Who else has NO germination yet?

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

I know it's only March 9, but I thought I'd at least have *something* by now. To make matters worse, nothing inside is germinating either! Maybe I just need to go back to buying plants. :-( Tamara (having a pity party for myself)

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Tamara: It has been too cold in Ohio! I'm in Cincinnati and my first container germinated just days ago.

It was warm today, supposed to last for a week. Are you getting warm weahter? What has the temperature been for the past few weeks? Nothing can germinate when it frozen.

Your time is coming soon. Very soon.


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Tamara, I'll pity you... It was really warm in December and January and the beginning of February. We all had threads about is it too warm to WS and are your bulbs sprouting etc. So I didn't WS perennials until very late. Now I am trying to catch up on annuals. I haven't checked any of them - brrrrr, too cold to go outside. But I wouldn't imagine anything sprouted in 4*!

xxxx, Carrie

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

I just thought that I would get a garden miracle. ;-) It has been unseasonably cold, but today was nice. Hopefully, I'll have some good news soon. Tamara

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Yes, I don't know about your area but we are finally supposed to get a taste of spring in SW Ohio- temps in the 50s for the next week. So if you get this too, maybe you'll see some sprouts soon.

But, really when people post about their sprouts, pay attention to their zones. Most with germination are in warmer zones than we are. It really is preferable for our seeds to wait a while so they don't succumb to the frosts that we will inevitably get later. Where is Painesville? (sounds like an uncomfortable place...)


Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

lol I'm about 10 min. from Lake Erie, and 1 hour from the Pennsylvania border. We'll be in the 40s next week, so I would bet that some of the cold tolerant things may germinate. Tamara

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

I only have three or four sprouts .... we had one of the warmest Januaries and coldest Februaries back -to- back. The seedlings are pink, almost red! It's funny, they were some of the last seeds sown. The seeds were from Alaska, I wonder if that makes a difference. They're hardy Geraniums.



Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)


i still have nothing (checked today) but today was sunny and close to 60
and for the next 5-6 days we will be 50+ i think.

so, maybe by next weekend i hope to see something... if not, no biggy 'cuz as you say, nothing out side is growing either.

for me, usually April-ish i see stuff popping up.


Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

I am here on the edge of zone 7 and I don't have any sprouts. That is fine because it has been so chilly around here that I don't expect much. I also have my containers in a pretty shady place. The weather is supposed to reach near 60 in the next few days, so maybe I will have to peak for sprouts more often.

- Brent

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

We're zone buddies Tamara, and I think it's too early for us. It's a good thing too since I got impatient last week and started 13 different flowers and 5 different pepper varieties inside. Three quarters of them have germinated already so I've got my hands full enough right now. LOL!

Hang in there girl...our day's coming.

Tamara~ today..centaurea cyanusis the only jug that sprouted, but that's with temps of 60's for 2 days, so Lala is right..your day is coming, and so will the days for the rest of my WS jugs! ;0)

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

One thing I am worried about is that many of the seeds are from Thompson and Morgan. I read their rating in Watchdog yesterday and it turns out that many people have had very poor germ. rates with T&M's seeds. I did have some stuff that I tried last year that never germ. but I figured that I must have done something wrong. I won't be buying from them again. Thankfully, I didn't put all my "eggs in one basket". I have seeds from different companies, so hopefully some of them have good seeds. Tamara

(Zone 6a)

I don't have any sprouts either here, I haven't checked today yet....it was raining this morning. Right now it's about 41F out, the warmest we've had in a while. Just a few days ago it was -4F.
I'm going out to go check them now.....if I have anything I'll let you know :)

Steven - praying for sprouts...

Edit - Nope, no sprouts yet. Most of the snow on them is melted, but the drain holes are frozen still so they're pretty muddy now.

This message was edited Mar 10, 2007 11:41 AM

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I haven't even checked mine yet, but today was only the second day above freezing. just like Steven said, the snow is gone, but they may not be thawed all the way thru. I'll check them tomorrow, though. I think it may be time to get the rest of the annuals out.

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm coming to the conclusion that a watched seed doesn't germinate. ;-) Maybe I need to stop checking on them twice a day. hehe TAmara

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

My containers have been frozen up until now. With the unseasonably warm temps this weekend (in the 60's) I'm hoping to see some sprouts soon. I've only had 2 sprouts up until now, but those were 'eager beavers'!

(Zone 6a)

Shirley, how are your sprouts that came up early? Doing well I hope :)


Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

I am sure not any, they are still covered with snow. Last year my first ones showed on April 11th.

Lima, OH(Zone 5b)

is it best to have the WS containers in more sun or more shade at this time? I have kept my more in the shade until now--close to the house on our deck, as we have various animals that like to come up on the deck and tip them over in the night.

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

I'm in your zone and nothing yet.I only have a few 20 or so but I don't expect any show for a couple weeks at least.My annuals that self sow don't show up till May in a cold winter.The perennials that self sow will (some)will be a bit earlier, usually. It all depends on the temps and the seeds seem to know. They just don't how anxious WE are for spring.

Uhmmm, went outside to check the containers just for fun.... several more sprouted- calendula officinalis,dianthus barbatus, gaillardia- Indian Blanket and Arizonia Sun and digitalis purpurea. So your time is coming! ;0)

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I curb my anxiety by sprouting seeds in the house. Yesterday and today I had sprouts of black-eyed susan vine.

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Tamara - I usually hedge my bets with T & M too. I order only a few seeds from them each year and never expect much, but I have always been pleasantly surprised. I have yet to have a problem with their seeds not germinating (except for Tacca, but that's supposed to be difficult at best anyway).

So don't give up on those seeds before they have a chance :-)


Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Well, the first little specks that I presume will be foxgloves have emerged - in spite of being buried under snow just yesterday!

Well, I have moved all the plants to the front veranda - morning sun - afternoon shade. I sure hope some of the delphiniums work.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Well, I have been lurking, feeling like a big looser. I sowed all my containers Jan 19, and I have nothing. Zero, Zip, Nada. So I am now feeling in good company, since so many of you have nothing either. This is my first year, and I had started saying this is a bunch of hooey, but maybe I need to just calm down and wait.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Bonnie, leap of faith....take a deep breath....exhale slowly....plant something inside that will germinate in a couple of days. It makes you feel good and gives you something to look at everyday. I have some very nice basil seedlings in the house and black-eyed susan vine that is shooting up like gangbusters. Oh, and a whole pan of creeping thyme. here's the basil...I have 6 kinds in this dish, 4 have germinated.

Thumbnail by grampapa
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

thanks grampapa, I guess I am just being too impatient. |I am starting my tomatos today, they always do well, for me, so in a little bit I will have something green to look at.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I've got a few. 2 of the cosmos (mentioned that in a different thread)
there was (1) 2 days ago, now there is one more small one.
i peeked in the rest of the containers... and my shasta daisys have started, but they are very small.

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

tammplp, I leave mine in the shade until they are planted. I live in an area where the sun is harsh and the climate is dry, if I didn't leave them in the shade they would be all shriveled up by the time I planted.

I also don't have any show yet, but I usually don't until next month.

Lima, OH(Zone 5b)

Mobi, thanks for the response. I didn't want to get this far and then do the wrong thing and have nothing germinate--this is my first year at WS.

OH! YEA! I just saw tiny seedlings of Convolvulus "Light Blue Flash" My very first WS babies!!!

This message was edited Mar 13, 2007 2:56 PM

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

My very first WS seedling is....*drum roll please*....Bachelor's buttons! lol Figures it would be the seeds that I got 4/1.00. ;-) Even though it's common, I still like them. Mainly, I'm just so excited to finally see something!!! I think I checked all my containers about 3-4 times today. It was really nice, so I was hoping that more would poke up. Tamara

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

OK, Tamara! I knew it would be soon. Now you don't have to doubt any more.

Congratulations to you too Tammylp. This warm spell is working for us, though it's supposed to be in the 40s with a chance of snow this weekend.


(Zone 6a)

Way to go Tamara!
I'm still in the 'no sprout' category, I check them every day when I get home from work.
This evening more seeds got sown....is that considered winter or spring sowing?
Also having a warm spell here......but so far it hasn't done anything...


This message was edited Mar 13, 2007 6:44 PM

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Mine are still under at least a foot of snow :-( Maybe soon I'll be able to see the containers - we too are having a mild spell right now, but snow and winds are forecast for my area for Friday. Oh well - I have lots coming up indoors to keep me happy.


(Zone 6a)

Ginny - We got up to 14 here today! After I got out of work and was driving home, I felt like sticking my head out the window like a dog after being in an office all day :)
I'm sure we'll see sprouts soon.....at least I hope so.


Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

LOL I know exactly how you felt. In the north end of London the temp reached an unbelievable 19 deg. C! It only got up to about 14 in the south end of London, and 10 at home in Blyth though.


(Zone 6a)

wow, 19C, I'm so jealous :)
It's amazing how fast the snow melts once it gets warm......I went in to work and there was tons of it...I came out and saw grass!
Your snow will be gone soon!

This message was edited Mar 13, 2007 7:39 PM

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

I wanted to add that I really did hit the germination jackpot yesterday! Not only did my WS bachelor buttons germinate, but indoors, my eggplant, pepper, and fuchsia did as well!!! After having weeks of NOTHING, and then 4 different plants in 1 day! I was so pumped today, it was like I drank 3 pots of coffee!!

p.s. I know that indoor seed stuff doesn't really belong in this forum, but I figured you guys would best understand my excitement. :-)


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I understand. I sowed all my tomatoes today, and since they have a good germination rate, will soon be seeing some green, even if it is not my wintersowing projects.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)


very cool!! I just sowed my coleus (I know you have babies -- i've seen your thread) in their tray on a heat mat yesterday morning.

and just think how you were feeling a few days ago about no WS babies... and look at you now.

Just saw a weather update... and it looks like it wont get as cold as they originally forecasted... but for the nights that dip below freezing - i may put mine in my sun room... it doesnt get that cold in there.


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