

(Zone 1)

Cancace: Fertilizer wouldn't hurt! I am soooo bad about that .... I never seem to remember to feed my plants and I'm sure they would do much better if I did. When I do fertilize, I always use less than recommended on the label. I have used those Job's Fertilizer Spikes for Houseplants before and they seem to do well too.

Good luck with your Philo micans.

Oshkosh, WI(Zone 4b)

I use those Job's Fertilizer Sticks too, and they do work well. I'll have to pick up some and start sticking them into pots!

Thanks, I hope I can keep this one alive.

SW, WI(Zone 4b) does look pretty good, but IMHO, it needs more light.
I have one in a 'less than ideal' spot (lightwise) and it, too, has those smaller leaves.
I noticed that the leaves nearest the pot are larger, so that's my opinion.
Good save! lol!

(Zone 1)

Oh Nan, Thanks for that advice ... I am going to move mine to better light! They have been in a dark corner of the bedroom!

Candace: Nan KNOWS plants and gives really good advice!


Oshkosh, WI(Zone 4b)

Hi Nan,

I'm giving this one as much light as my heart leafed philodendron and my Philodendron Brazil. Both of them seem to be doing well. It's medium to bright light, and they both are happy there. Does the Velvet Leaf need more light though? I'll move it to a brighter location for now and see if that helps.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Hi Candace!
I don't really *know* if it's known for needing more light than P. scandens, though scandens is famous for growing well in low light.
The one thing I know for sure is that my own P. micans is (purposely) hanging in a low light situation, and it's newer growth consists of leaves that are smaller in size than the older leaves (those that existed when I first obtained the plant.)
Since I knew when I placed the plant there that the lighting was less than ideal, and I observed that the newer growth is smaller....I'm just making a (semi-!) educated guess!

I would try it in better light for a few months and see what happens.

Maybe there's something about that 'velvety' leaf surface that requires more light than the surface of P. scandens?

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

I always killed these at home so I brought one to work and put on top of my shelve under a light, and it has grown considerably since I brought it.

Thumbnail by snboyken
(Zone 1)

Nice one Sharon! Love "Mickey" too! Makes a nice Cache Pot for the Philo!

Oshkosh, WI(Zone 4b)

Hi Nan, I moved my plant to a different plant shelf where it will get more sun, so I'll watch it and see how it does. I know my Pothos doesn't like lots of light, as the leaf tips burn when it gets too much sun. I'll keep an eye on my Velvet Leaf and see how it does, and I'll keep you posted on it's progress as well.

Oshkosh, WI(Zone 4b)

Wow, Sharon, your plant is beautiful! Your pic shows how shiny the leaves are. Your plant really likes it where you have it!

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