New babies from Lowes

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Went to Lowes for something other than plants, LOL, but had to bring these home.

First one Im think is a Philo but couldnt find a pic of it in plant files. It looks great now but when I brought it home this poor baby was flat it was so wilted, I got it for 1.99 instead of the 8.97 they wanted for it.

Thumbnail by Dravencat
Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

A look at the base with a new leaf starting and some babies in there too.

Thumbnail by Dravencat
Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Your new baby is simply BEAUTIFUL!
What a great price! So nice of you to RESCUE it :)
Can't wait for our Lowe's to open!


Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

And this is Philo Brasil. I personaly havent seen this type of varigation on these before and thought it was so pretty, Not sure if Im going to keep it on the pole or hang it up. This one was much perkier than the first one so he only gave me a small discount, I paid $6.00 instead of 8.97 but was very happy to get the discount.

Thumbnail by Dravencat
Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks Kim, I always look for something to rescue especialy at Lowes because they wont shirk at discounting a plant if you ask. I do hate seeing a plant that needs rescuing and they wont discount it at all but i dont like when I see one that I already have either. I want to buy it to save it but dont know anyone close to me who would take care of it and not let it die after I bring it back, :LOL.

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi Dravencat, looks like a diffenbachia; check out this link...8>))larry

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank YOU Larry, now I can put a tag in there with its name instead of just having the sticker that says "foilage", LOL.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

NO!! The first one is a Homalomena....and one I covet fiercely, LOL!!

I had posted a request for a sourceto replace one I'd lost on the Aroids forum....I had thought it's name was H. 'Selby', but was told by MichaelSC that it is actually Homalomena erythropus.

It likes a lot of water, BTW and will really pout if allowed to dry out.

Oh, you've done good, you lucky Dravencat, you (Ü) !!

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Nan could be right...check it out... Up to you, in either case, you did do 'good'!!! 8>))Larry

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Wow Nan, thanks. I would believe it likes water, poor thing. Not a lot of info on the erythropus, but it does look alot like Selby.

The leaves are pretty substantial, I can really tell now that the leaves are up where they belong. Now I guess I should pot it up a bit too as it seems to want to grow up some more, good thing I bought that pretty new one last week, LOL.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Yes, I just noticed that you'd said it was 'almost flat' when you bought it....a good sign it needed water, right!
The first one I had cost a *whole lot* more than what you got it for! You stole it! LOL!! (j/k you!)

I want that sucker so bad that I'd know it *anywhere*, LOL!!

I'd consider potting it up a size or two, also, but Homalomenas do tend to rot easily if overwatered, so consider your pot size carefully.

I think mine met it's demise when it was underwatered a few times (seriously...I would check one day and the soil would feel moist...the next afternoon the plant would be wilted!) so watch out for that, too, since it was in that 'wilted state' when you bough it.

Have fun with it! It's beautiful, and I am oh so envious (lol) ...but happy for you, nonetheless!

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

I have a pot about 2 sizes bigger and a bit deeper than what its in, need to repot the philo too or its gonna get knocked over, its so top heavy. Ill probrably do it tomorrow or within the next couple of days just to give them both a little more time to acclimate. Did I mention that I just brought them home yesterday afternoon? These pics were taken this morning. They were both extremely dry when I found them so both needed a little TLC just to perk back up.

Nan Id offer to go pick up another one but went back today in case I missed something in my search yesterday and like I thought, this was the only one, Sorry.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Oh, Janet...thanks for thinking of me!
That's a big responsibility, actually, to go to all the trouble to buy/pack/ship a plant to another person!

On my request for a source, actually someone mentioned that HD's/Lowe's have them available, so maybe someone else will find one and think of me. (Well...I can hope, right?!)

We do have a HD about 70 miles away, but I just haven't been able to make that trip....the weekend is too short as it is, you know what I mean, I'm sure!

Have fun with your new babies....I have the Philo Brasil (I have 2, actually!) and find them quite easy and very rewarding (no two leaves are alike!) really did get two lovely additions!

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