This just in...guard your Fuchsias from this lithe creature!

San Diego, CA

I arrived home from work last night to find that my beloved Fuchsia Boliviana had been attacked. (I had brought it in to protect it from the cold...lot of good that did me) My husband took his eyes off Lily (don't let the sweet name fool you) for only a few minutes and she managed to eat every single leaf I had worked so hard nurturing. She did not chew on the stems however and so I am hoping it will survive...any thoughts on how to help it come back?

I had noticed she paid attention to it over the weekend and so strategically built a fortress out of dragon fruit cuttings which are somewhat prickly. (see second pic) If you pull up close on this photo, you can see the damage she did. Her little giraffe neck probably served her purpose well...

Then she proceeded to eat every leaf off my treasured Organic African Blue Basil!
She had a very expensive feast!

Anyone wanting to donate a nice rooted cutting of fuchsias to the cause would be my hero. (of course, SASBE or trade!)

Thanks! And watch out for lithe creatures known as Lily...she can jump well over 6 feet and fit her tiny little body anywhere she smells fuchsias!

Thumbnail by shannon71
San Diego, CA

the dragon fruit fortress was no match for Lil'ish as she is also known.

Thumbnail by shannon71
San Diego, CA

the villain in the flesh!

hmmmm, maybe that's how she keeps her coat to shiny and healthy!

Thumbnail by shannon71
San Diego, CA

the organic African blue basil...just for laughs!

Thumbnail by shannon71
Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

My doberman has a craving for hostas and daylilies. She's accidentally distructive to various other plants, but I have seen her purposely go and pull these and eat them. Last year she ate nearly $100 worth of daylily starts before I rescued them. Perhaps she and Lily are related?! My other two dogs and the two dogs I had before them were not into eating plants. Good luck in restraining the (very cute) varmint!

San Diego, CA

I guess since your dobbie is still alive and well, hoyas and daylilies pose no threat to animals.

"Kids" are funny aren't they? Both my Jack Russel and Toy Dox Terrier love herbs as well and so I grow some just for them to munch on. Makes their breath nice and fresh! Beats spending tons of money on the Burt's Breath drops for man and beast alike. But I think I got them into a bad habit of thinking that if it smells herbally at all, it's fair game. The little rodents are darlings but I'd sure like to string them up by licorice and give them a few whips when they eat my seedlings, etc...

Good luck on your garden this year!

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