Peace lily HELP

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

HELP Leave turning brown
Wierd plant as no stalks for leaves only flower
Flowering well but leaves are dying
LOOKS Terible

Crozet, VA

Hi Anita - I am glad that you posted this question. My peace lily is not doing very well either and I am looking forward to hearing from some others who are more successful with them than we are. ha-ha

Holly, yours was beautiful. How did you do it?


Gold Hill, OR(Zone 7a)

What is the soil like? soggy? hard and dry? If possible unpot the plant and look at the roots to see if they are healthy or not.

Peace Lily likes to be slightly dry between waterings, then drench it. Watch the leaves -- when they start to droop just a little it's time to water. Soggy soil is not good, the roots need oxygen, which is not there in really soggy soil. ( I like to use a tub of water and submerse the plant until air bubbles stop)


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Peace lilies have *always* done this to me, no matter what I've tried, until I started watering them with distilled water (our well water has a very high lime content, and I think they detest it!).

I agree w/DebiV...check your roots first...if they look good think about your water.

Gold Hill, OR(Zone 7a)

Very True Nan --- Some plants cannot tolerated the minerals that are present in well water. I now have a holding tank and haul city water. Before the well went almost dry (less than 1 gpm) I had a very hard time keeping ANY type of plant alive because the well water had a high concentraton of boron, which keeps plants from uptaking needed nutrients. Some minerals in well water can be deadly to potted plants because the concentration in the soil builds up over time.


Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

peace lilies need alot of water - sometimes hard to keep them that wet inside (tray's overflow). dunking idea from Scorpioangel good one if your container is not too heavy.

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks All for the advice
Will give a bath and try repotting

Gold Hill, OR(Zone 7a)

Good Luck!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Benign neglect, DebiV is right. That's pretty much what I do, Wait till I see the leaves start to droop and then drown it. Also it usually sits back from the window and sometimes behind other plants. Although I have a lot of glass so it still gets a good bit of light.

Gold Hill, OR(Zone 7a)

Ditto HollyAnn .... Mine even sits where a fan blows warm air on it most of the time and it does great as long as I don't overwater it. :) Did one in doing that ;(


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