Selaginella (Club moss)

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I can't remember the variety of this plant I bought yesterday. The one I brought home lost it's label. I'll check next time I'm at the garden center so I can add to PF.

The leaves look like they're frosted.

Thumbnail by kniphofia
SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Oh, I love these...but they're another thing that I decided, after some trial (and even more error! LOL!) that I simply can't grow.
I know some people have great luck with them...but not me.

Is that variegation or is that an illusion?

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

I think they're selling these now as "frosted ferns". I've been seeing them in my local nurseries under this name. I wondered why they would get creative with the name like that. Just call it by it's correct name!


North Augusta, ON

I bought one of these as well..I have murdered many of them in the past, but now have a terrarium so I thought maybe I could try again...still it is dying. Does anybody have any info on these things? A web search turned up nothing..ANYBODY??? pleease...

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

I have had 2 or 3 of them also and they all died. They are so picky and so I just gave up on them. But they sure are beautiful and I wish I could grow them. Good luck with yours.


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

threegardeners.....if you're searching Google, try using the words ' selaginella culture' - I found a few hits with some cultural tips that way.

I'm reluctant to try these again, but they are so intriguing that I might someday. I read somewhere that while they do need either a humid environment or a terrarium, that they also need well-drained soil, such as some amended with orchid bark/mix.

I have an old GW friend who I haven't heard from in a few years, who successfully grew this in her Boston apartment, so it *can* be done! She had simply found the perfect place for it that was both warm and humid, and if I recall from her description, that location also had a good amount of air circulation.
I'm guessing that outdoors in a humid environment, this plant is a 'cinch'!

How's yours doing, kniphofia? Do you have other Selaginellas or is this your first one?

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

kniphofia....our supermarket (believe it or not!) had several of these so I BIT and got one. lol!

The leaves do, indeed, look frosted - as though someone 'bleached' the tips of them!

Wish me luck! I've placed it right by my fountain this time.

North Augusta, ON

hey everybody, I got one a couple weeks ago. I put in my terrarium and so far so good..although it needs to be watered way more than the rest of the ferns in there. I find I have to water just him every other day pretty much or he wilts. But he is growing, and he is happy.....LA

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

What does the whole plant look like ? How large does it it. Does it grow up right or like ground cover. ?

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

The plant I bought was in a 3 inch pot. I have mine in a terrarium, well a large mason jar actually with a lid but it's thriving in there.

Here's a pic I took at the garden center this weekend. The plant was just labeled as 'frosted fern',

Thumbnail by kniphofia
Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Neat looking pretty plant ! Thanks for sharing !

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I bought this one at Lowes yesterday, someone said it wasn't a fern, It said frosty fern on the tag. thinking it's the same thing as yours.

i'd love to find out.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Mine looks *exactly* like yours, Kathy, but my 'decoration' (in the pot) is gold!

Mine's tag had both 'Frosty Fern' *and* Selaginella on the tag, but didn't list a cultivar or variety name.

The 'things' you'd referred to are roots....looks like this one is easy to root under the right conditions. I've found some of the others to be difficult to root, even though they're said to be easy.

Here's some info on the most commonly grown one.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Nan, I bought 2 of them cause they were so cute.

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