2 more weeks!

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Man, I just typed this message and was so sure I sent it and now it's gone!

So, it's only 2 more weeks til the annual Maryland Home and Garden Show. I've already put in a time-off request so that I can have March 2nd off from work. The kidlet will be in school so it will be a very enjoyable day for me! My favorite exhibitors are Hunter's Greenhouse from Drumore, PA and RKS Orchids, also out of PA. Last year I cleaned up on begonias from Hunters and got two beautiful orchids from RKS. I'm hoping they have some more begonias because I lost a couple of the ones I bought from them, this winter. Me and Rexes just don't get along so well. LOL My orchids are doing well, but only one has rebloomed since I bought them.

Is anyone else planning on going to Spring Garden Shows too?


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Wasn't (yet) planning on going myself. Hard to imagine it's time for that with the arctic outside the window today!
But there are always some fabulous sights at this and even bigger at Philadelphia, judging from my one visit to that. Sure is nice to go in from the cold to full blown spring for awhile.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I wish they weren't so far to travel to, or I would!
Most of them are in/near Madison, and driving there is simply a deathwish, IMO!

Have a good time, GH, and hoping you find your heart's desire!!
(you can look for mine, too!! LOL!!!!!) (j/k)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We use to go to the Philadelphia Flower Show every year. But I haven't been there for a couple of years. The Mid-Atlantic Flower Show in York isn't very big but it is close.

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

Saw this thread and checked on the local garden show here, and it's next weekend! Hope I can make it. My sister is going to be here visiting and isn't so much into gardening. Maybe I can get DD to take her shopping and at least drop in for a couple of hours.

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