Moving Them Out Onto The Porches ......

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Last year I waited until 3/25 to move them out and in 2005 it was 3/30. I'm moving the most hardy house plants like Begonias, some Philos and since they are semi-protected by the porches, I figured I could throw a sheet over them if the temps drop too low. I also pulled out some brugs from their hiding place and they don't look too awfully bad, I think they will hit the ground growing!!

I had to blow Oak leaves off part of the porches before I could get started. We've made good progress but we haven't made a dent in the plants to be pulled out of their wintering-over locations.

Spring is here .... I hope!!!


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

when is your last freeze or frost date, Judy??? I am in zone 9 and we had a hard freeze two weeks ago, but it seems spring really is here now..
I can't live without sheets stacked up and frost cloth rolled up, either....I figure???? it takes a good 10 degrees or close to that off of the cold for the plants...

(Zone 1)

Now see Gail .... I am in zone 9a too, and we haven't had a hard freeze here in about 6 or seven years! We had another real mild winter down here with only two or three nights in the mid 30's! A little frost only one morning! I have old sheets and blankets that we cover plants with too!

I'm pretty sure Spring is Here! And, in a lot of other area's of the Country too! Anyway, for all you who live way North .... it's on it's way! We had Robin's for a few days .... one week and then a couple of days another week .... Now, all the Robin's are gone, so they are heading back North .... it's warming up everywhere. Yay!


Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

I to have started moving the hardy plants outside on the porch, some have been out there for about 2 -3 weeks. And they are doing pretty good....moving alittle more out each day..


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

You know Lin, that if you brag about no freezes, we will have none next year and Florida might freeze to our 28 degrees twice this year (LOL)

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

I wish I could, it was 30 the other night again. It will be about 4 weeks before I can leave any out side.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Well, I'm resting for a few minutes then I have to get myself in gear to bring all those plants back into the house. I was a little too early, it's forecasted to drop to 30F tonight, but they sure needed the big drink of water and frest air so I don't regret it at all ... only thing is I filled up their space with seeds I've started the past few days!!! (Daturas, Daturas and more Daturas, plus several batches of Angel's Trumpets, lots of hardy Hibiscus and one little pot of lol )


This message was edited Mar 16, 2007 5:30 PM

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