How bout that sun!

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

What sun? I haven't had much, have you? Bummer for my babies, but I'm happy just to be alive and well.


Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

lol I know what you mean!! Today was actually pretty sunny, but it still didn't melt all that snow outside.

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

You lucky girl!!!!! I mean, with the sun and all.:) Can't say I envy your snowfall, though! If memory serves me correctly, and it often fails me, the sun will get brighter 'round about January?


This message was edited Dec 5, 2006 5:12 PM

(Zone 1)

GrowHappy: It's Sunny here! But, we are supposed to have a cold front heading South and the next couple of days our daytime highs are supposed to be in the 60's with Friday only being in the mid 50's! Low temp's at night supposed to be in the 40's. We had this same kind of weather the week of Thanksgiving. This is very unusual for us this time of year. January/February is usually when we have real cold, so I wonder what it's going to be like here later in the winter. We haven't had a really cold winter in quite a few years, something tells me this year may be an unusually cold one! I wouldn't mind visiting someplace with a bit of Snow sometime, but I couldn't take the cold temperatures for very long! Two or three days of playing in snow would be fun though!

I found 4 Gardenia's on one of my bushes yesterday! They don't usually bloom except in May! A few Roses blooming, but that's not unusual. We are having some weird weather this year, must be why the Gardenia's are blooming. We sure could use some rain! We are way below normal for rainfall this year.

Cjolene: How much snow do y'all have? I know there have been some pretty intensive storms in some areas and lots of snow and ice! Stay warm and safe!


Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

We had 14 inches. And I live out in the boonies, Doug was up in Kansas City and didn't get home until 3:15am. He was worried about coming in to our street- thought about just parking on Main St. and walking home. But he said a truck was in front of him and kind of "paved" the way so he could get home. But that's as far as he tried coming up the driveway and the snow went up inside the car. He bottomed out!! So he had to park with the rear still in the road!! I was just glad he was safe. I'm not a fingernail biter, but I was getting pretty close to becoming one (he's usually home by 2:45am when he goes up there).

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Today will be high 76 and Sunny ! But Saturday a cold front and low's 46 high only 62

(Zone 1)

WOW! 14" .... and it's so early in the season yet! I guess y'all get a lot of snow out your way, huh? I was born in Virginia and remember having a little snow once in awhile, but never much more than a couple of inches. My family moved to Florida in 1967 when I was 19 years old, so it's been a long time since I spent time in a cold climate! Winter to us is temp's in the 40's, sometimes 30's overnight and it only lasts off and on for a few weeks, usually during January/February. We do, on occasion have hard freezes in this part of Florida, but thank goodness it's rare!

I can't imagine driving in snow and ice! So glad your husband got home safely! Wasn't it nice of that truck to pave the way (so to speak) for Doug to make it to the driveway!

Stay Safe! and Warm!


Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

lol Thanks!! We actually don't usually get this much snow, though.

I never liked Winter until I lived in Idaho and then Utah. Their Winter's are FANTASTIC. No humidity so the cold doesn't chill to the bone. And in Idaho, it was a field of white continuously for about 4-5 months- you never saw the dead grass. It was actually really pretty. ; )

(Zone 1)

Oh Wow .... snow for 4 - 5 months! I can't even imagine that!! We visited Denver Colorado about 10 years ago over Thanksgiving .... it was -7 when we got off the plane! I had NEVER been in temp's below zero .... what an experience, it was interesting! But, I was very surprised that being a dryer climate, it didn't really feel too cold.

Now, let me tell you .... here on the East Coast, from where I grew up in Virginia, all the way down here to Florida .... when it's in the low 40's or lower, you really feel it! The dampness seems to go right through you! I complain about the heat in summer when the humidity is high, but sometimes I think it's worse when it's cold .... wet cold is no fun!


Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

lol I know exactly what you mean!! I'm sure your humidity is worse, but my Aunt came to visit us once and was up pretty high that day. She said that when she landed in Kansas City, there was a whole lot of SMOG. She is from the West where mountains keep the smog in cities. There are no mountains in Kansas City to keep smog in. There isn't a smog problem at all. She was seeing the humidity haze. lol

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