
Fairfield, CT

Last year I found some interesting poinsettias at Stop & Shop supermarkets (in Connecticut). They were poinsettias that were sprayed with color and glitter. At first, I laughed and thought they looked so tacky. But, they kept "calling" me back to look at them. I ended up buying quite of few of them and put them in baskets with beautiful bows and they made spectacular gifts.

As the plants grew, the glitter and color blended into the plant more and more. They really were lovely holiday plants. This year I found a very poor reproduction of them. It seems to me the name of the plant from last year was "stained glass poinsettias." (The company may have been out of Pennsylvania.) Has anyone heard of these plants? If so, do you know where they can be found? Does anyone know about spraying on a glitter that allows the plant to live and continue growing?

Best wishes to all Dave's Gardeners for a very blesssed New Year and abundant gardening crops.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I saw poinsetttia's this year at stores out here that had the bracts spray painted light blue and had glitter on them, I didn't buy any so I can't help you on who makes them. As far as not hurting the plant, I think as long as you do whatever you're doing to the bracts and not the leaves the plant will probably be fine, but if you start spray painting/gluing/glittering too many of the leaves, then the plant won't be too happy! If you do stuff to the leaves, make sure to leave some areas green and not covered in goop so the plant can still photosynthesize and the leaves can still breathe.

Fairfield, CT

Thanks for the advice. What you said makes a lot of sense! Happy New Year!

(Zone 1)

Our Wal-Marts had literally thousands of these left over ..... no one wanted the glitter ones I guess. They were pretty when they first put them out, but after weeks of sitting and little care, they look pretty sickly. They will probably end up in the dumpster.


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I saw a lot of these, too...and someone, somewhere, stated that this is simply 'floral spray'...so maybe if you'd check a floral supplier you'd find some?

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