Clean Air Machines

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

The presence of Chlorophytums, philodendrons, Aglaonemas, hedera, ficus, bamboos, gerberas, crysanthemums in a room is said to cleanse the air. NASA conducted research and they have found it out. They called them 'Clean Air Machines'.

Petaluma, CA

This info is detailed in a book titled How To Grow Fresh Air. I was surprised to find Chrysanthemum among the best air filters! It's so hard to think of them as indoor plants. (so, of course I bought one last year and it's still alive and looks healthy...)

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

I came across this info in "Complete Gardening in India" by K.S.Gopalswamiyengar. I should have mentioned it in the first instance.

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