Can't get thread to post

Roatan, Honduras

I have been trying to post a thread for plant ID, and can't get anything to post, so am trying on this forum. If this actually goes through, is there anyone out there that I can send an email to for plant ID?


Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

This post went thru. Can you post an ID or description here?

Roatan, Honduras

after I saw that my thread posted, I tried to post another with a picture and "page can't be displayed" came up again.... I have tried several times to post it on the ID forum. I would like to send the picture to someone's email address and maybe someone else can get it to post for me. Even though I have broad band, I do live on a small Island off the coast of Honduras, so the problem may be with my server.

Roatan, Honduras

the plant has the same shape of leaf as a Dieffenbachia, but the outside part of the leaf is dark green, and the inside part is a lighter green. The bloom is cream colored and sort of lilly looking.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

You might go to and ask for assistance with this problem. I am not a computer wizard and not a great ID'r but someone here will assist. Good luck!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Did you put any text in with your picture? If you try to post a pic by itself but don't put any text in the message then it won't go through. Also, pictures need to be jpg format so if you're trying to post another format that might be why it's not working too.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Now that I think about it I remember you posting this question on the ID forum a few days ago about how to post a picture and the folks there gave the directions for how to do it...if you're following those directions and still having problems, it would help if you could walk us through step by step what you're doing when you try to post the picture, what you're seeing on the screen at each step, etc so we can see where things are going wrong.

The other thing you could try doing is reduce the size of your picture--if you're trying to post one that's really really huge it could be your server doesn't like that, but if you can use your photo software to reduce the size maybe it will go through (if you don't have photo software, you can download a free one from Google called Picassa)

Roatan, Honduras

Thank you for all of your helpful suggestions. My husband and I live on the Island of Roatan in the Western Caribbean, and although we pay for high speed wireless, we rarely get it. I found a web site to check our broadband speed and discovered that I was at 53kps, so my husband went out and started to move the radio and I now am at 164kbs! One thing that is very hard to get here is someone to service anything let alone computer stuff, so we just have to attempt to do it ourselves. So long story short I have managed to post my plant on the ID forum. I can't wait to see what this plant is.

Thanks again

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