Spring plant swap

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I was wondering if we could post lists of things we have or might have and "especially" things we would like to have. Maybe on a seperate thread "wish list for Spring Swap" That way this thread won't get over whelmed with too much info and confuse the discussion on the swap it's self. Does anyone think that would be a good idea? Holly

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Wrightie, you just pot up whatever extra plants you have or extras of the ones you've started from seeds and bring them and trade them with other folks. For example, I have starts of clustered bellflower, you would like some. You say, "Diane, I want some of your bellflower. Go see what I have that you'd like." We swap plants.

BTW, I didn't begin to have enough pots I'd saved last year. You can use disposable cups, coffee cans, I even used some of the Rubbermaid disposable food containers. Anything that will hold the plant and its soil.

For those of you who are worried that you won't have much to trade, last year I brought a lot of plants to the swap. When I had traded all I wanted I just left them for people to help themselves.

Also, keep in mind you can bring starts of houseplants too. Susan, many succulents like donkeys tail, money plant, etc. can be started by putting a single leaf in dirt. Start them now and you'll have nice plants to trade by spring. You can root cuttings of houseplants and even some of the shrubs you have. Other things are easy to root in water such as mints, willow, forsythia.

Holly, I think that's a great idea but let's wait until closer to the swap. I had planned on starting haves and wants threads later. We'll also need to get everyone to bring something to have a nice lunch. There's not exactly a McDonalds around the corner. I was going to start a thread for that too. Lynda, I want some of that yellow lilac! LOL

Crozet, VA

Hart, where was the swap held that you attended? I remember hearing of one being held last year but had to miss it. Thanks for including houseplants. If this past year was any indication, I should have a lot of spider plant babies to swap. I also have a lot of wandering jew. Since I am not at home at the moment to go and look at what I have, I can't think of others.

Anyways - I know it is gonna be fun!!!!

Have a great day today.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ohh, you guys! I have been watching & I want to come so bad! I have to find out what day DS graduates HS & I start summer classes the week of the 2nd. But I function best under pressure! It stimulates my brain! :D (what's there to stimulate! ;) I can hear all the chatter & laughter Now!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh Joey - it would be Fab-u-lous if you could!!! My DD is graduating too - not to mention giving birth the month prior - she's only one of 4...I do understand. :)

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Oh, Chantell...Sounds like a very busy time for you, as well. Much Excitement!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes, but what fun if we could all get together and meet one another!!! :)

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

You got That Right! ;)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

The real reason for having the swap is to be able to get together and meet each other.

The swap last spring was in Rappahannock County at Jenna's house. She had planned to have another one in the fall but then she just disappeared. I tried several times to contact her and had no luck.

That was actually a better location for the people coming from east of here.

Anyway, it was fun to get new plants but the most fun was talking gardening with everyone all day.

I hope this early in June will miss everyone's graduation weekends. Let us know if it's a problem and we'll see what we can do. Joey, I certainly hope you can come.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Thanks, hart, me too.

Crozet, VA

Yeah, yeah, yeah - I want to also meet Joey and Chantell and all the other folks who have written in saying that they are going to try to come. Yep Hart, the meeting each other part is definitely a biggie for me. I have been used to live chats in the past. I went daily to Yahoo Health Lobby for several years and met several people off of there. I miss the interaction. I am only staying in touch with one person there these days though.

In the past few months I have become really attached to some of you and can't wait to meet you face to face. Does Dave's Garden have a live chat that anyone knows of? And oh yeah, I am at home now. We left Atlantic City this morning at 7 AM. We have been home a little less than an hour so far. Long enough to find out that my 16 year old missed (skipped) school on Wednesday and today also. I am glad to hear that two of the daughters on here are finishing high school. It does not look very good in terms of my son finishing. He has decided that he just does not care in the least for school and studying. He is flunking out all way around. I have another meeting next Wednesady with his guidance counselor to see if there is any other thing that we can do to help him.

I would be thrilled if he was able to quit wasting his and the school's time and be able to take and hopefully pass the GED. It has been tough on me this year dealing with this and all the other things that I have been dealing with too. This week away, I slept better than I have slept in about 6 to 9 months at home.

Oops, didn't mean to get on my band wagon. I hope that every one will have a good weekend. See ya soon, I hope.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I wish you luck dealing with the school problem. We were reading about George Washington or maybe Thomas Jefferson, anyway, that person was riding around VA by this age just exploring with his cousin or something-- My point is, in a different place and time some who don't deal well with today's lifestlye would be the successes or leaders. Not much consolation, I know. Good that you got away a bit

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Ruby, when you meet with his guidance counselor, ask him about programs at the local technical/trade school. I think all of them have programs where kids can be finishing high school while learning a trade. I think that's a good option for the ones who just hate the academic stuff.

Yep, yours does too. Click on high school programs.


They even have work/study apprenticeship programs in a number of fields. Click on adult education and then apprenticeship programs.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Tellin' ya'll hart is the research Guru!!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ruby, I would like to point out that you have rights as a parent and so does your son. I’m not familiar with Va. Laws but here in Pa. and I’m sure in other states as well that the schools are legally required to provide services that they may not tell you about. Please check with the State Dept of Education they should have some info on what your school is required to provide. Also look for some support groups in your area ADD and ADHD support groups would have some info that can help you and point you in the right direction. Even if your child is not a Special needs child he is still covered by many State and Fed laws. Many school districts are very good and will really work with the family in helping a student though a rough patch and others aren’t. Sometimes if you have a basic knowledge of what they are required by law to provide it helps a lot. Just a side note. I would do anything to keep my child in school, That said my wonderful husband dropped out of school got his GED and a College education. He didn't conform to the schools educational process at the time.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh, Ruby...I'm sorry I missed you're saying your son had ADD/ADHD - when I go back to work on Mon (work for a psychiatrist) I'll post the info off of the leaflet me have regarding legal rights.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I agree with HollyAnn. Has your son seen a psychologist? We have a learning disabled daughter who is ADHD and probably bi-polar (I know we are way off topic now, but . . . ) and she is on a ton on meds -- that make a world of difference for her. You want your son to be happy, first and foremost, and it doesn't sound as if he is now. He may also be panicking if you've been ill. It seems to me his problems with school may be just a symptom of a different problem that may, in fact, be easier to address.

And just as HollyAnn alluded to, at some level his high school performance is less important than whether he "finds" himself and is happy go-forward, so I'd focus on that first. There are a lot of kids who flounder in high school, but later discover who they are and what drives them. I always tell my kids they have 2 jobs, one being school work but the other being to find out what they love to do.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Absolutely agree!! I've seen kids do a complete 180 after being put on the right meds. No, I don't believe meds are a cure all and appropriate for everyone but if you find a good psychiatrist to do an evaluation- you'll at least have a good understanding of what's going on. Anxiety and OCD both frequently accompany ADD/ADHD - just a little FYI

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Chantell: I completely agree. We have a fabulous meds psychiatrist -- I'm sure he'd give a referral if you need one. My daughter has a small touch of OCD and anxiety, just as Chantell mentioned. (Both my kids are adopted from Russia, where alcohol abuse is an issue.)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm sorry if I got everyone off track. Ruby "did not" say her son has any type of ADD/ADHD. I just suggested she look for a support group because they quite often are very well informed on Educational Rights. This is a very interesting discussion and I would love to see it continue and hopefully it will give Ruby and others a place to talk. I started a new thread in the Parenting Forum titled Educational problems/rights. Please come over. Sorry for the confusion Holly


This message was edited Jan 6, 2007 12:44 PM

Crozet, VA

You folks are the very best. Thank you so much Holly for starting the topic elsewhere.

Hart, now we can get back to the plant swap chat. Sorry that we got side tracked. I am so grateful for all you. Will see some of you on the new thread.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Actually, this one has already gotten so far afield, I'll start another thread just for swap discussion.

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