Gorgeous seeds I got in a trade

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi Everybody!

I've never been to this forum before, but I need help on some really gorgeous seeds I got in a trade and hoped you could help me identify them. The name on the envelope was "FoxTail Grass", but it doesn't match the hit in PF. These are an inch long and bleached wheat or straw colored, and the one in PF was Alopecurus pratensis but the seed stalk-thing looks more trim than these would probably be.

The seeds themselves look just like the tail of an animal. I got sort of a section of the seed-stem-plume, thing, and it is coarse like an animal tail and just looks very fox-like or dog-like. Blonde. LOL!

Each individual seed has about 7 or 8 one-inch long hairs attached. ...actually about the color and texture of Anna Nicole Smith's hair.

Does it sound familiar in any way to anybody?

Great South Bay, Lon, NY(Zone 7a)

It sounds like Setaria faberi, Giant Foxtail, which is a very fast growing annual, and a very heavy re-seeder. It's on the invasive list of many states, but if you're careful to cut off the seed heads before the seeds ripen, you'll be safe. The seed heads are stunning in dried arrangements.

The plant hits 5' in one season from seed in my climate.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I don't think that's it, but the name fits. I hope it's not, because it's a weed here at my place.

Mine are very, very thick and a lot whiter (even though I said bleached straw, it really is the color of Anna Nicole's hair) The seed head-thing would have to be 2 1/2-3" in diameter.

The individul seeds with the hairs look a lot like fishing lures.

I have sown a dozen, so I guess I'll figure out what it is later this summer, I was just hoping for a name for my Journal entry. :)

Great South Bay, Lon, NY(Zone 7a)

The part you are describing as the seed, with the hairs, is the hull/carrier of the seed. If you still have some left, shuck the plumpest one, and see what the pure seed looks like. That's a good way to ID the grass.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Suzy does any of these pics look like it? http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=FoxTail+Grass&btnG=Search+Images&gbv=2

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hey Connie! It was there alright.

How about Foxtail Barley? Hordeum jubatum

Makes sense to me. I'll trot off to PF and see what I see.
And probably empty my WS jug and plant somehting else...anybody want some Hordeum jubatum seeds?


Great South Bay, Lon, NY(Zone 7a)

If it's Hordeum jubatum, I'd love to have the seeds. It's saltwater tolerant, and I live beside a saltwater canal. I'd just have to be sure to keep it from reseeding.

Here's a great picture of it's seed carriers:


And one of the plant in flower:


I think it's gorgeous!

I have lots of different ornamental grass seeds I can trade.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Sure Donn, I'd be glad to send them -- and no, I don't want any grass in return. I *hate* grasses, and especially grasses that are also weeds. (Go ahead, you can kick me out of the forum, this was probably my last post here until next year anyway and I've had my way with you. :-) LOL!!!!

I really don't like grasses; it's just that the seeds on this one were so darn pretty!

Meanwhile, the carrier looks exactly right EXCEPT mine has thick, straight hairs and yours has thin curly hairs, but the seed and the way it sits is the same, so I know this is close.

In any case, it's gonna be your problem now because I'm looking your address up in the table and sending them on!


Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hey Donn! You have an unlisted number. Dmail me.

Great South Bay, Lon, NY(Zone 7a)

Don't like grasses? Good! More for me!

You've got mail.

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