Peperomias and Christmas Cactus problems

Oshkosh, WI(Zone 4b)

For some reason, the leaves on all of my Peperomias and on my Christmas Cactus are turning soft, with some rotting and leaf loss. I've been very careful with water, not watering much at all, and they all get lots of light, and more when the sun shines. Is this normal for those plants to act this way in the cold, winter months? My plants all were fine until about a month ago when one by one, this started happening to them.

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Gosh I'm waiting to see some answers. I'm thinking are they too cold ? Do you water with cold water ? And now they have root rot ?
I'd take them out of their pots and check them , might even re-pot in fresh soil.
Ours here are out all year and never seen this happen ?

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

I know there are a few species/varieties of Peperomias that do not like cold at all. Most of the fleshy leaved ones, like obtusifolia and argyreia, respond negatively to very cold temps. Your CC, however, likes cool temperatures. Usually, brown spots on this plant indicate that overwatering has taken place. Perhaps your soil is holding water too long AND the soil temperature is very cold. I agree with Allison that you should take the plants out of th eir pots and inspect for root rot.


(Zone 1)

I have had this problem in the past when the soil is too heavy, root and stem rot. It may help to re-pot with a lighter soil, more airation in the soil using a lot of perlite. I don't water mine much in the winter time.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

That's happened to mine in the past, too. That's part of the reason I gave up on most peperomias.
They just don't do well for me during the winter, even with a humidifier and a fountain in the area.

You stated they're getting 'lots of light'....what type of light are they getting?

I deduced that the cause of my Peperomia problems was due to lack of sufficient light during the winter months, since the sun shifts during that time.
Most of them need a lot more light than we're lead to believe.

Too cold could be the cause, too, as Allison and GH stated, especially if you have them sitting right near windows.

Hope you can get this figured out!

Oshkosh, WI(Zone 4b)

Thank you everyone for the great answers to my question. I'm going to inspect the plants, then move them to a warmer spot and see if that helps. One of my Peperomias was just repotted, so it might be a temperature proplem. My plants did great in summer and fall, it's just this winter that they've been acting this way. I'll keep you all posted on the condition of my plants.

Silver Spring, MD

c101 Do you have a picture so we can see the problem?

Oshkosh, WI(Zone 4b)

You really can't see the problem from a picture. It's how the leaves on the plants feel, soft and thin. The leaves look fine, just feel funny.

Silver Spring, MD

I sure hope you can find the answers you need. It's hard to have a plant you enjoy go into stress.

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