Heart's Desire?

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

If you could have any houseplant, which would it be? Just curious to know what everybody is wanting or needing. LOL


A Night Fire tropical hibiscus. They have the most amazingly beautifully colored blooms, are compact and said to make good houseplants!


Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

I would Love to find a White Blooming Christmas Cactus I have every other color but white and of course can't find one anywhere. : ) Nancy

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Nancy.....D-mail me lovey :)

I have to say, I LOVE my Crown of Thorns. They are so easy and bloom for so long.
I love flowering houseplants other than AV's and that's because they have made it VERY apparent they don't like me in any way so you gotta grow what loves ya! *lol*


Thumbnail by kimskreations
Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

If I could r emember w hich of my Wal-mart Thanksgiving Cactus is white, Nancy, I'd send ya one! Looks like Kim has come to the rescue anyhow. She's a real sweetheart, I tell ya!

Randi, I had to go google the plant you mention. Unfortunately, I didn't get any hits with pics! Do you have a link to pic for us? I'd love to see it!

Kim, I'd love to try one of the Salmon colored Euphorbs(Crown of Thorns). I think they are so pretty. I'm in the process of setting up some Grow Light stations here and will have room for lots of small plants like C & S.;) Gotta get rid of some of the "others", first. Hahahaha!

My heart's desire, right now, because this is subject to change, is: 1.) Philo 'Strawberry Shake' and 2.) Sansevieria Pinguicula


Here's a link to Night Fire Hibiscus, Growhappy.


See why I like it so much?


Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Ooooooh.....Aaaaaahhhhhh....she sure is purty!!!!;) I can understand well why you really want that one!


North Augusta, ON

I would love a jasmine...I have tried them soooo many times and cannot get them to be happy..they die. The blooms smell soooo nice.

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

What kind of light do you give your Jasmine, Three? What kind of soil do you use and how often do you water? Just trying to pinpoint what the problem may be. We want you to successfully be able to grow Jasmines since you love them so much!


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Three - have you tried the Confederate Jasmine? It seems to be a fairly tolerant plant.

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

YaaaaHoooo!! Kim Ya got me so danged excited I had to retype this 3 times to get it right ! LOL Kim you got D-Mail!! : ) Nancy

Edited to say: Thanks for your sweet offer too GH That was Super Nice of you!! : )

This message was edited Oct 23, 2006 10:07 PM

North Augusta, ON

mostly the only ones I can find here are the madagascar jasmine...I never let them dry out, give bright but not direct light and use a good potting soil..I even built a pond in the living room and put them on a shelf over it for humidity...still they persist in dying..not even gonna think of the money I have spent buying these things..lol...getting to the point where Hubby says "oh no, not again!!"But I refuse to give up..I love them so much.I appreciate any help I can get..thank you all.

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

I've got a Confederate outside right now, fending for itself. LOL I refuse to bring it back in for the winter. If it survives the 38 degree temps tonight, I could send it to ya Lee Anne. It's not robust by any stretch of the imagination, but it's living....last time I checked;)


North Augusta, ON

lol...that would be wonderful Grow Happy..will it make it across the border do you think? If so I will dmail you my address and arrange postage.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

GH - I was told that the Confederate was hardy to at least zone 7....I sure hope so!! I babied mine last winter after buying it in Nov. and then put it in the ground this spring. I've sent plants to Canada...I just don't mark it as a plant...LOL
My heart's desire: For the rest of my plumies to bloom for me next spring/summer and I'd be thrilled if I could, in my lifetime, get a gardenia to live for me beyond 3 months. Shoe was kind enough to share some pointers with me and I'm encouraged to try one last time next spring.

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh dear, Three, I didn't even notice that you are in Canada!:)

Chantell, what's postage like for Canada? What do you mark the box as? What do you tell the postal person when they ask if there's "anything fragile, perishable or potentially hazardous" in the box? LOL

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Sending you a D-Mail GH :)


Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

My hearts desire is varigated spilt leaf (monstera) and several philos.

I do also love the Crown of thorns Kim, only can find darker pink here.

I think I have a white cactus as well Nancy if you need any more.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I want Homalomena erythropus....the one that Dravencat just posted a photo of!!! LOL!!
I'd also love the variegated Nolina (Beaucarnea/ Ponytail Palm)

Hey, GH and snboyken.....when mine is finished blooming, my COT will need to be cut back....it's HUGE!!!
It's a Thai hybrid that has flowers that start out yellow, then slowly develop little 'salmon colored' specks, until the entire flower is almost a salmon color....I have a (bad) photo somewhere....I'll search for it).

I love to see what others are coveting...and it's a good way to share!
Thanks for the post, GH!

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

LeeAnn, I have two different kinds of jasmine. One big plant I bought this year that I brought in that didn't bloom. I did take cuttings so if they root I can send them to you. The other one I just bought at Home Depot and it bloom on and off all year. I'll take a picture tonight to show you.
:) Donna

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Nan, I would be totally in awe of that COT! Thanks for the offer, very, very sweet of you.

The COT has a special significance for me. For me it signifies the COT the Romans placed on Jesus' head before they crucified him.


Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)


Here is a pot of COT that I put together for you today to THANK YOU for the beautiful plant you are sending me :)
There is a white, yellow, and salmon (these are not the Thai Hybrids though, these are the smaller ones but go real nice with the Thai's). The yellow will develop larger flowers I have found the older it gets.
I will send you closeups of all 3 flower colors via D-Mail.

My Thai's are all single stalks and were only rooted cuttings so they are too small to share yet. Also, they are losing all their leaves (which the Thais will do) so they are very unattractive right now. I find the smaller ones keep their leaves for me whereas the Thais don't. Does this happen to you too Nan?

I can't seem to root COT either. I have heard they are easy to root but I have never had any luck getting one to root.

I LOVE trading plants with friends!


Thumbnail by kimskreations
Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

((((Hugs Kim))))))

Will I need to root them or change the soil or do anything except enjoy them? LOL I'm EXCITED!!!!! can you tell?


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I have read that, as well, GH, it surely makes one wonder, doesn't it?
Not only the fact that it's 'thorny', but that the sap is poisonous......
I'd be happy to gift you with some cuttings.

Mine were 2 rooted cuttings 2 or 3 (?) years ago, and have since grown into a BIG plant....it doesn't seem happy unless it is continually potted up a size, and it consumes a lot of water.

Kim...my Thai COT does lose a few leaves, but otherwise holds it's leaves throughout the winter...it even grows a few new ones.....I have it directly in my south window.

Still looking for that photo of the blooms....I can take a new photo of the plant, but it's not in bloom at present (but it does appear to be developing buds!)
Aha...it's in my old WebShots album:

A bad photo with my old camera....everything looks quite dark, and quite 'orange'.

I was successful in rooting mine by putting them in a clay pot with soil with a lot of perlite included....instead of watering, I only misted near the base of the cutting occasionally....that works well for me for rooting almost all plants.

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

No, they are all rooted and I'm going to ship them to you in the pot just as they are as they seem to like this "mix" I created *lol*. All but the white one (which my dad bought me today for my anniversary) I have been growing and these are "off shoots" from them which have their own roots :)

I hope they bring you many smiles as you certainly do deserve it my friend!

Thank YOU and (((((hugs back)))))


Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)


Should you have any extras when you cut (I know you promised the 2 girls above each some so I understand if you don't), would you please keep me in mind?
I have some beautiful Pagoda Lipstick (see picture) that needs a bit of a haircut if you would like some of that :)
Oh yeah, and I have some Hoya Curtisii rooted cuttings that I can share as I just found a big plant of that if you'd like those.


Thumbnail by kimskreations
SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Kim...thank you, (It's actually much prettier 'in-person'!) and I'd be happy to share a cutting with you.

The plant is budding as we speak, so it may be a while, but feel free to give me a nudge in a month or two if you don't hear from me.

If I should cut it before then, I'll let you know.

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Nan - I would love some

Kim - Very Pretty Lipstick plant - any secrets to rooting the cuttings. Someone sent me two and so far they haven't done anything at all. Which is better than dieing. Just curious if I am doing something wrong.

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

You know, I have never actually rooted one of these myself, I have always just purchased the plants.
But if it were me, they have the kind of stems that say (stick me in a glass of water). So, no knowledge for sure but that's how I would root them I think.

Nan, you didn't mention if you wanted the lipstick or curtisii sweetie. I have to be sure to put you name on it so I don't go and offer it to anyone else *lol*

THANK YOU so much for offering to share your COT with me, I am so in love with them!


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Oh, sorry, Kim!
I don't *need* anything right now, (LOL!) but thanks for offering!
The COT cuttings will be a gift.

Go ahead and offer them to another deserving soul!

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

AWWWW Nan, that is so SWEET of you!
Just let me know when you're ready and I'll be more than happy to pay for it's ticket to Maine :)

Thank you again for your kindness,

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

You're welcome, m'dear....one good deed begets another, you know (Ü)
(Gosh...I've gotta get to work!)

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

I have them in perlite Kim, maybe its just a slow rooter.

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

SNBoyken- try giving it some bottom heat. It may help speed the rooting process up.

I've had an all green cutting off a variegated Aeschyanthus that's been in water for almost 1 month. While roots have not developed, there are 3 flower buds! The momma plant has a few buds on it and should be blooming soon I guess.

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

GH, can I ask you...how do you get yours to bloom?
I have 3 different ones and I've the 1 of them for about 2 or 3 years now I would say.
I have taken many cuttings from it and it grows like a weed.
However, it has never bloomed....not once.
The leaves are all nice and plump and glossy etc. so I'm not sure what I may be doing wrong with it.
I have come to accept it as a foliage plant by now *lol* but sure would LOVE to see some flowers (looks up at the lipstick plant and frowns *lol*)
It gets great lighting and seems quite content with all kinds of new shoots.....dang thing.


Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

My heart's desire is always a new anthurium but as of today I saw the new Thai Caladiums at Asiatica Nursery. Here's a link. They're not really a houseplant but I'm going to splurge and order a few for next spring. They are absolutely incredible. The colors are amazing!


Thumbnail by NematanthusNut
(Zone 1)

What a hard question .... If I could have ANY house plant, what would it be? Hmm??? Gosh, I've been thinking and thinking on that one and just can't think of any certain plant. I already have so many house plants and would have 200 more if I could .... when it comes to plants, I just can't say no! LOL.
I would have 2 or 3 or 4 of everything if I could!

I don't have a lipstick plant and, Kim, that Pagoda Lipstick of yours is just GEORGEOUS! Maybe I will have to shop around and try to find one of those to try!

GH: Great Question!


Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

My first thought when reading your question, GrowHappy, was...what plant would I pick if I had to lower it all down to one...hmmmm... ; )

Hometown, IL(Zone 5a)


What a thought! That's nearly like asking what pet or even child you would pick as an only! Impossible choices!
(Thank God we don't have to make them...)

But as for the original topic, I'd like a banana tree. Any kind. I've had several over the years, and have lost every one to spider mites. Just don't have the conditions for one to live in the dry Illinois winters, and they're too big for a humidity tray. Oh well...


Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

How about placing the tree next to a humidifier? Do you think that would work?


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