Jan Bingo Game

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Wow, hard to believe 2007 is almost here, why not start it off with a January Bingo Game. I have chose the theme "Philodendron/Monstera". The next post will have 35 philo names to choose from and each of you will choose 15 for your card.

1. Dmail your card with 15 picks to nan(Thanks for being my cardholder) by December 31st - be sure to double check your cards that you have 15 different calls, as it is not the cardholder responsiblility to do this.
2. Game will begin on January 2nd with calls weekdays only.
3. Number of calls will vary daily. It willd depend entirely on how I feel that particular day. It will keep you checking in.

1st Prize - $40 Gift Certificate (Thanks to Cedarnest and myself)
2nd Prize - $20 Gift Certficiate (Thanks to Violet_treasure and Makshi)
3rd Prize - Houseplant (Thanks to plantladylin)
4th Prize - $15 Gift Certificate (Thanks to Nan and Zwz7nc)

Prizes are subject to change as with donors pledges and such. Most Gift Certs will be winners choice.

The next post will contain the 35 names in the game....Remember to pick only 15 different names and dmail your 15 picks along with your DG name,Real Name and address to Nan. Hopefully this link will work.You can use it to dmail your card picks


Ok I will start a new thread for the Bingo Calls Jan 2nd and place a link on the new thread back here to the original so you can all go back and forth easily to see the prizes and rules.

Thank for joining and Good Luck. I know my bingo will not be what some others have had, hopefully it will be enjoyable during the winter.

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

1. Silver Queen
2. Red Emerald
3. Painted Lady
4. Heart Leaf
5. Williamsii
6. Var Spilt Leaf
7. Ginny
8. gigantium
9. panduriforme
10. bipinnatifdum
11. Spilt Leaf
12. Xanadu
13. Swiss Cheese
14. Brasil
15. Pink Princess
16. Emerald Prince
17. Micans
18. Black Cardinal
19. Bloody Mary
20. King of Spade
21. Autumn
22. Lemon Lime
23. Glorisum
24. Florida
25. Burle Marx
26. Silver Streak
27. Mamei
28. Moonlight
29. Splash Gordon
30. Rising Sun
31. Mexicanum
32. Gordons Gold
33. Calkins Gold
34. evansii
35. Black Gold

Please post pics of these if you have them when they are called. It will be interesting to see them. Hope you enjoy my little game of bingo. Get ready nan for those cards to come flying in.

This message was edited Dec 18, 2006 1:07 PM

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Thank you for the great fun New Years Bingo Game !!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Just wanted to let everyone know - I'll respond to your d-mail to let you know that I received your 'card'.
And also wanted to say that I don't get online at night or on weekends, so don't panic if you don't hear from me right away!
Good luck everyone!
I'm excited! This is gonna be fun!

(I can't wait 'til next time when I can play!) (Ü)

I know that there were a few people who weren't sure 'how to play', so I copied/pasted these instructions from the other thread - Hope they're clear - if not just send Sharon (snboyken) or me a d-mail and we'll be happy to explain.

Sharon has posted a LARGE list of NAMES of houseplants (Philodendrons, specifically!)

You choose 15 of those Philodendron names from this list.

You compile this list of names you've chosen into a d-mail, numbered 1 through 15 and send it to me....THAT becomes your BINGO CARD.

Your best bet is to then go back to that d-mail and print a copy of your list to have in front of you.

When Sharon begins calling from her large list of names, you check off, on your list, those that she calls that you have chosen.

When you have all 15 you have to post on this BINGO thread that you have BINGO. I'll verify it with the card you d-mailed to me, and if it matches, you win!

The big trick is to check the BINGO thread as often as possible...that's where I've usually lost out! I'm just not online enough!

Sometimes, several people need one and the same name to win, so this is where the fast fingers win!

Good luck, everyone!

This message was edited Dec 19, 2006 11:03 AM

Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

Is it too late to join in? If not, I'd like to play!

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Still plenty of time to sign up, will take them until 12/31. Dmail Nan your pics.

Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Well, I think that I just might have to try this game. Thanks Nan and Sharon for all of your work. This will be a lot of fun for after Christmas. I will d-mail my list when we get back from out of town on the 27th.


hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

thxs sent my list

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Yeah ! I can't wait :))

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Oh joy...two games at once!!!! Thanks so much, Sharon!!!

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Get those cards in, we have 12 as of this morning.

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

OK I finally got my picks in.It was harder choosing than I thought it would be.So many unique names.This will be so much fun!! Oh I can't wait to play!! : )

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Last day get your Bingo cards join in the Fun !!

Crossville, TN(Zone 6b)

I am glad I saw this thread. I almost missed it. I sent Nan my picks.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

What fun...!! Nan, you have dmail...LOL

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Wow we have 15 for our first game, or that was last count. Game begins tomorrow.

(Zone 1)

Let the New Year Bingo Begin!


Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Starting new thread with calls. Good Luck and Enjoy.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Oh Man!!! I forgot about this Bingo game :~( Must've unwatched the thread somehow.

Yal have fun!!!


When & where is the game to begin??

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Here is the link to the new thread where the calls have started.


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