i luv this pic

Sheboygan, WI(Zone 5b)

Thanks Pat, for the great idea - I didn't know I could do that and I'll definitely follow up on your suggestions. I will get the dimensions of my yard, existing flower beds and the plants I already have -- as far as what I want, I guess I will leave that up to the other gardeners, as I'm sure they'll have combinations to suggest. I'm also considering (not much of a surprise) enlarging the beds and/or adding more, so any ideas will be welcome. Thanks again, and look for my new thread, coming soon!! Susan

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

Dori, wanna come help me start up my new garden ? I am building a new bungalow in zone 7b and will be starting over with my gardening. I won't be having a garden as large as I have now ( 3.5 acres) as my DH as put his foot down, but it will have both sun and shade. I have very little shade now so this will add a different aspect to my life.

Love to "visit" your garden through pictures ! How peaceful ( as long as I don't have to weed it for you.)

Traverse City, MI

Wow, Dori! What a magnificent garden! Keep posting your pictures - they take my breath away!


Medway, MA(Zone 5b)

dragonfly/Susan - I've been gardening for about fifteen years, and have had the same problem. It took so long for me because raising kids didn't afford me the time and effort to put into a garden.

It's just been the past few years, a little "magic", and great ideas from DG that have helped my garden start to come around.

Keep the confidence!


Thumbnail by PrimroseSue
Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Dori.......in photo that you say is a keeper with the birdbath....what are the purple flowers??remember I asked about them at Staceys and thought they was blue??LOL..Did'nt you have more photos someplace???I need blue!!!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

are you talking about the heart shaped birdbath pic-purple toadflax
the one with the guys head?-verbena bon.
the one with the fountain?-bellflower

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

The ones in post # 2922344...did'nt you have a picture of a arbor with blue flowers???

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)


Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

THX Dori thats it...I ordered it from Bluestones!!!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

it reseeds here and i let them grow where they sprout!

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Thats nice to hear..it says its a annual for me..I'm zone 5a and your further north than me still your 6a???

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

if you ever look at a michigan zone map there is a very small area where i am that is a zone 6 by the grace of God!!! its cuz we are so close to the bay~lake huron!

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

LOL..I think you told me the reason before!!You think from my 3 plants I'll still get babies???

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