What is everyone starting?

Blackwood, NJ(Zone 7a)

Starting: zinnia (giant double purple), Mex. Sunflower, annual phlox, Joseph's coat, red morning glory, hyacinth bean, annual gaillardia, nasturtium Empress of India, CA poppy(direct sows)

Now, what I don't need to sow ever again, because of self-sowing: cypress vine (like a weed), globe amaranth, cleome, portulaca

Elmira, NY(Zone 6a)

ecrane, I have been wanting to grow a Phlomis forever. It's a yellow-flowered one I keep seeing pictured in Jelitto's catalog, but the seeds are pricey. You're growing some interesting stuff. Does the Guaiacum sanctum have a scent?

My own seed starts are a pretty long list. Some of the more interesting (to me) are Lobelia siphilitica rosea, Papaver alboroseum, Meconopsis horridula, Hyoscyamus aureus, and Gentiana algida. Just germinating are Hysocyamus muticus, Hymenoxys grandiflora, Santolina chamaecyparissus ssp. tomentosa, Lupinus littoralis, and some more common stuff like Chrysanthemum carinatum, the new Alcea nigra called Black Beauty (supposed to be blacker), and some stocks. I haven't started any of the warm germinators or the veggies yet--running real late this year.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I WS 5 jugs of butterfly bushes trying to get a yellow and a white one, I think every seed sprouted lol Trouble is I will put them in pots to see what color they are when they bloom, they always bloom later in the summer in 5" pots, that's gonna be a lot of 5" pots lol I'm still doing WS jugs and planting downstairs I don't think I'm ever going to get all of these seeds planted this year lol

Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

So your butterfly bushes will actually bloom first year? I am so excited!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

They will probably show me one bloom in the 5" pots so I can see what color I'm planting but it's kind of late in the summer, I really would like them to bloom sooner so they will get established in my garden, it takes the BB a while in my yard, sometimes I lose them when I plant them too late.

Flowers get root bound in small pots so they usually bloom, I have a lot that show at least one bloom in pots.

Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

I will have to remember that. I think I have some 5" pots... in fact, I am sure of it. And if they need to spend the winter in a larger pot in my garage (or basement), I can do that.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I put some BB in my garage this year but I don't know if they will come out of it or not, I'll let you know I can't do it in the basement it's too damp. One of my grasses is coming back so far in the garage mine isn't enclosed though it has latice all around so I have glass paynes by the BB to keep the wind off of them. I'm hoping to get my cousin to help me build a hoop house this year we'll see how that goes lol

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