Peek-a-Boo Sulphur

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I've been welcoming so many different types of Sulphurs, Monarchs, Swallowtails, Frits...and alot of other kinds of butterflys to the back garden. Chrysalis' are hanging everywhere...from my waterhose, my porch railing, a shovel, the sides of my clay pots....and even the sides of my house, lol. I found this lovely critter taking a sip deep inside of my Mexican Petunia. I think the purple and yellow are a pretty combination. :)


Thumbnail by TxTurqoize
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Another one.... :)

Thumbnail by TxTurqoize
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Here's yet another shot of a Sulphur on my Indigo Spires. As I've said before, they are REALLY attracted to this bush. I usually have clouds of Sulphurs and others hovering all over it. :)

Thumbnail by TxTurqoize
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Next to the Indigo Spires is my large bush of Copper Canyon Daisy. These little grey critters were on well as swarms of smaller "patch?" butterflies. Anyone know their names? Especially the grey one?

This message was edited Nov 12, 2006 8:20 PM

Thumbnail by TxTurqoize
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

This one I found enjoying the CCD as well... :) What kind is she?

Thumbnail by TxTurqoize
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

All in the, enjoying the Indigo Spires.. :)

Thumbnail by TxTurqoize
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

And here is a Swallowtail enjoying some lantana. They really seem to flock all over the many lantanas that I have around the flowerbeds. :)

Thumbnail by TxTurqoize
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I can't for the life of me remember the name of these little critters. Something "patch" I think? Anyhoo....they are swarming allll over the Copper Canyon Daisys....actually fighting over some blooms! lol....they just sort of bat each other out of the way. I've seen about 15 to 20 on one small bush. :)

Thumbnail by TxTurqoize
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Another shot of patches... :)

Thumbnail by TxTurqoize
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

This lovely critter, (a frit?) was caught enjoying the Fire Bush.

Thumbnail by TxTurqoize
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

What a wonderful surprise as well today. This lovely little sulphur emerged out of its chrysalis today! It just happened to attach itself to my plant marker in my pot of Vick's Plant, lol. I watched it flutter away after it warmed up in the sun. Sort of sad to see it go...


Thumbnail by TxTurqoize
The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

Very nice, the patch one is the Bordered Patch, great pictures!

The gray one is the Commom Checkered Skipper.

This message was edited Nov 12, 2006 8:14 PM

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks fly... :)


East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

you should enter the very first pic in this year's photo contest. that's a winner

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b) you really think so, vossner? I could at that, I reckon... :)

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Definately! A sure winner! Go for it, Melanie!

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Great pics! I'm so jealous! The 3rd one is a Variegated Fritillary, just like the one I just released! I raised a whole bunch of Bordered Patches this summer. Love them all!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Well, perhaps I will at that! lol....
I was just walking around the back yard and garden..and stopped to notice all of the chrysalis' hanging everywhere. I mean, everywhere! lol, the wood fence is lined with different ones. I took this photo of a yellow caterpillar (sulphur?) about to turn into a chrysalis. Its sort of an interesting composition, isn't it? lol....


This message was edited Nov 13, 2006 9:45 AM

Thumbnail by TxTurqoize
Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

TxTurquois, you are so lucky to live in an area where all those beautiful butterflies also live and to have planted plants that they like.

I have lived here in WA all my long life and at my other place saw butterflies quite often, Here only rarely do butterflies show up. There was nothing but sagebrush and grass here when I moved in. I have planted more than 90 trees of many varieties, and shrubs and perennials but to no avail for attracting many butterflies. I am on the east side of the Cascade mtn. range and surrounded by dryness (except for right now) and sagebrush and grass except for my little oasis. Have never seen a cyrsalis here.

Rained and snowed all night, but only about an inch of snow.

Really loved your butterfly photos.


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Thank you Donna, flying flowers are a true blessing, are they not? :)
Snow and rain! Goodness.....and here I am in Central Texas...and it is suppose to be another 80 to 85 degree day. *phew..... I can only imagine tho, that the views from your windows are one of the most spectacular in the nation. I really need to get up there sometime. I am so use to rolling scrubby hills, flat desert country....cactus....and everything else the good lord figured could bite or poke ya, that a change would be interesting. Sure wish you could also enjoy these little flying critters. They are a sight to see. :) Take care, and keep warm!


St Augustine, FL(Zone 9a)

Melanie, these photos are fantastic. I especially like the ones on the copper canyon daisys. I would submit that one too! Karen

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Rutholive, glad to see your name around here again. :) We'd love to help you attract some butterflies so you can have your own chrysalis! There are a couple of seed trade threads (for host and nectar) that might interest you.

Host plants:

Nectar plants:

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

konkreteblond, thankyou, I have been in and out of hospitals all summer. Think I am all back together and working okay now.

thanks for the link and lists. I grow nearly all that are listed that are growable in zone 5. I think the problem is mostly how dry these lowland hills are, no trees. just sagebrush and grass, except for my little 2 1/2 acres of garden.

I am going to go do something else, everything on my computer is extremely slow, it is boring.


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Karen,
I can't believe how many of the Border Patch butterflies will actually land on one small patch of copper canyon daisys. They don't seem to like anything else in my garden but that particular flower. All of the Sulphurs, Swallowtails, Monarchs, etc steer clear of it, lol. :)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

TxTurquoise - Your photos are stunning! I'm so happy to see the butterflies are so happy over in San Antonio. I went to college in SA in the early 70's and witnessed the monarch migration from my 4th floor dorm room. (I'm a native Oklahoma girl - so this was new!) It was awesome! I'm still seeing monarchs in Houston on my remaining milkweed - every year I think I'll plant enough more - and every year it's not enough. Last year I had them year round. My butterfly plantings increase every year, and this year was my best year of seeing a wide variety each day. What a joy they are. Thanks so much for posting!

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

I planted Copper Canyon daisies for the first time this year. That plant sure does stink! It grew really tall. Should I cut it back next year?

Donna, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope that you are feeling better! Are you seeing butterflies at your place and just not seeing any caterpillars and chrysalids?

I live in an area that has pretty bare spots like a prairie. We have trees, but not real big ones and not much that hosts butterflies besides Hackberries. We sure have been dry here too. Today the winds are so strong that it blew all the leaves off my OK Redbud. It dries everything out even worse.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Yes, I am feeling much better now, thankyou. It is very windy here this evening. Rained some earlier, and if it cools off very much I expect to see snow again in the morning.

I don't see many butterflies, the occasional tiger swallowtail, and cabbage moths, forget their name. I had a Celtis, Hackberry once for a few years, growing as a bonsai,but finally lost it. There is a lot of wind here and I know what you mean by drying things out.

Edinburg, TX

Great's one of a nicely camouflaged one :o)

~ Cat

Thumbnail by TexasPuddyPrint
Edinburg, TX

...and a couple of skippers on the next flower over.

Thumbnail by TexasPuddyPrint
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Really nice Mel! I particularly like the one that was digging so deep he didn't see you taking his picture. Ok a tie with the Copper Canyon twins. They are all..great shots girl!! Seems our Texas is a great bottleneck for these wee leps. I just love it!

Oh Cat, DH said he would take us all down to NABA on Spring break!!!
Don't ya just love how those dark centers camoflague them? They know it too, they take their time digging in deeeeep. Is that Mallow? I have some seedlings popping up that are similar to that flower. I think the centers are a little brighter red though. Would you save me a few seeds from it, please?

Edinburg, TX


The best time for butterflying down here is in the Fall...from late October onward. You'll see plenty of butterflies in the Spring but the weather will be hot and there will be no rarities.

I think that's some type of rock mallow. The centers are a gorgeous deep maroon. Very stark contrast beween the yellow of the petals and the flower's throat. Gorgeous!!! It's growing back at the ranch at an aunt's house...I will have to see if it's goes to seed. Remind me via dmail :o)

~ Cat

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

How bout in January and February? I cant imagine waiting a whole year!! I'm fairly patient, to wait a little while, I have an added interrest in the Birding Center too, and a close pal of mine is also a birder. I'd like to bring him and his wife along with our family. Our Spring Break comes fairly early, and we have 2 week breaks throughout the year in the School System we're in. You make a good point about the heat!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Debnes... :) Yeah, that little critter was wing deep in that petunia bloom, lol.

lol konkrete...ya don't like the aroma of Copper Canyon Daisys? : p They do have a different smell, don't they? I seem to be the only one in my family who can partly tolerate it....but for some reason, I find it sort of nice, but in SMALL doses!

nice photos, Cat...I love taking a peek at other photos from different folks. Yours are so very pretty. :)


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I hope it's okay to post my photo on this thread. (I didn't want to start another thread if there was already one for the Sulphur Butterflies/cats.)

I was out checking on the tiny eggs I found last week. The eggs were still there on the leaves and one looks ready to emerge. Well guess what! I found this large cat on a flower. I am wondering if perhaps the cats stay on the flowers during the day to hide from predators. And then possibly eat at night? Anyone know?

I am so excited to actually have a plant in my yard that will attract the Sulphur cats and butterflies! Love those yellow beauties!

I have Sulphurs! YAY!!!

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Yay for you! :) Me next! That would be a way for them to hide but I doubt they would stay on the flower all day. Is it eating the flower?

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

TxPP, I love all of the photos for sure. I wish I were so fortunate to have those in my yard.
I think you should enter the 2nd Patch photo for the bug file banner next time they do that one. The yellow and purple is a stunning combo.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Definatly good colors, yellow and purple.. They love to eat those cassia flowers for sure, yummy!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Paige - Yes, the cat is eating the flowers. I don't see any chewed leaves. Is that the usual feeding behavior of the cats?

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Happy birthday Beckaroooooooo!! Happy birthday to you! and so on and so forth,

Have a wonderful day sister!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Deb - Well thank you so much! I'm still scratching my head as to how you knew today is my birthday? Are birthdays posted somewhere here on DG? Or did you know it from my profile?

Paige - I found another cat on the cassia and it is also eating just the flowers. It blends in so well with the yellow flowers you almost don't even see them! I am sooo excited! Can you see me doing the "Snoopy Dance"?!!! lol

My youngest son brought home flowers for me today after he got off work. He decided to buy me potted Mums that are the prettiest color of yellow/orange/brown. He said that he figured that I would like something that I could enjoy now and then plant it later as another plant. I've never grown Mums. Are they perenials?

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