Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Thank You!

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

I will Tplant, you can count on that. From what I understand the first several weeks (up to six) I'll be on liquids. They say anything that can drip from a spoon, but to try to stay away from heavy hard to digest items. I can have smoothies, but only store premade, I can only guess this is because they worry about you not blending the fruit to liquid. I also need to pick up drinks to try since I'll have to get a lot of my dietary needs from them for the first weeks/months.

I have to show up at the hospital at 6:30 in the morning so I can have my test done (keeping my fingers crossed I can be done before noon or my sugar will start to drop since I won't be able to have food or drink) they are doing an EKG, Chest X-ray, Blood work, Upper GI and two other test that I can't remember of the top of my head.

Tplant I'll have to start my own thread so as not to jack yours. Hee Hee I told my DH I was going to print your pictures and put them on the fridge.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Don't have to worry about hi-jacking my thread but by all means start your own but I will still be there for your support. May I suggest starting it in "Healthy Living" as it seems to be a more popular weight losing thread and start it today? Tell your story as "pre-op" and then go to "post-op" so people can appreciate and admire your great change and outlook on life? You will also have a great affect on others that are plagued with obesity. Don't be afraid to do so as you will succeed as we will all help you although you really will be more of an encouragement to us than we will be to you? No foolin!!! I am so very happy for you that I placed Aug 8 on my reminder memo....Is it OK if I call you at the hospital later in the day about 6 pm and say hello if your doctor allows? He should as it really is a simple surgery and you may even be ready to go home at that time? You can d-mail me if OK?

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Araness please give us the link to your thread. Congrats, you are well on your way to success. My bariatric surgery was 9 years ago now and everything is great.

Hugs - Kim

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Ok finally got around to making a thread. I spent this weekend being lazy and having fun since I knew this upcoming week was going to be full. Wed I go back to several doctors and the hospital for more blood work that has to be done 72 hours before. Not to mention get clear broth, nightgown, books, clear juice, water etc. LOL and if I didn't have enough going on Mother Nature tosses in a small hurricane.


Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Did I tell you the night before my surgery I got a cold? Frusterated can not explain my feelings at that time. I had to wait another week on the liquid diet. By the way ? What type of surgery are you having? Gastric or Lap-Band?

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

I'm having the Lap-Band, I've seen to many problems in people close to me to feel comfy with the gastric by-pass or sleeve.

I've ordered some of the nector you drink but have some boost until it comes in. I've stocked up on broth and clear juice as well as made some apple juice ice.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Glad you chose thr lap-band as it is far less complicated and I'll bet you will be home that evening or early next morning. I know you will like the nectar. From here on I will talk to you on your thread.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Attended a pre-op lap band meeting this evening in which I was one of two guest speakers and I feel I helped a lot of people to make a decision. They were a very attentive group and asked very intelligent questions. Most all were concerned about pain and I told them that there was very little pain after surgery. More like indigestion but the nurse gives you meds and you sleep comfortable plus the doctor gives you a prescription to take home but you only need it for one or two days and then you feell normal again but with a little tenderness when you bend over so why bend over? Let someone get your slippers?
They had a large blown up life size picture of me on the video screen as I asked them to make copies of my original picture but this was far more effective so the people could relate to my weight loss. I will attend more meetings .

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Ted, would you come visit this thread and share about your PPS? It's not about tomatoes or lap-band, sorry. ^_^

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Recieved an e-mail today from the doctors office thanking me for my speaker session and said they had excellent results and would like me to become a regular at the meetings for first timers as I call them. I am honored to do so as this helps me as much as it helps them. Haven't weighed myself in awhile as it flucuates a few pounds either way but last time was 209lbs and I now wear a size 38 pants and it feels great! I still want to drop below 200lbs and now go to a size 36. Do ya'll think it is OK and if I can do it?
Do hope that you are following araness's thread as she to has decided to have the lap-band and if you help her half as much as you have encouraged me it would be great support and encouragement for her and possibly for some of you who are a bit hesitant or sceptible about this minor surgery?

Of course you can do it Tplant!! I'm still here and still chearing you on. What a wonderful opportunity for you to share your experiences with others. I know you'll be a real inspiration. Am chearing Saint on, also. :)

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Ted, does your Doc think it's OK? Then go for it, of course you can! Silly boy....

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Well I made it and my picture is being used for advertising purpose to encourage others. I've reached my plateau and my weight loss of 130 lbs is credible I've been maintaining an average of 209 lbs which is OK by me from 338 lbs plus. Thanks to all of you for your encouragement...
Sorry for error from 109.

This message was edited Dec 17, 2008 2:47 PM

Thumbnail by Tplant
Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Wait, Ted, you're maintaining a weight of 209, right? My husband says he wants to lose 500 lb.s but since he's starting at 245 I think that's unrealistic, LOL!

Christiana, TN

congratulations on all that you have achieved! I've been following you since 2007 and have received a great deal of encouragement by your frank and moving testimony. In fact, after following your successes, I underwent bariatric surgery last October and can echo your comments about improved quality of life after weight loss.

Thanks for putting yourself out there for the rest of us to learn from. Being so candid and open had to be challenging at times but from a purely selfish perspective, I think it was worth it... to ME!

JimboTN "Always in a Volunteer State of mind"

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks JimboTN --- The secret now is to drink plenty of water 64 oz.per day which is very easy to do when you keep active. I've always had heart disease and had an attack on 6/6 while mowing my lawn in 95* heat and now must wait for the cooler fall weather to do my gardening. I'm going through all kinds of tests now but I know if I didn't lose all that weight I probably would not have survived. I gained 8 lbs just sitting around but having difficulty trying to maintain my water consumption cause I just don't get thirsty sitting on my butt all day. My doctors are very pleased with my recovery as I am 72 but feel like I'm in my 30's. I'm glad that I've helped you to achieve your goal. Best wishes and keep in touch. IT REALLY WORKS!

Ted, I've watched your progress also, and you've been a real inspiration ... especially as you work in your garden! :-)

Prayers with your test results.
Hugs&blessings ... ~Susan

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks Susan! I'll take all the blessings I can get as my post polio syndrome has gotten worse from the stress of my attack and my legs are very weak but I can still do my job with my garden scooter and garden benches(3) from Lowes. I have them set up in strategic places so I can sit. As a matter of fact I sit while doing all my gardening as I can not walk far or stand too long. Legs are extremely weak. I'm so glad for BocaBobs irrigation system as I do not have to worry about watering anything. www.instagarden.com He deserves a lot of credit for his ideas otherwise I would not be gardening..

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