Rangoon Creeper

Thomasville, GA(Zone 8a)

Has anyone started a ragoon creeper from cuttings? If so , please tell me how you did it. Elaine

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

yes--dmail me.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Can you post how on here, too?
I've got one coming in the mail, and want to try some, too.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Sounds like chinese food. LOL

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Yes, please post. I got one last year and would like to try cuttings in the spring.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Root in dirt (which is what I do) or water in the early spring when growth is rampant but blooming is a ways off. Keep the soil rooting wetter than what you normally keep the in ground plant. Once heavy flowering cycles starts, its much harder to get it to root (this is actually true of propagating most plants).

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Elaine & Jan-
Do you have the single or the double??

I got the single, but wish I'd gotten a double, lol...I think the double are even prettier.

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Honestly, I didn't know there was more than one. My is new earlier this year and has yet to bloom but is growing like crazy.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I read that the double are more rare, and even harder to root than the single...can't remember where I saw it...Toptropicals maybe? ... Zone9tropicals?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Top Tropicals does carry them--I think they've been out of stock the last few times I've checked but I'm sure they'll come back!

Thomasville, GA(Zone 8a)

My R.C. is a single. I have not seen a double except on the internet. They are the same color but have double blooms where the single has one.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Just ran across the double listed at Gardino as well...they're out of stock too but I'm sure they'll get it back in stock one of these days too.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I have both--they are equally easy to root. I got them both from the same person--a friend in Galveston. I've had the single for 4 years and the double for only 1.5. I'll start hacking the double up for cuttings next spring.

Thomasville, GA(Zone 8a)

Thank you for all the information. Would it be possible to get a cutting of the double in the spring? Please tell me why I would not be wise to start the cuttings now, since my winters are so mild and I could winter it inside.

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

I was out timming back the snail vine and p. incense awhile ago and took a couple small cuttings. We'll see how they do.

Thomasville, GA(Zone 8a)

I was in the yard also and looked at the plant and there are several shoots (7) that are away from the main plant. Should I try to take a couple of those off and see if I can successfully get some roots of them, and pot them?

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I don't see why not?

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

The double seems like something I will need too. I planted two of the singles and now just have to pray they make it through the winter. I was told these are difficult to root. (I have a friend in Mexico rooting some of hers for me.

Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

i have always gotten them from the seeds that they drop. the ones that look like star anise. they usually start from these pretty easily.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL...did you know for the longest time I thought that was a seed pod with tiny seeds in it. DMJ, knows, I discovered one growing from the entire pod last spring. Just when I thought I had it going pretty good with the plant world, a spinner like that humbles be.

So......who was it that desired the double? In a strange and twisting 6 degrees of separation, or it's a small world syndrome- I had ordered some plants from zone9tropicals.com - A couple days later while at work at continental headquarters, I received a call from a guy asking me if I had order plants from Zone9...I replied, I sure did.. He said, this is Bob, and I am calling you from the 17th floor. I paused while that sunk in, and ding! I asked...you work for Continental too? He said yes, but that is not the weirdest thing- Really???? I asked...He said, I live right around the corner from you, would you like me to drop your plants by?. Well he and his business partner came by and joined me and a couple other DG members that were in town to enjoy my garden and local nurseries (aheemmmm Debbie)- I was pretty surprised at the size of the Jade Vine I had ordered. It was as tall as I am - I wondered how in the world they were going to ship something that big...
Since then, we have become pretty good friends, I have been helping Wayne (the other partner) put in a new Cold frame green house this weekend, and what should he have given me...but a double rangoon creeper. I remembered cruising threw this thread- and had told him someone was looking for a double. He has one that he offered 1 plant to give to this person- he said he wasn't going to sell it, because he wasn't sure that it was a double, even though it was labled as such. He wants to see it bloom before he sells it. Whew, is that you Kamikid, that wanted it? I have to help him put the cover over the frame and will throw it the trunk and send it out if you like.

I have to say this--- thinking that no ones back yard was more crowded than mine....but to see theirs...put a big smile on my face while their crowded back yard of theirs clearly took first place !


Thomasville, GA(Zone 8a)

I responded to the double raggoon creeper. I would love to have one. I have recently (Wed) cut my night booming jasmine back and remembered that I had some off shoots from the raggoon creeper. I dug them up and have them potted. There are nice roots on them so I hope they will make it. So much work to do and so little time. Elaine (Kamikid)

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Lucky Elaine!!

Thomasville, GA(Zone 8a)

Thank you. My address is in the addy. This is my lucky day. I will be in budget hearings for 3 days and I can be thinking where to put this beauty. Your story is great. It really is a small and wonderful world we live in. I have a real hard time understanding people who don't love flowers and pets. Please let me know how to pay for the shipping. I would love to see your back yard. I'm sure it is beautiful. Have you posted pictures of it that I could look at? When the plant arrives I will write them a note of thank you and THANK YOU for remembering that I was looking for one. Tell Wayne I will take pictures of it after its planted. Again thank you and have a wonderful day. Lucky Elaine

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Ahemmm Randy--I figure you can come to my house as easy as I can come to yours. Zone9 doesn't have anything I either don't already have or feel I need. I'm not that big into tropicals, remember?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL...dmj, I know re the tropicals, it was just about socialising...only saying: sorry I missed meeting you that day.

Okay, I'm headed over there right now to finish what we started before the cold front blows in.
Could you please dmail me your address. I'm one of those people who will miss a bill payment, because the bill was not in view.
Here was a thread from this summer

and a picture queue i have from my journal

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Better hurry Randy--supposed to freeze Friday am (31 according to weather channel) and they are going to need that greenhouse. This will make the second one for me up here in "north country". lol

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Right? I am hearing that it is baring down on us faster and may be here even sooner. I will be executing stage one "the cuttings and seedling move " tonight, and stage two the bigger plants tomorrow morning. Filling up the humidifier- fired up the gas heat...it works..heating pad for coconut tree....check...lol...whew..I'm already tired just thinking about it.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Luckily I haven't much to deal with Randy. Musical notes needs to come in (potted). I've got 2 huge Mussaenda luteola's and a Rhodeletia leucophylla (you probably want one of these in spring--a Mexico and El Salvador native) to be wrapped in floating row covers--will sorta look like "Halloween" ghosts out in the yard. The neighbors will probably think I have holiday confusion disorder....

Wonder if some of these northeastern Mexico native Zephyranthes and Habranthus species bulbs might need to be brought in? hhhmmmm...last I heard was low 31--have you heard any lower?

I still have small plastic pots in odd corners of the backyard (under rangoon, etc.) from the last windy norther that blue in...that one zapped the clero u and hamalia patens to ground level.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I think bulbs will be okay since the cold really isn't a sustained event. I am hearing 37 tommorrow night, 33F friday, and 35 saturday morning..it's going to be a long cold weekend. think I will get some firewood and stay put. I just heard that it is snowing in Amarilo. is winter over yet? how depressing..it hasn't even started!

Speaking of musical note..guess what was blooming this morning? yep- the musical note...good thing it bloomed today.

I swore last year I wouldn't do the ghost thing in the yard, but chances are...I'll change my mind. I have quite a collection of frost cloths by now. It's quite a pain trying to put those up when a cold front is blowing. I know I will cover the coconut tree.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

my silly musical notes got completely defoliated in the last cold front, despite the fact I brought it in....and guess what? It's now completely flushed out with new spring green leaves. If ever a plant needed "psychiatric counseling' I think its that plant--lol

Those lightweight things always fight me to blow away--of course, if I had any sense I'd get out there now and do it before the wind starts blowing 40 mph--I need my teenager home from work to hold the flashlight for me! I wonder what my next door neighbor is doing? lol

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL....boy am I familiar witht that picture...putting out the clothes...naaa...I'm not putting any of that out until the wind stops blowing. I have some bails of hay that I am going to put around the super tropicals like the beaumontia grandiflora and murtonni, coconut and jade vine. The jade vine has climbed 20 foot up a 40 foot bamboo ladder I put up for it. Can you picture me climbing up with a frost cloth? At least the roots are heavily mulched and partially under the deck.
Do you cut your rangoon back at all during this time?

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I never cut it back until March--I let it "defoliate" naturally, which it probably will do after this front. The last one "nipped" it real good but not completely.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes..I do exactly the same too. I noticed my rangoon leaves were turning a pretty red on some of them...I'm ready for them to defoliate for a while...

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Boy..had to dig to find this thread.
Just an update: for those who are following. Temps have hit 60's this week, and I have pruned my Rangoon Creeper. This time I did not prune it as severly as I usually do because much of the vine remained active, probably because of it's proximity to the house. Will be interesting to see how it blooms this year as the vine is really grown.

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Mine is still green but no recent activity. This will be it's second year so I hope I will get some blooms.

Mine is sleeping until warmer weather comes. Very sweet, but subtle scent.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I had never noticed the scent when trimming before.
I hope I get alot of blooms too. Matter of fact I think I will throw some mulch and leaves at the base. That one vine in the back garden that bloomed so much, had the roots shaded next to the garage. Every little tidbit of observation helps!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I successfully grew Rangoon Creeper in the garden in zone 8.....it wasn't until June that it slowly began to come back from the roots,but it did and climbed along a cyclone 3 ft fence all summer in bloom.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Mine needs a haircut...bad

I'm going to wait until March though. For one thing the grounds to wet to even get close to it. By then the weeds should be 6' high--LOL

Never fear, it will be beautiful and blooming by June 1st. By the way, now is the PERFECT time to start trying to root cuttings. ;)

Thumbnail by dmj1218
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Houston is hardly as cold as New Braunfels, so I am sure yours will be blooming by June...i have a good friend in Houston who has covered her entire 2 story garage and guest quarters in rangoon creeper...it just clings tightly to the brick and kept trimmed year around....absolutely beautiful.

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