Moving in cold weather

Lexington, SC(Zone 8a)

This weekend we will be moving across town to a new home. Naturally the weather is not quite as nice as it was just two weeks ago when we were nearly hitting 80F. This Friday we'll only have a high of around 46, with a low in the morning near 23.

How much danger will I be putting my (mostly tropical) plants in by moving them this day? We have a moving truck, and I think I can heat the back up with a heater before moving the plants in and then right before we close the door to head up the road about 20 miles. Is there anything else I can do to protect them?

And just to note it, these are the plants we're moving: Monstera Deliciosa, White Bird of Paradise, Spath (Peace Lily), Ti, Plumeria (we'll likely take them in the heated car), some small Palms, and several Pothos.

Thanks for any help on this. It's got me worried.


Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Put them in cardboard boxes for added protection but I doubt you would have any serious problems. You aren't leaving them in the truck overnight, are you? If it is above freezing when you start moving, then they should do just fine.

Lexington, SC(Zone 8a)

The trip should be no more than 30-40 minutes I hope. I'll make sure we let the temp crawl above freezing before we move them. Unfortunately they are much to large to put in any type of box. The monstera's would need a refrigerator box at the least, LOL.

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Try a quilt then.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I don't think you have anything to worry about, temps will be at or above freezing when you're actually doing the moving, and it'll be a few degrees warmer than than in the truck. Most plants can take a short period of chilliness as long as it's above freezing. You wouldn't want to leave them at that temp overnight, but this is a short enough time I don't think you'll have problems.

(Zone 1)

Don't think you will have any problems as long as you aren't leaving them in the truck for many hours! Some tropicals are a lot hardier than folks might think. They can take a couple of hours of cold temperatures as long as it's not below freezing! I have a lot of plants that I just leave on my covered deck when we get a little below 40 - I cover them with old blankets and comforters and they do just fine. When we have temps in the 30's and 40's it usually doesn't last long .... I uncover during the day and re-cover them again at night.

Good luck on the move .... post some photo's of your plants in their new home when you get settled!

Lexington, SC(Zone 8a)

Thanks guys, you've put my mind at ease on this. We'll let it warm up that morning before moving. I may still use my space heater to warm up the back of the truck a bit before we move. We have an electric outlet outside the building, so I can warm it up before we shut the door.

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