December's Daily Weather #III, The last of 2006.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Well we've had a fantastic year here in the weather forum. I feel kind of like we are all one BIG neighborhood.
Hope this year was great for all of you and that 2007 will bring all of you health, wealth, and great happiness.
Post here as often as you would like.
Much love to all of you.
ps. Here's a bit of scenery we saw sunday;

Thumbnail by sugarweed
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Just talked to my neighbor.
They're doing the Stores down in Jacksonville , FL
Sunny, Windy and 60 Degrees............ ERRRR!


Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Looks like we're all having similar 'gray' weather today! We've got a bit overcast 57*. Sun occasionally popping through, but the pup has stopped moping now that she can go outside again! Expecting 33* tonight.
Sharon: sorry to hear you're still sick, but relieved you weren't hit by a tornado.
It's a holiday for me today (S.C. state employees get Boxing Day). Been tidying up from yesterday, hung up my new bird feeder, just generally "puttering around".
Nice picture Sidney, that may have been the only sunny spot east of California!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Hi Everyone... wet and dreary here, just like for Joey. Snow flurries forecast for this evening with a low of 28ºF and tomorrow night 24º. I can't believe Dyson is warmer that we are! Temps have fallen 3º in the 2 hours, currently 38º on my front porch, same for the root cellar and spring house.

Got some good news on my first cataract surgery (last week)... distance vision now measures 20/20 although I will need reading glasses. Surgery for the other eye is scheduled for Jan. 22.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

54.3 °(F) - back porch, (dropping fast) shed quit again, ( I Swear it was working a few minutes ago when I looked at it ) think I'll swap the two sensors tomorrow and see how that configuration works, or maybe I could break down and spend some money on a real wx station. Doesn't Edmond Scientific still sell those?

You'se guys and gals have a great evening.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Dyson, mine came from Oregon Scientific. I have 3 remote sensors but I think I paid extra for one of them. They said to use lithium batteries if one has cold winters.

(Zone 3b)

Good morning; after reading the posts from the previous thread, I feel like I've caught up a bit.
It's 9 degrees, snowing again, and now, at 10:30am, light out, but of course, heavy snow clouds..
Sugarweed, that formation is a fantastic sight; so rugged looking.
Sharon, interesting to learn that your Jeff's birthday was the 25th, today is my daughter's..
Dyson, are you going to get a new sensor for the shed for the new year? we need to know what it is out there :)
Joey - Jack looks so satisfied w/new toy ---pretty cute.
Speaking of cute - Rann, your girls are so sweet - love the photos...
And, I'm so glad that your vision is so good, Darius...excellent..
The cutest thing happened on Christmas eve..the young moose came up on the front porch, which is just a "boardwalk" beneath the 4' eaves...some snow had blown onto the walkway, and in the snow, were baby moose footprints, right under the living room window...well, of course I pointed them out to the young grandkids, and they agreed that they must have been made by Santa's reindeer. The timing was perfect.

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Darius - I've been following your progress on another thread - as a lurker. (I'm a newbie on this thread.) DH had that surgery three or four years ago, and the results were spectacular. I'm glad that you are having the same outcome.

The sun is shining!!!! It does exist! The skies are a beautiful clear blue. Of course, that means it got downright cold last night - 34 degrees, and is currently 54. DH is out there somewhere freezing his behind off trying to play golf. It will get down to 37 tonight. Pulled all the plants back into the garage and basement, after having temps with lows in the 50's and highs in the low 80's the last few weeks. But with rain and gray skies - so it was dreary. I like this much better.

Dyson - We bought an indoor/outdoor thermometer that also displays the low and high temps from Sharper Image three or four years ago. We have had good luck with it. We have two outdoor stations (you can have three).

Rann - We build up to Christmas Eve/Day, and then it's back to business. This is a big retail day, with people exhanging, returning, and buying stuff on sale now. Not me; I am shopped out! Then we have New Year's Eve - the BIG party, and recovery on New Year's Day (for those who indulge in New Years Eve - I'm too old, and am sound asleep in bed by the time the New Year comes in LOL) I take all the decorations down on New Year's Day. Today I can say my favorite phrase: "Only 364 shopping days until Christmas". Can you tell Christmas stresses me out a little? :-) BTW, that is a wonderful picture of two beautiful girls.

Happy Day after Christmas, everyone! I hope your holiday was wonderful.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Rann, I forgot to mention... I lived in Miami after the Cuban population exploded in the 60's. They celebrate Jan. 6 as "Day of the Three Kings", based on how long it took the Three Kings/Wise Men to travel following the star to the Manger. Gifts are exchanged then as well as on Christmas.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh Kiska, that's terrific! I remember one Christmas eve when we heard sleighbells outside. I think that was the last Christmas before Papa (DGF) died. If we were getting doubtful that sure fixed us. We also found some lipstick on the milk glass one time, but of course Santa had kissed Mrs. Clause right before he left the North Pole.
Darius, I am so pleased with your eye report. My DM just barely needed glasses after she had both of hers done. She could watch her soaps without them and I believe even do the crosswords.
Dyson, a good indoor/outdoor therometer is all I have. Beyond that I use Weather Underground.
For me it's free. Just don't stress over it.
I also have seen some inexpensive digital barometers at the big box stores.
With all this new technology everything is getting less expensive and more accurate.
It's a cool, but sunny day here. I looked at WU's jet stream map for the whole US and its dipping straight down from just west of the great lakes to the gulf and then right back up to Buffalo,NY. Pretty weird.

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

Sunshine on and off and 50% chance of rain in next 24 hours. It's already raining 'cats and dogs' in SF Bay area I hear, and slowly moving this way.

61 °F / 16 °C
Humidity: 41%
Dew Point: 37 °F / 3 °C
Wind: Calm
Pressure: 30.06 in / 1018 hPa (Falling)

The extent of our snow/iciness a few days ago-frost on some brussels sprouts. We rarely ever get snow on the valley floor and when we do get enough to measure, it's like a national holiday, everything comes to a halt.

Thumbnail by jcangemi
Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

We awoke to a dusting of snow and another dark and dreary day with a few showers here in NW Pa. It's 37º now, with temps forecast around 50º by the weekend. Looks like a big storm is rolling into the Pacific NW which will effect most of the nation in the coming days.

Loved the moose track story Kiska. When my wife was little her Dad snuck out, dressed up as Santa and peeked in the window of their house where the kids could see him. Of course they were amazed, thinking he was the real deal. He even made some fake reindeer tracks with the legs of a deer from that hunting season. They were very good kids after that--sure Santa was watching their every move.

We have around 25-30 family here every Christmas day for a big dinner. It gets pretty crazy. Today is recovery day!

Sidney, I hope the new year brings much joy and happiness.

Here's a little Spring color--a cure for a dark winter day..........


This message was edited Dec 26, 2006 5:41 PM

Thumbnail by Early_Bloomer
(Zone 3b)

Daffodils are wonderful -with the snow softly falling, they are but a reminder of what is yet to come; they are one of my favorites.
It's 2pm, 11 degrees, gray, white, and pretty.
Hope the rain continues on down the coast headed your way, jc...the brussells sprouts are quite pretty...

Thumbnail by kiska
(Zone 3b)

Santa's "reindeer" tracks on the porch....I see moose tracks all around, but haven't seen them filled yet..

Thumbnail by kiska
The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Back when youngest son (now 30) was beginning to doubt, we opened the glass doors to the fireplace, and strategically placed a boot in the ashes, then "walked" it out of the fireplace onto the hearth. I'll never forget those wide eyes when he saw the proof that Santa had indeed descended the fireplace. Unfortunately, about 6 months later we finally had the film in our camera (pre-digital days) developed. By that time we had forgotten what was taken earlier, and while we looked through the pictures together, came upon the photos taken of dear dad filling the stockings...which of course, Santa did. He said "Aha!!" and that was the end of that.

(Zone 5a)

Darius - I'm sure that's the reason for our 13 day Christmas ..... we don't exchange gifts again - the 13th is more like a replay of New Year's Eve except not as grand .... no big dinner or anything - just the fireworks :-) So glad to hear that your surgery went well!! Excelent news :-)

Kiska - love that story of the reindeer footprints! lol I can just picture it!

EB - love the daffodils! Just 3- 4 months to go! It'll whiz by with all the seed starting/transplanting fun ahead ;-) Loved yours and Sidney's Santa stories :-)

CJ - LOL! Guess they'll have to figure it out sooner or later! Glad the sun's out! Tomorrow will probably be the big exchange day here .....

One question - why is today called boxing day? My DH and I were wondering about it ..... heard of it before, but never the reason for that name ......


This message was edited Dec 27, 2006 12:52 AM

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

I'm fairly certain that calling Dec. 26 Boxing Day originated in the UK. I know it's called that in the reaches of the former British empire like Australia and Canada. Perhaps our Canadian pals can tell is. My DH is English and he thinks it's something to do with boxes of things or gifts or money for workers and servants?
That's the total extent of my info about it. :)

OK, yesterday I was in shorts; today I covered the plants to protect from predicted freeze tonight. Weird.

This message was edited Dec 26, 2006 8:17 PM

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I had always heard it was when you gave a box (gift) to the people who work for you.
But it appears there are several conflicting stories.

I like the King of Birds version best!


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Hi everyone!! Been away from this forum awhile. It got into the 40s today and is currently 30 if I read the thing right. Not bad out. Been getting down into the 20s at night then getting up into the 50s. If the wind is blowing it's cold out, if it's not it's almost hot. But I'm not complaining. lol.

Here's a holiday picture for ya'll. This is our mechanic at work driving our Holiday Express Kiddie Train last week. He had a blast driving it though he is glad the season is over so his back can recuperate.

Thumbnail by pepper23
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Helluu! Everybody! Well you won't believe this! It' is 32* in Blueifeld & snowing (has been on & off most of the day) & it's still 40* here with no snow & very little rain! What a shame....and it's "Dyson Dark", too!
Darius! One down & one to go! Half the deed is done! :D ~ YEAH!! Yer getting there!
Kiska, Neat "deer" tale! Pretty schneaky. :-)) And Jack has played & played with that squeeky toy! He usually tears things up right away, but he's being pretty careful with this one! :D The big cat must be outside today. As nice as it was ~ he went out to use the b-room & always came straight back in. I hope it's gone by tomorrow...I get a little spooked & he (Jack) gets a little antsy.
Neat train! Pepper. I bet the kids absolutely Loved it!
To tell the truth, I've never heard of "boxing day" before (let alone the King of Birds), but keep in mind I live in the sticks! :D
EB, love the Daffodils! (are they in the Narcisus(sp) family?) A nice hint that spring will be here before you know it! :D
Sidney, that's some neat scenery! Looks like a good place to go exploring!

Well, I have the urge to go take a nap (yawning).

Have a Good Eve Ya'll! :D


(it's a little blurry, but he's in his fav chair & has his fav cow)

Thumbnail by music2keep
(Zone 5a)

Good morning all! It's raining, a bit windy and 45°F! I actually went outside in the yard yesterday and raked some leaves ...... the neighbors must have thought I was mad. It's not customary to work in the garden in December here ........ but then again I should have finished raking the leaves 2 months ago ......

Joey - Jack looks very happy - he's such a cutie :-)

Debi and Henry - thanks for the explanation and the link :-) We've always wondered about that ..... now I know! And there are quite a few possible answers too! lol

Have a nice day all!


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Good morning!

It's clear and brisk today. The temps should top out about 45 or so. There was a hard frost on the ground when I got up, but the sun is taking care of that quickly. Tomorrow should be in the mid 50's...that would be good.

Lots of rain fell over Christmas...all of the ponds and streams are full to running out of their banks. Our yard is saturated, but not flooded. We aren't on a hill, but everything drains away from our property.

Loved the 'reindeer tracks'!

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

brisk?? you call this brisk Melody?? I'm freezing~ lol.

methinks I'm missing South Louisiana this morning.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Heh, heh, heh....Lisa still hasn't grown her winter fur yet......This is a NICE late Dec west KY day.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Morning All! It's a damp 37* & is supposed to get into the 50's & sunny up. Too warm! Not at all seasonal temps!
Sidney thank you for starting this thread! I have enjoyed it So Very Much!! It's My Fave! :D

Thanx Rann, He absolutely Loves that thing. I think it reminds him of his "bud" next door. She's DB's Lab/mix & very funny! She sat on a log so I could take her Pic! Here ~ she Is smiling! ;D


Thumbnail by music2keep
Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

ha, I don't know if I'll EVER get my winter fur.

NICE? my feet have been cold for a month!

It dropped in the 20's last night here. egads!

*winter fur come, winter fur come, winter fur..........

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Oh, it will be spring in a couple of months....

(for those of you who don't know...Lisa has moved to KY...)

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Lisa, what kind of socks and boots are you wearing? When I moved to cold weather I nearly froze but by the next winter I had discovered what keeps my feet and body warm... and it wasn't what I had the first winter.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Morning Miss Darius! I hope you are keeping warm! I wear wool socks a lot. When my feet are cold ~ I'm cold.


St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

It's like a Christmas card today...we had 2" of snow last night with no wind...all the branches are coated. There is still very light snow falling. Temp is 32 F. Suppose to be sunny but cold and windy for the next 3 least the bit of snow will help insulate the ground.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

34° (Wind Chill 26°) Dewpoint: 28° Wind: S 10 MPH
Average: High 40° Low 23°
Today's Sunrise: 7:57AM Today's Sunset: 5:23PM
(09:26 hours of sunlight)

I should just wait until melody posts as our weather is about the same.
Save me a bunch of typing! LOL

Lisa here's some Cold Tips learned from years of working year around Construction:
You know about layering already.
For cold feet.
1) Wear a hat. A big % of your body heat escapes thru your head.
2) If your feet get hot they sweat. If they sweat the water evaporates. Your feet get cold.
Try a 'wicking' sock, hose footies or something like these under those wool socks.
They take the water away from the feet and into the next layer

3) As soon as you come inside take your shoes off and put on something lighter.
I just wear sandals.

Well I'm looking at a gorgeous Day here!
Not a Cloud and a mild South breeze.
Should be 60 by Saturday............
We have a bunch of bulbs that didn't get planted so I will in fact be doing some Gardening today.

Here's a new Plant for me.
It a Cow Parsley called Anthriscus sylvestris 'Ravenswing'.
A beautiful black biennial that is loving these temps.
Notice the new green growth. This is from a month ago. I'll get another shot today.


Thumbnail by henryr10
(Zone 3b)

Neary 8am; minus 10 degrees, dark, pretty stars and tons of snow...
Todd_B - glad you've got some fresh snow to brighten things up.
I had forgotten to click "watch thread" so took awhile catching up again...
Ric-planning to put in some bulbs seems surreal :), much less seeing new growth..
The "reindeer tracks" really were left by the little moose at the most opportune time. With all the tracks around the house, they're staying nearby.
Sunset 3:30 pm a few days ago.

Thumbnail by kiska
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

The Cow Parsley is really pretty, Ric. I think it may be hugging those Christmas lights for warmth - you may need to leave them there until spring. LOL That was great keeping-warm advice you wrote!!

I hate having cold feet, too. Stay warm, Lisa!!

Darius, I'm SO happy to hear how well your eyes are doing! I could only dream of having 20/20 vision.

Todd, that sounds absolutely gorgeous - and I'm SO glad I'm not there to "enjoy" it with you! LOL I've lived in snowy areas (though not as snowy as yours) and I don't miss it at all. I suppose I would get used to it again if I had to move back, but I sure wouldn't like it.

It got down to freezing again last night, but it is going to be in the mid 60's this afternoon.

Observation for Houston, TX (KSGR) as of 10:53am CST (15 min ago)
Temperature 58 °F 14 °C
Dew Point 39 °F 4 °C
Humidity 49%
Pressure 30.21 in 1023.1 mb
Wind Speed 13 MPH 11 kts
Wind Dir SSE 150°
Ceiling Unlimited Unlimited
Visibility 10 mi 16.1 km
Current Conditions Clear
Remarks 6 hour min temperature ending 5:53am CST : 32.0°F / 0.0°C

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Talk about a change in the weather!

Currently sunny and 48*.
Sunny. Highs in the mid 50s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph...becoming north.
Mostly clear. Scattered frost after midnight. Lows in the upper 20s. Light and variable winds.

Frost? Upper 20's??? I was getting SO spoiled! :(

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

51.8°(F) - porch, 78.3°(F) - shed, extremely bright sunshine (sorta explains the difference in the two temps).

(Zone 5a)

Hi Lisa! Hope you warm up soon - nothing better than wool to keep your feet warm - I often wear woolsocks around the house if my feet are cold :-)

Very good advice from Ric there ;-) Very nice cow parsley btw - you have so many pretty foliage plants :-)

Todd - sounds like you've had some pretty "Logndrífa" (=snow falling in calm weather) :-D Lucky you - too bad it'll get windy so it'll be blown off the trees. ......

Joey - she's adorable too! Are they related - I think they have the same smile! lol


(Zone 3b)

Dyson - you've got the shed report up and running :)....and what a difference in, it's moving up and is now 2 degrees below zero with wind in Palmer. It was just starting to blow as I was there a short time ago. One mile out of town, across the river, no wind here.
Deb - that forecast for "scattered frost" is cute - your term or theirs? First time I'd heard it put that way.
A moose just passed through; nice to see.
Ring around the "collar"

Thumbnail by kiska
Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Kiska: Nope, I didn't make up "scattered frost", that's the weatherman. I guess that would sound cute to you when you have gigantious piles of snow! Normally, a little frost is no biggie, and I wouldn't whine, but it's the contrast! It was so warm just 2 days ago.
Regardless, I hope the frost is "scattered" enough to miss my tender plants! :)


(Zone 3b)

Deb -- I hope the frost does scatter far and wide and away from your plants, too...What came to mind was the image of frost blowing in the wind, being scattered; but then, that seems like snow :)
Palmer is at the base of the mountains.

Thumbnail by kiska
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Evening All! It's chillin'! We didn't get to 50* today, just got to 48*, but pretty. At the moment it's 40*.

LOL ~ Kiska! I had never thought of scattered frost that way! :D It's odd how a person interprets things when it doesn't occur in their area. I'm sure when You get a frost it's all over, not scattered about. :D And that beautiful snow keeps adding up, huh? :D
Rann, I never thought of them being related, but it could be possible! Callie came from a home a couple of miles from here & who knows where little "energizer poochie" came from. But they do love each other. When my DB lets Callie out of her pen in the evenings, they just play & romp. It's really funny...they even tease each other! We laugh alot at them.
Deb (& everybody else), Stay Warm! The cold weather is just beginning, but after that!....SPRING
Ric, that's some nice Cow Parsley! I should go out & look for things coming up, I feel sure there is! :D But I've been in all day working on a puzzle (1500 pieces) that will have to get done Before school gets back in session! & I installed the new DSL!! Yeah!!!! Nothing Like It! :D

Well ~ gotta go fix some supper. I thru all the candy out, cuz I was the only one eating it! So, with nothing to "munch" on, I'll have to cook.

This is Callie, checking out the camera....


Thumbnail by music2keep

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