Holiday recipes

Crozet, VA

This has turned out to be an excellent thread. Yum Yum.

Hart - Sometimes I get a little too much of the cherry juice in my ambrosia and it turns out pink too. Some how my mother's always turned out white with the bits of color coming from the other ingredients. Either, or, it tastes the same - WONDERFUL!!!

Greenkat - Chocolate chips in or on anything makes it good in my opinion. Ha-ha. What did you end up making to go with the ham?


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Ruby, Mom purposely puts the juice in to make it pink and to add a little maraschino flavor to the sauce.

It was a sad Christmas without my Dad today. It was a lot harder than Thanksgiving. I hope next year will be easier for all of us.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Hart ~ (((Hugs)))


Crozet, VA

Oh Diane - I am sorry that I had forgotten that this would be your family's first Christmas without your dad. I bet that it was difficult for everyone. Thank God that our hearts and psyche's heal with time. Each person has their own time limit on how long it will take too.

It took me several months after my dad passed away for me to cry over it. One day while going through his things I came across about a 20 year old card that someone had sent him. The card was talking of how courageos he was to live his life and do as many things as he could despite being handicapped with a type of Muscular Dystrophy. I sat and sobbed when I realized that yes indeed he had a tough row to hoe.

My mother passed away a few years before my dad and I will at times see something that will remind me so much of her. I will make a confession about how I was unable while they were alive to appreciate them as much as I should have. Now, as I am raising my son's, I see the heart break that my brother and I must have caused them from time to time.

Sitting here and thinking of my dad makes me a bit sad. I regret that I wasn't able to extend more love to him than I did.

Again, we do heal from what might be described as gut wrenching pain and come to a point where we can have mostly good thoughts about our parents. I know that there are some anger issues at the medical commnity with your dad's death and I am sure that it makes it doubly hard.

You have a lot of friends here, so whenever you might need a shoulder, just drop us a line. Take care my sweet hart.


Crozet, VA

Oh Diane - I am sorry that I had forgotten that this would be your family's first Christmas without your dad. I bet that it was difficult for everyone. Thank God that our hearts and psyche's heal with time. Each person has their own time limit on how long it will take too.

It took me several months after my dad passed away for me to cry over it. One day while going through his things I came across about a 20 year old card that someone had sent him. The card was talking of how courageos he was to live his life and do as many things as he could despite being handicapped with a type of Muscular Dystrophy. I sat and sobbed when I realized that yes indeed he had a tough row to hoe.

My mother passed away a few years before my dad and I will at times see something that will remind me so much of her. I will make a confession about how I was unable while they were alive to appreciate them as much as I should have. Now, as I am raising my son's, I see the heart break that my brother and I must have caused them from time to time.

Sitting here and thinking of my dad makes me a bit sad. I regret that I wasn't able to extend more love to him than I did.

Again, we do heal from what might be described as gut wrenching pain and come to a point where we can have mostly good thoughts about our parents. I know that there are some anger issues at the medical commnity with your dad's death and I am sure that it makes it doubly hard.

You have a lot of friends here, so whenever you might need a shoulder, just drop us a line. Take care my sweet hart.

Oops - some one needs to refresh my memory on how to post pics. Thanks ya'll.


Thumbnail by rubyw
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hart---my heartfelt sympathies. hoping the happy memories come in time and give some comfort.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Dear Diane, Time will heal. My mom has been gone 36 years now. Each Christmas I remember something that she did to make my Christmas more meaningful. Take care!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Thanks everyone. I was just a bit blindsided by how sad and hard it was yesterday. I haven't cried that much since right after he died. Poor Mom - we were opening presents and she needed something to cut the tape. My brother handed her the pocket knife my father always carried, which she gave my brother after Daddy died. She started bawling as soon as she saw it. I started bawling. We were a mess.

Then I cried in the car all the way back to the valley. And so on. I'm sure this is normal but I wasn't expecting it to all come back so hard and so fast.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

(((HUGS)))) I was wondering how you and your mom were doing during the holidays!! I'm so sorry. Yes, be assured it's time goes on it's such a sharp - taking your breath away pain but still there. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this - please hug your mom for me!!

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