Dwarf/mini anthurium?

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Have any of you seen these?

I got one yesterday, only tagged as an anthurium, but the nursery owner says it's a dwarf cultivar....it's true!
He says it will grow larger, of course, but will stay small in stature.

The little bloom is the size of my thumbnail, and the spath is about 1/4", at most.
The largest leaves are probably about 2/2-1/2" x 1-1/2".

No photo yet...will try to get one tonight!

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Nan, I grow one that is called 'Amethyst Grape' the spath is roughly 3/4 of an inch. Very tiny. The leaves are strap like and are about 5-6 inches. I think it can get slightly larger.
Seeds itself pretty easily too.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Strange to see that tiny bloom/spath, isn't it?!!
What color is the bloom of yours, Lali, with a name like Amethyst Grape? Don't tell me it's purple 'cuz I'd be on a mission!

My plants' bloom is the standard 'red' color.

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Wow, that sounds like a good addition to the 33 gal long aquarium(same length as a 55gal) terrarium I'm getting ready to set up! I'm gearing it mostly towards rex begonias but plan on adding other interesting plants like mini ferns etc. How do you think the anthurium will do in a terrarium?


Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

With a name like Amethyst Grape, one would expect something spectacular, but in fact it is nothing to write home about. =º(
the whole thing is mostly off white.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Aww...and it sounds so 'purple'!!

Lana...I think one of these would be absolutely *ideal* for a terrarium!

If they had them around here, I'd expect you'd see them soon at nurseries near you.
I'd offer to pick one up for you, but the nursery is actually quite a drive for me, and I don't expect to be going again soon....sorry:(

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Thanks so much for the offer, Nan. So sweet :~) I'll have to check into some nurseries around here. I usually try to avoid them because I go crazy and end up getting "that look" from dh when I get home! LOL

My terrarium looks pretty yucky right now. Haven't cleaned it up since I got it from the pet store. It was set up as a saltwater reef aquarium there. Here's a pic. I've got a lot of work to do!


Thumbnail by Wvdaisy
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Nan, took these photos for you yesterday since it was in bloom/fruit. Anthurium 'Amethyst Grape'

first one is the bloom.

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

And the fruit (what is the proper name? seed pods?) - lavender little 'grapes'

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

And here's the whole plant. you can see it's not all that big and not too much to write home about despite it's intriguing name!

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Interesting little plant!
Thanks for the photos...your leaves look to be 'longer' than those on mine.
I did take a photo, but haven't gotten around to uploading them yet (sorry).

(Zone 1)

I found two little plants called Miniature Anthurium 'Silence' at one of our Wal-Mart's a couple of days ago .... one I put in my new terrarium and the other is still in a pot. Cute little guys! Here's one sitting on the plant stand til I can decide where to put him! I might just have to go back to WM and get a couple more ... they also had some mini bromeliad's that were cute!

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Kinda hard to really see it in that pic ... here's another one, still hard to tell, but it's really little, in a pot about 1" in size.

Thumbnail by plantladylin

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