Who else has NO germination yet?

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

I have had germination all the way into July. So don't throw them out until you are sure.

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Your neighbour sounds like a real piece of work Carrie! Yes, my DH really dumped snow all over my poor little WS containers - LOL about 2 extra feet worth! Oh well, at least there was no salt in it, and the extra snow made good insulation I'm sure :-) We're supposed to be getting temperatures up to about 15 degrees Celcius this week. All I can say is, bring it on!


Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

10We have an electric mower that has a rechargeable battery so it doesn't need a cord. DH has a snow blower too. What a lucky man lot's of toys.

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks, Mobi, for that info. I probably would have tossed them in June if you hadn't said that. Tamara

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I think he has a ride-on gas mower (which seems like overkill for a 1/4 acre lot) - I'm gonna check on what the law thinks ttoo early or too late is.

And some of my seeds say flower the SECOND year after sowing! That's a long time!!!

xxxxx, Carrie

(Zone 6a)

The second year....that's only next year, not too long to flower :)


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Still no activity in the winter sown containers. Glad to hear June is not late.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

It's snowing...

x, c

(Zone 6a)

it snowed and rained today.........tomorrow, guess what? more snow.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

It was chilly and rain here today. At least I got out and put about 40 pounds of preen on various garden beds this morning, and didn' t have to water it in. The rain took care of it.

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Two inches of snow yesterday. Snowing again this morning - what a surprise (snort). At this rate, I'll be lucky if I start seeing any action by June in my WS containers. Oh well.....today I'm depressed.....tomorrow when the temperature goes way up I'll be ecstatic.....in March and April my temperament is a barometer of the weather :-)

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Oh doesn't the weather effect us this time of year. It is amazing how many people bounce up and down along with the weather. I use to teach and you could tell a weather change was coming by the way the kids were acting. Kids moods seem to predict the weather better than the people on TV.

(Zone 6a)

Today I woke up to a pleasent surprise...sun! It's still freezing cold out, but tomorrow it's supposed to get a little warmer. I've been off work a few days so tomorrow is also the day I'm supposed to go back. Maybe working also predicts the weather? If you're in the office it's nice out, when you get time off it rain or snows............why does it alway seem to be like that?


Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

zen, does that mean I'm still in my childhood? Or wait, no, maybe it's my second childhood :-)

I hear ya Steven! I'll bet if I could quit work tomorrow the promised warm weather would not appear at all. At least not until I had a day full of appointments or errands LOL.


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I know one thing, those people on TV have NO CLUE, at least in the Northeast.

xxx, C

(Zone 6a)

I agree Carrie! The people on tv here never know what they're talking about. I've learned from this thread that the weather depends on 3 things...

#1 Childerens Moods

#2 If we're working or not. Of if our day is full of appointments/errands ect.

#3 Our plants and seeds. If our seeds need warmth to sprout, it'll be cold. If our plants need rain, it'll be dry.

I also heard a joke once that the weather was predicted by 10 people in a room, if 2 people thought it would rain and 1 thought it would storm it's a 20% chance of showers with a 10% chance of a thunder storm.


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

HA HA HA HA! Steven, did you post as Steve last year?

xxxx, Carrie

(Zone 6a)

Yeah, I used to post as Steve, but now I sign more as Steven :)

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

You got it!

xx, C.

(Zone 6a)

Guess what? I HAVE SPROUTS! Poppies and Clarkia!


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

You're just trrying to make ME feel BAD! I know it!

No, Steven, I am very happy for you. Is Clarkia the same as Godetia?

Anyone know anything about Lisanthius?

xxx, Carrie

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I bought my lisanthius - should arrive in May. I believe they take a long time to germinate and grow to a size that flowers (although listed as an annual, I believe they are - at least in warmer climates - perennial). However, if yours germinates - let us know I am sure lots of people would like to try if you are successful at winter sowing them in zone 6a.

BTW, I just found one lupin that has germinated!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

OK, I did a lot (LOT) of research on lisianthis (which I bought last year from Burpee) and now I even kind of know why they didn't do so well in my yard. Anybody want lots and lots of different colors of eustoma seed (lisianthus)?? It should be started under lights in Jan. or Feb.! Then treated with all sorts of fungicides and growth enhancers and growth reducers (no joke)! You have to transplant it at exactly the right moment or they'll "rosette". You have to decide early on whether you want a tall one for cutting or short bushy ones. Yeeesh!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Aw, Carrie, I've grown them before and they only need to be sown early -- around Christmas or New Year's. I didn't do any of that other stuff and they were fine. I didn't plant mine close enough together and they didn't look too swell, but they did just great from seed (guess i was going for the tall, thin cut flower look)

Those growth enhancer/growth reducers are usually used by commercial greenhouses to get their crop to market in saleable condition -- where it's in bloom, but not too big for shipping.


North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Grampapa, could I ask a really big favor and have you post a picture of your creeping thyme seedlings? I've mislabled a couple (a few?) containers and I'm having a heck of a time finding them.

And *sigh* no, mine are not wintersown. I've yet to see my first WS sprout. *sigh*


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

The person who posts under this screen name, is so very excited. I have 2 containers 1 of Campanula and petunias that have sprouted. I haven't checked them for a couple of days, but did today, and I am seeing green!! Whoopee.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Defoe if I wasn't feeling so left out I'd be downright tickled for you. LOL, just kidding. With this warm spell we're having I'm bound to see something soon, right? (just say "right").

Gram, I wanted to let you know that I got a picture of the thyme. Mine is up! .... although in the house under lights.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

i peek at my petunias every day... nothing yet....

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

I noticed my first tiny sprouts today! Baby's breath and poppy (actually both were free promotional seeds) I hope the others follow soon.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Nothing yet from WSed seeds. Do have some tiger lilies coming up from bulbils sown in August last year.


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I'm, believe it or not, still waiting on an order from hardyperennials or whatever they call themselves. I am planning to wintersow, I mean springsow, an annual I had been looking for. It's been so lovely and sunny... something HAS to have sprouted! None of the ones in the front have, but surely some of the ones in the back have. I can't get out there alone to check grrrrrr.

xxxxx, Carrie

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

|I checked again today, and have ornamental cabbage sprouted too. Who ever wanted me to say "right" to them, I am really sure that you will have something soon. Just hang in there, they will come.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

It snowed again last night. Defoe, in order to have ornamental cabbage sprout, one would have to have planted ornamental cabbage, which I did not. My daughter checked the containers in the back today, and she says: no sprouts. Of course, she can only see tiny things when it's the amount of spinach she has actually eaten. Otherwise, I think it would need to be the size of a spear of broccoli for her to notice it.

But I have a confession. Yesterday I bought pansies from HD as well as pots (for all the annuals I'm going to have). I bought $100 worth of annuals online at a place where the prices are good, and another $100 on eBay with a seller who filled my back garden with dascia, black eyed susan vine and impatiens last summer. Am I losing faith? No, but these were things I hadn't planted that I ordered. All annuals. Oh forgive me, Ye Gods of Wintersowing.

xxx, Carrie

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Sorry to hear about more snow. I checked my containers again this morning and nothing else, but with our weather, may have some later in the day. My ornamental Bradford pears just had buds this morning, and now almost in full bloom.

Keep the faith.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I'm trying, but I think I'm losing. I should have planted something like spinach that would germinate at a colder temp than Nicotania or something!

xxxx, C

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

carrielamont, I only have foxglove and a few oriental poppies germinating so far. I have soooo many delphiniums - but nothing yet, nor have the lupins or anything else geminated. But I tell myself these are perennials and won't bloom this year anyway. And it's too cold for the annuals. So I will try to be patient. Meanwhile the stuff started inside has mostly germinated - so this keeps me busy and off the streets. :-)

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Well I found that I have Bachelor Buttons and Lupine up. Amazing, last year the first sprouts I saw were April 11th. With the warm weather we also have a tornado warning, lucky us.

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

Don't worry. When they start sprouting you will get a big wave. I recorded my first sprouts on the 20th. Here we are less than a week later and I have sprouts in 15 out of 27 containers (I have 37 containers, but 10 of them were just sown last week).

- Brent

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I have morning glory up, and some bachelor buttons, so something new almost every day.

Don't give up, they are there, just hiding right now.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

They're hiding very well! Even poppies that I sowed in February aren't up! Waaaaaa!

xxxxx, Carrie

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