2007 looks to be a good year for spider plants...

Satsuma, AL(Zone 8b)

Hopefully we've had our last cold snap here on the gulf coast (who knows); this week I got my plants moved back outside from the last cold snap and this weekend I was able to take a few pics of what's cooking:


These aren't really house plants for me but this is where I see them posted mostly, so....

Maybe some of these will make it to the round up in April. (I hope so; I have _plenty_!!)


Red Oak, NC(Zone 7b)

I love spider plants! Yours are very healthy looking.


Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

I love spider plants even though I don't have any right now. Yours look very nice and healthy. I never had one that bloomed.

Crozet, VA

I didn't know that they bloomed either until last year when a few of mine starting blooming. I have always loved spider plants and never had them do very well until this past two years when I must have done something right because mine have done very well.

Even though I live in Virginia and to my knowledge the spider is considered a house plant, I stuck a couple of them in the ground last year and watched as they grew. One of them I dug back up and potted it and hung it in the window of my bedroom. It is doing really great. I found that they loved the earth's soil and grew much sturdier in the ground versus in a pot.

Thanks for sharing your pics, David.


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