need help identifying

Booneville, MS

Can anyone help me identify this plant? I got it at the Memphis Botanical Gardens yesterday and it did not have a tag. They called it a "senesia". I spelled it the way it sounded but I know this is not correct because I cannot look it up.
The plant looks like a varigated ivy but has thick leaves and stems and feels like a succulent.
I would appreciate any help you could give.

Thanks, Terrye

Booneville, MS

Here is the picture. My dialup would not let me start the thread with a picture attached even after I resized it.

Thanks, Terrye

Thumbnail by tryliv
Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Terrye ,You beat me to it! I was just going to post the same thing! I got one too and have no idea what it is either! I knew someone on here would surely know!

I would like to add that it has a purplish colored stem. This might help narrow it down some.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

My first thought from reading your first post was that they meant Senecio, but then when I saw the pic I wasn't sure, I had never seen a Senecio that had ivy-looking leaves, but I checked in Plant Files and sure enough there was one! Senecio macroglossus 'Variegatus'.

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Very good!
That is it , Don't you terrye?

Thanks, Ecrane3


Booneville, MS

I believe that's it!

Thanks so much, ecrane3! If I had just known how to spell it, I could have looked it up.

Sharon, you and I must have some of the same tastes.... as soon as I felt the leaves on this one I had to have it. It felt too much like a sedum! lol


Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Nice plants ~ Senecio is correct. I just recently mooched cuttings from this plant in solid green. Apparently the blooms are lovely and generous. I wonder if the varigated one will bloom.

This is UniQue Treasures link to the solid green one.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

The variegated one will bloom (eventually!)
It took mine awhile, and last year it had a whopping 1 bloom, LOL!

Booneville, MS

Thanks for the info!!
I love it just for the foliage. Any bloom will be a bonus. lol


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