Hanging Baskets and Window Boxes

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey Everyone,
Y'all helped me out so much with my other questions that I thought I'd pick your brains again. Get ready...pick, pick, pick!!

I've decided to do my own hanging basket combos this year. Copying them from here http://www.provenwinners.com/combinations/?s=1&viewAll=1
A local gh sells these same combo baskets for $25-$50 each spring and that's too pricey for my blood.

The problems I'm having are w/ replacing things...I LOVE Petunias and want to plant them everywhere, in all baskets and boxes, but am thinking that will be a bit too Petunia-y, LOL! Any suggestions on what to replace them with?

The other problem is that the seeds for the baskets/boxes I'd like to copy aren't readily available...and I don't have a lot of things to trade right now, so I don't want to put anything up in the Seed Trading forum. I don't want to beg seeds from anyone, and PLEASE don't think that's what I'm trying to do. I'm just asking for opinions and suggestions on what I could replace these things with....
Plectranthus - Spur Flower
Lamium - White Nancy
Bacopa - Snowflake
Scaevola - Fan Flower
Helichrysum - Licorice Plant (White or Splash)

I'm considering making an order from Thompson & Morgan soon and would like to order from just one place if that's possible...I don't want to pay shipping at 3 different places.

Any suggestions and ideas are very much appreciated!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Heather, You and I must share some brainwaves or something -- I was just thinking about this! I sure hope somebody pipes up with some really good information for us -- I am just offering you some things I thought of.

I got a couple books from the library a couple of days ago and all they had were combos using those plants that are $7.95 each....somehow that just seems WRONG with all the seeds I have here. I'm just thankful I didn't BUY the books as that would have been a total waste of money.

Dichondra would make a good exchange for silver helichrysm and/or White Nancy Lamium. BUT the seeds is $4.95 for 10 pelleted seeds from Parks. You can buy Silver Helichryms (Licorice Seed Plant) from Harris Seeds, but it's about the same price. I guess it would sub for the Plectranthus, too. What was that vareigated stuff that used to be in hanging baskets? Variegated Vinca Vine? It's hardy here and we can use that.

Personally, I am not fond of Plectranthus and its ilk and wonder how long they take from seed. Expensive seed. I think IVY makes a "richer" looking basket. You can buy it now at the big box store as a houseplant and make your own cuttings on the windowsill -- it doesn't need that much light. It comes in variegated, too.

There is always variegated Vinca -- it's hardy and could be reused next year. I dug up a couple of Lemon-lime colored sweet potato vines called Margarita or something from a restaurant this fall and am going to use them. I would love to find Blackie or Ace of Spades.

Scaveola could be exchanged with any of those little blue things like Lobelia, but Verbena is also a good choice. Once again, the seed can be (doesn't have to be) pricey. On the Verbena, be sure you get the flat kind and not the kind that goes to 36inches tall LOL!

Annual Baby's Breath -- Gypsophila repens, I think -- could substitute for the Bacopa.

If you're going to make more than one basket -- you could travel south and pick up one each of the plants you want and take your own (many) cuttings in Feb. for rooting 4-6 weeks later. Other than that, I'm not sure what to tell you. If I'm going to pay those prices, I like those Martha Washington-style Geraniums. I forget what kind they are -- vining maybe?

Did you find any Bidens? I would like to get that. :)

Instead of hanging baskets, Mr. Clean is making me window boxes....not sure they'll be finished in time after he measures for the 100th time and ask me for the 1000th time where it should go and how far from the edge (or whatever) it should be. He does beautiful work, but brings new meaning to the term "Measure twice and cut once"! LOL!

I also have some iron planters -- I want to spruce up the patio a bit this year.

I wonder if those trailing Nasturtiums would work in a hanging basket -- as in look really pretty.

How are you attaching and where are you hanging your baskets?


Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

ROTFLOLOLOLOL Suzy!!! My DH measures once and cuts twice! He does a great job too, but count your blessings!

I'm actually ordering Dichondra Repens 'Silver Falls' from T&M, 10 seeds for $3.95, I think. What are we gonna do? Still better than waiting and paying 8 bucks a plant in May....IF any gh has them for sale around here, which is a HUGE if.

I also planned on ordering Verbena and Lobelia for in the baskets. I didn't consider the Ivy, Baby's Breath or Vinca Vine. I love Vinca Vine! It only survives here w/ a good, heavy mulch...but I can do that. I would love to use some plants that could be put in the ground this fall to be perennials from then on out. Great idea! I also love Ivies. I'm thinking a pink Baby's Breath, I think there is one that's a perennial in my zone but I've just never gotten the seeds. That would look great w/ my color scheme.

T&M did have some Bidens I remember seeing, but I didn't pay too much attention to them...I'll have to go look again. After posting my ?, I did find that they have a way to search their site for basket and container plants, so that does help a bit. But, it's still a mix of just container plants....although narrowing it down any helps.

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Where do my hanging baskets go? They go mostly on my front porch/full sun. DH put cup hooks in the "ceiling" for me a long while ago. They need relpaced every few years...but no biggie...they are like $2 at WM. The ones we get have a "flap" over the cup hook to keep the basket hook from flying off in high winds...learned that lesson w/ my first hanging basket. It's amazing how much weight those little hooks will hold...you know how heavy a fully wetted basket weighs!

I also have moss lined baskets that go along my banisters on the front porch. And these really cool (I think!) 3/4 round baskets that hang on all of our porch posts, also wire and lined w/ moss....from England c/o eBay. Those all just hang on little nails because they don't weigh much. I love my moss lined baskets, but they are mostly small...don't hold enough soil or water. Last year I tried the water crystals in them and I think that helped a lot...but then I got sick...and everything got fried in the Aug. heat. I don't know if I should have DH replace them w/ regular wooden window boxes this year or not. We are putting in a drip irrigation system for the front porch...because I lost way too many things when I got sick and couldn't water last year. Don't want to do that again. I love the look of the moss baskets, but I'm thinking they are too small for the root systems....and the full look I want. Oh, the "problems" we have! LOL!

If he makes me boxes for the porch I'll have him make me boxes for the side 3 windows as well. That will be 5-7 boxes, depending on how much I spoil him at the time, LOL!! The house is brick, and he was just talking the other day about attaching them w/ metal brackets..."J" shaped. I love an old rustic/cottage look, so it doesn't matter to me if it all shows or even if it looks rusty or kinda icky....I like that. To attach them to the banister will be harder because it's just a banister and spindles. If you really do need more info I can have him d-mail you or your DH. He just built me a plant/seed starting stand this week! He's quite the handy man...he just doesn't have enough time.

In the summer, when the baskets on the porch are in full bloom you can't see onto our porch, LOL. Last year I ran out of room for hanging baskets and we had to put in more hooks, so I'll have to count them. I had more baskets and containers last year than ever before and lots were on the porch...the mailman told me it looked like I had my own private jungle! LOL

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Your half baskets sound wonderful! Why don't you look for drought resistant plants? Nasturtiums and Melampodium are two, but there are a lot I've seen because I want to be careful not to put somehting that needs a lot of water with something that doesn't in my baskets (which are actually not baskets at all, but window boxes/wire planters and just regular pots.

At www.tinyseeds.com they have a "Terriffic Trailers" mix. (I am attaching a picture of the seed pack) The seeds are from Botanical Interests and it looks like they are 20% off.

Anyway, you have to buy the pack to find out what's in it (which I did - it's printed on the INSIDE of the package!) and here's what the flowers are from 12:00 clockwise:

Moss Verbena - Verbena tenuisecta
Nolana paradoxa "Blue Bird" - 63% of the package is this one flower.
Creeping gypsophila - gypsophila repens (perennial!)
Lobelia Cascade Mix Colors -- Lobelia pendula which could be red, I think, as well as blue. Sort of takes away from it.
Creeping Zinnia - Sanvitalia procumbens or something like that
Maiden Pinks- Dianthus deltoides (perennial!)
Swan River Daisy - brachyscomb iberidifolia

Anyway, I thought it was real pretty and am going to put these seeds around the edge with a _________ or two or three in the middle or the back. LOL! Not sure what is in the blank, though. Marigold? Zinnia? Nasturtium? Bachelor Buttons? Aaaack! I have no idea!

I don't have a railing but I could hang 3 baskets on my front porch. BUT I don't like to water baskets in the front porch because it's too hard to haul the hose there and i end up having to do it with a lemonade pitcher. Actually I end up forgetting to do it and everything fries.

Did you get any idea of how long the dichondra takes to get to the size where you could put it in the basket and have it fend for itself? (From seed, I mean)


This message was edited Jan 12, 2007 3:13 AM

Thumbnail by Illoquin
Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Lobelia Cascade Mix should be colors of blue, light blue, rose, lilac, purple and maybe white. There shouldn't be any red. That's one I'm ordering if I can't get the Regatta Mix. The colors are the same, but Regatta trails longer.

I had Swan River Daisy last year and that pack of seeds is worth it just for those!!! You'll adore them, they are tiny blooms, but so bright and lovely! Attaching a pic...which I did play w/ the color a bit because it was such a gloomy day.

Let me think on what to put in the center of that color mix for you. I'm not good at coming up w/ things quick...but I'll be pouring over the seed catalogs!

I don't know how long the dichondra takes to get to size...but I'll be starting them just about the day I get them!! I want to get everything started asap. My stand and lights and heaters are ready to go. I may start some seeds tomorrow. As soon as things are big enough I want to transplant them into their baskets/boxes so they can grow right in place. My plan is from the flats to a 4 in pot to the baskets, unless I'm told that's a bad way to do it.

I better check out that Baby's Breath some more before I order one. Thanks for the heads up on that! I did have the tall white kind that always fell over on me and looked horrible by the end of summer. It's long gone now! I do miss it when I cut flowers though.

Thumbnail by heathrjoy
Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Suzy, I feel so stupid!! I'm sorry, I was looking at Park's Seeds today and found a Lobelia mix that DOES have crimson in it. Doh!! I've never seen one w/ red in it before and I find that strange. Lots to learn here.

Maybe you could just pick them out as they show up, or you could fill in your _____ with something else w/ a bit of red in it to help it all blend?

I also think I'm switching my order over to Park's because they have more of some of the things I'm looking for and better prices. Some are on their $1 deal. Woo hoo!

To fill in your ____ I was wondering what you'd think of Geraniums? Some are fragrant you know! Yummy! That could help w/ the red too. Some other choices could be Blanket Flower, Coreopsis, Dianthus (so cute and pinks/reds available!), Phlox, Rudbeckia (some are shorter or dwarf and that yellow would be to die for w/ the other colors in your mix). Those are just a few suggestions, I looked on Park's Seeds...on the left is listed "Easy Care" then a list comes up and I chose "Tolerates Dry Soil". I'm sure you could also find these same varieties at a local store or in a trade as well. It's so hard to choose...until you can picture it in your head! lol

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Heather, I really liked that photo of Swan River Daisy - another plant I hadn't seen but I like the look of it. Is the foliage airy? (off to check PlantFiles and google images for more data).

Good thread you and Suzy have going here! Suzy has gorgeous, enviable gardens :)


Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Sunny. The foliage is airy, kinda fern like. I think I'll always have this flower in my garden, even if I have to start it from seed indoors every year!

Because I was sick last year this was one of the (many) plants that never made it out of it's winter sowed container...and it still performed beautifully. The flowers really were that purple/magenta color...from a Google search it looks like it might be the 'Blue Splendor' variety. I had purchased the seeds off of eBay, if you'd like the seller's name go ahead and d-mail me. I was also surprised by my search to learn that this flower comes in many different colors. Learning, learning, learning! =^)

I love Daisies, and so many to collect! One that goes perfectly with Swan River is the Dahlberg Daisy...also petite. It's a happy yellow color, and also did great in it's ws container last year, LOL.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Oh, Sunny, That's the 2nd time I read something on the CG forum about how great my gardens are -- and they aren't! That picture I posted of the trellis with roses was filched off the internet somewhere. My "gardens" are a backyard and a front yard! NEXT year, maybe, but my design gene is flawed and I really just like to play in the dirt, so it will likely be a mishmash.

I bought some plastic inserts from Wal-Mart for my as yet unmade window boxes and they are 8" too narrow. I missed it by a mile, but they don't have anything bigger, so I have to keep looking.

Here's somehting funny: Mr. Clean thinks they get hung above the windowsill -- so the box sits on the windowsill, but I think they hang under it, so the water running off the sill goes into the box. Anybody care to talk about the pros and cons?


Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Do a Google search for window boxes and click on images...all of them are mounted under. Just show him those pics and hopefully that'll change his mind!

I think you're right about the water...on the sill would eventually rot it and cause a huge mess. The boxes might look low at first, but once the flowers fill in they'll reach the bottom of the glass. Besides, you don't want your flowers completely blocking your view out the window!

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

I agree, under the sill.

I noticed that some of the plants you wanted to find seed for are perennial and probably would not bloom the first season. Seems like I'm always adding white nancy to my shade garden. It's suppose to be hardy here, but I tend to have problems in the spring when cleaning out my beds and often clean them out too well.

Anither plant you might consider are the windowbox dahlias. I see that Swan Island has a deal for 5 or 6 of them (all different colors) for 20.00 something.

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

I do have some Dahlia tubers that I brought in last fall that I'm planning to use...as long as they survived.

I'd also love to get some Caladiums to mix in here and there, but I usually just get those at WM and they seem to do well. I like the look of Caladiums or Coleus for my tall item rather than the spikes...the spikes just remind me of a bad hair day! LOL!

Speaking of a bad hair day, check out these planters from Park's. I think they are soooo cute. DH thinks they are stupid, of course. They remind me of my neice and nephew, LOL. They also have a kitty planter that's similar. I don't think this link will work, but here it is anyway

Thumbnail by heathrjoy
Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

I GOT THOSE!!! I don't go in for a whole lot of "cute" in my yard, but I thought those were the funniest things I've ever seen. And right after I got them I found the cat at an antique store/flea market. I can hardly wait to put them out there. The boy's hair will be chives, and I'm thinking pennyroyal for the girl. Maybe I'll put the chives in the cat and clover in the boy.

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

You've got to post pics when you get them planted. I can't wait to see what you do w/ them. My DH did tell me if I got them to put my Aloe plant in for the little girl's hair, lol. I think the Aloe would look hilarious for the cat, like it's scared.

Chives, pennyroyal and clover would all work great! They are going to be so cute, everyone will love them!

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