Winter Sale On Seeds

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

A couple of websites are having a winter sale on seeds, but don't blame me when your shopping basket is full!

'For a limited time, is offering a 20% discount off all seed packets.'

Gurney's Seed Company - sale until February 14th. 'You save $25.00 on an order of $50.00 or more'.[[ID]]&bhcd2=1167434027

If you find more winter seed sales, please list them.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Shirley, we blamed you before you even posted this ( smi____Ie). thanks for the links. I never saw the tinyseeds one before...lots of neat stuff. gram

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Yes, I know.... I got you to look, gram! :~)

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Shirley: thanks for helping me "save money"! LOL!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

You're welcome Deb, enjoy!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

How do we save money buy spending all the time. Is this an oxymoron. hehe Just repeating my DH reasoning. I am an addict and I don't want help. LOL The day I quit spending money on beautiful flowers is the day I am pushing up daisies from the other side.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


How do we save money buy spending all the time. Is this an oxymoron.

I totally agree! However, here's another one......maybe I should re-name this thread, "How Much Willpower Do You Have?"

T's Flowers & Things

All seeds are $1.00 per packet (except daylily seeds).

You must order a minimum of 10 packets of seeds if paying through PayPal. However, if you would like to pay through PayPal, and your order is less than 10 packets of seeds, please add $.50 for small order processing. This fee is only charged if paying through PayPal and order is less than 10 packets of seeds.

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

Has anyone ordered from Tiny seeds before? I don't see them in the garden watchdog ratings. Yet, I find myself ready to take my chances with them. LOL

York, PA

Arggg! I tried so hard to avoid this thread and now I'm busy checking out Shirley!!!!!


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I've never ordered from Tiny Seeds before either. It's totally up to you if you want to take a chance. If you do, please let us know your experience.

Yes, I know I'm STILL enabling everyone!

-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

Yeah, and put the info in Watchdog so everyone wil know!

Louisville, KY

I haven't ordered from tiny seeds....but I found some botanical interest seeds on a seed rack (cant resist seeds wherever I see them). I had got three packets and all three did very well. NO complaints here. I noticed that the art work on the packages and the name botanical interests is the same as the tiny seed packets so I think the company must be the same.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Here is a list of all my seeds and this doesn't even include some of the trade packets. I'm not sure that I'll sow all varieties, but I sure will give it a try!

Botanical Name
Amaranthus cruentus
Anagallis moenellii, Electric Blue
Anethum graveoleus Fernleaf Dill
Angelonia Serena Lavender
Angelonia Serena Lavender Pink
Angelonia Serena Purple
Angelonia Serena White
Antirrhinum majus Chimes Bronze
Aquilegia McKanna's Giant
Aquilegia McKanna's Giant Mixed
Aquilegia Nora Barlow
Armeria Bees Mix
Asclepias tuberosa
Basil Bush
Belamcanda chinensis, Hello Yellow
Borago Officinalis
Brachycome iberidifolia Blue
C augustifolia
Catharanthus roseus Stardust Orchid Hybrid
Catharanthus roseus Tropicana Bright Eye
Celosia Chief Bicolor
Chrysanthemum parthenium
Cimicifuga ramosa, Pink Spike
Clarkia Amoena Fruit Punch Mixed
Clarkia elegans Royal Bouquet Mixed
Cleome augustifolia purple
Cleome hassleriana
Consolida regalis 'Blue Cloud'
Corn Honey Bantam Bicolor
Corn Ovation
Cosmos Bipinnatus Daydream Mixture
Cosmos Bright Lights
Cucurbita Pepo Kojac
Dahlia Heirloom Border Species
Datura Metel
Echinacea White Swan
Echinacea White Swan
Eggplant, Beauty Hybrid
Eschscholzia caespitosa Monarch Mixed
Eschscholzia californica Aurantiaca Orange
Eschscholzia Californica Apricot
Eschscholzia californica Apricot Flambe
Eschscholzia californica Carmine King
Eschscholzia californica Fairy Wings
Eschscholzia californica Mission Bells
Eschscholzia californica Poppy Mixed
Eschscholzia californica Rose Chiffon
Eschscholzia californica Strawberry Fields
Eschscholzia californica Sun Shades
Eschscholzia Poppy Iceland Mix
"Eupatorium maculatum atropurpureum ""Glow"""
Galliardia puchella
Gazania Daybreak Orange Cream
Gazania Daybreak Petticoat Mix Hybrid
Gazania Daybreak Pink
Gazania Sunshine Mix
Gazania Tiger Stripe Mix
Heliotrope, Marine
Hesperis matronalis Violet
Hesperis matronalis White
Impatiens Wild Thing Hybrid
Ipomoea alba
Ipomoea Morning Glory Dwarf Blue Ensign
Ipomoea Morning Glory Pearly Gates
Lablab purpureus
Lathyrus odoratus
Lavandula angustifolia
Lavandula angustifolia
Lavatera trimestris Silver Cup
Lavatera trimestris Twin Cool White
Liatris spicata
Lilium martagon
Limnanthes douglasii
Lisianthus, Matador Blue
Lisianthus, Matador White
Luffa cylindrica
Melampodium Million Gold
Mirabilis jalapa
Nemesia Mello Red and White
Nemophila Blue
Nicotiana Breakthrough Mix
Nicotiana Marshmallow
Nicotiana sylvestris
Nigella Damascena, Love in a Mist/Persian Jewels
Nigella damascena, Miss Jekyll Blue
Nigella sativa
Ocimum basilicum
Oenothera Apricot Delight
Oenothera Innocence
Oenothera Lemon Sunset
Orlaya Grandiflora
Orlaya grandiflora White
Pansy Jolly Joker
Pardancanda norrisii
Passion Mix Osteospermum
Pepper Gypsy F1 Hybrid
Pepper, Lipstick Pimento
Peppers, Sweet Antohi Romanian
Petunia Celebrity Pink Morning
Phacelia dubia Lavender Lass
Polygonatum biflorum
Portulaca Sundial Hybrid
Portulaca Sundial Mango
Rudbeckia hirta Chim Chiminee
Rudbeckia hirta Chocolate Orange
Rudbeckia hirta Gloriosa Daisies
Rudbeckia hirta Kelvedon Star
Rudbeckia hirta Rustic Dwarfs Mixed
Rudbeckia Kelvedon Star
Rudbeckia Toto
Rudbeckia, Praire Sun
Rudbeckia, Prairie Sun
Rudbeckia, Rustic Dwarf Colors
Salvia Patens Blue Angel
Salvia splendens Bonfire
Stocks Night Scented
Sweet Pea Floral Tribute
Talinum Paniculatum
Thunbergia Beauty Spots
Tithonia rotundifolia Arcadian Blend
Tithonia, Fiesta Del Sol
Tithonia, Torch
Tomato : Gartenperle
Tomato : Heirloom Box Car Willie
Tomato : Heirloom Brandywine Pink
Trachelium Passion Mix
Tropaeolum majus Cherry Rose
Tropaeolum majus Strawberry Ice
Viola - Psychedelic Spring
Viola Helen Mount
Viola Sororaria Freckles
Zinnia Elegans Candy Stripe
Zinnia Haageana Persion Carpet
Zinnia Peppermint Stick
Zinnia Profusion Fire Hybrid
Zinnia Red Spider
Zinnia Star Series - Starbright Mix
Zinnia Swizzle Cherry & Ivory
Zinnia Swizzle Scarlet & Yellow

-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

GGGGGGGoooooooOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY! If I had that many seeds to plant, I'd have to go into business and hire a crew!!!!! LOL

Good luck with them, Anita. Let us know how it turns out

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Of course, I won't be sowing the entire packets! Some will wind up being future trades too.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

mighty nice list, Anita. how much did you sow last year?

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I sowed about 60 containers. Some contained more than one type of seed. I found that made things more difficult around germination time, so this year there will be one variety per container.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

The WM I work at has put out their seed racks already so of course I had to make a purchase or two:LOL:

The following ones are Burpee and Burpee Select ($1.50 pks) and are also featured in the 2007 Burpee catalog at substantially higher prices.

Radish Watermelon (white on outside/red on inside) wm $1.50 Burpee $3.35
Basil Summerlong wm $1.50 Burpee $3.35
Tomato Red Lightning wm $1.50 Burpee $4.40
Sunflower Strawberry Blonde wm $1.50 Burpee $4.40
Marigold Snowball hyb wm $1.50 Burpee $4.95
Bell Pepper Crispy wm $1.50 Burpee $2.50
Sunflower Chianti wm $1.07 Burpee $3.35
Sunflower Citrus (in catalog as Tangina) wm $1.50 Burpee $3.35
Marigold Snowdrift wm $1.50 Burpee $3.35
Thunbergia Alata Mix wm $1.07 Burpee $3.35

I checked a few packs for seed counts and here is that info:
Sunflower Strawberry Blonde Catalog 25 WMpack 25
Sunflower Chianti Catalog 25 WMpack 19
Thunbergia Alata Mix Catalog 40 WMpack 18 (for the price of 3 (54 seeds) it would still be cheaper than from cat.
Marigold Snowdrift Catalog 50 WMpack 50

Now I've got to haunt Home Depot and Lowes and the fancy little upscale nursery for their seed racks---they all seem to buy from different suppliers which is great for me...more variety and all. I've got to stock up for trades and such and this will go such a long way and then I can, without too much guilt, buy some of my splurge seeds:LOL: These are just the varieties I purchased this time.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I bought from TinySeeds right before Christmas -- the order came in eggzactly as I ordered it. Not so easy when you order 1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-1. It's easy to flub up and I bought 40 packs or so.

They were incredibly sorry they couldn't get my order out the next day...because of the Colorado blizzards (no mail). LOL!


Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the links...I just ordered 28 seed varieties for my butterfly garden from! My DH is just gonna shake his head.


-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

I stopped in at Lowe's at lunch. They have their seeds out... but I didn't get any.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

The last thing I needed was more seeds but I had to go buy some grub and these are the ones that grabbed me by my shirt sleeves as I went by. I love zinnas as cuts and wanted specific colors. The others just said"me,me...take ME home with you"


Thumbnail by bigred
-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

Nice stash, P.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I've notice zinnias are a little grabby LOL

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Plants and seeds just have a way with jumping into ones shopping basket!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Even when one wasn't even planning a trip to a store that sold seeds - LOL.

xxx, Carrie

-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

If I didn't know better, I'd think they put 'jumping beans' in each one!!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

I think it's sublimal packaging. Sometimes you don't plant them but you still like to look at the package. I ordered some seeds from valueseeds and was very pleased with price and fast shipment.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

The recent WalMart purchases are in addition to the ones I bought from Park Seed webpage sale(mostly veggies)and just sent in web order to Germania for another $70.00 worth of seed and almost $400.00 worth of plugs from Parks for spring delivery. I just HAD TO HAVE more varieties of oxalis. ........ and chances are I will buy more from local sources as season progresses. I have NO control.

I'm sewing seeds almost daily and haven't even made a dent in the supply already on hand.

Hub's said I started my little hobby nursery business just so I'd have an excuse to buy more. WELL! How dare he.....know me so well!...LOL


-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

P, did you get your oxalis bulbs from Germania, or Parks? I love oxalis, too. I have lots of it in my flowerbed next to the front door.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I ordered them from Parks. I ordered:
"Charmed Velvet","Zinfandel" and "Molten Lava" More for pot culture than out doors.

I have Oxalis "Pink Princess" and o.tringularis atropurpurea that have done a lot better in pots than in the ground.


-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

I don't know the Latin name for what I have. The one outside has pink flowers and chartruese (sp?) leaves. It likes it in my yard, and it has liked it in any yard I've ever lived in. I have some inside, too, but that in particular stays green 24X7.

I'll check to see what Parks has. Thanks.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

got those too...they were here before me*G*

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

here's in Park Seed order:
dwarf sugar snap peas
speckled butter beans
squash Sun Glow
sweet bell pepper,Beauty Bell
tomato ,Sun King
Craquerelle Du Midi
Dark Opal
Salvia splendenis,Jewelled Towers
catmint, Felix
Peppermint Stick
Blackberry Trifle
coleus,Black Dragon
nemesia,Masquerade(Looks like the same in T&M sold as Shooting Stars)
amaranthus,Pygmy Torch
chrysanthemum,Coconut Ice


Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

whoops...pix didn't attach

Thumbnail by bigred
Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Here's my seed frig. The drawers are full too.

A you see I have a problem.


Thumbnail by bigred
Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Oh my goodness P you do need help!! You should purge yourself of this addition by sending all your seeds to me for safe keeping.. LOL LOL I hope you will keep posting your pictures .as you go. It is really helpful to see what others do. Cindy

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I've still have seeds coming from Germania and Park.I keep telling myself I won't buy any more. We'll see how long that last

I've got a bucket of 2005-06 seeds I'm going to post for sases if anyones interested. From my parent plants so I don't need any more.


-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

Wow! You're gonna be busy :)

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I've been sewing seeds since Dec.26 but if I don't quit buying seeds...I'll still be sewing Dec.2008


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