Spring plant swap

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

Hart- I'm new to Dave's Garden and have only been gardening "seriously" for the last few years. I live in Crofton, MD (just a bit south of Millersville) but I would enjoy participating in a plant swap next spring. I wouldn't mind a drive to VA.

Last spring I tried starting tomato plants from seed and was very successful. Had so many healthy seedlings but not enough room to grow them all. I couldn't find enough people who wanted them and ended up putting a lot of them on my compost pile. I also ended up starting more annuals from seed than I could find room for- ageratum, salvia (blue bedder) and several types of zinnias went on the compost heap, too. I've got pots of ferns and hostas (from dividing ones in my beds). Is the best way to overwinter plants in pots to sink the pots in the ground?

Would really like to meet other gardeners from this area. Any weekend in May or June is OK for me.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

That's great, greenkat! Maybe you and sallyg could hook up and ride together.

Yes, the best way to overwinter the pots is to sink them in the ground. I've also bundled pots together in a protected spot and buried everything in mulch.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

greenkat- Hi neighbor! My sympathy over dumping babies in the compost, You want to have enough, but never know how much you'll get, at least not the first time.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Exactly, and if you expect success and plant fewer seeds, well of course then only one or two will germinate. You can't win!

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Hart, I have to ask, how do you manage to have alkaline soil? I'd always heard that everything east of the Mississippi leaned acid. Is there a marble quarry nearby?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Mine is very alkaline as well.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Golly, do you know what your land history is? I'm on land that was farmed and presumably limed for generations then returned to forest before it was developed for housing about 50 years ago. I haven't had my soil tested but acid loving plants do well for me and those that like sweeter soil respond favorably to a handful of limestone once a year or so.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

A lot of the soil out here in the valley is acid too, but my yard is full of limestone. Lots of fossils but not good ones. Remind me when you're here and I'll show you.

If you have a concrete foundation, you probably have some fairly alkaline soil next to your house too. That's why it's a good idea to test.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

You probably have the typical northern Virginia red clay, which is acid. And unless you live in an old house, your builder put down topsoil. My house is well over 100 years old and no one put down any topsoil here.

I do have some pockets of fairly nice soil here and there but most of it is very rocky and dry.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Mystery fossils, hart? Sounds good for Halloween!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Actually, there's a spot just up the road from me where the rockhounds come to collect very good fossils including trilobites I think. Every now and then I find a good one in my yard with a shell imprint, but most of them just look like mushed bugs.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

In Bentonville, there was an archaeological site called Thunderbird. It was a paleo Indian site, where they found remains of a 12,000 year old dwelling, the oldest in North America (so far). The Indians hunted wooly mammoths there, and the archeologists found beautiful Clovis style spear points.

happy_macomb, are you sure you have alkaline soil? With all the dogwoods and azaleas around there I thoght the whole area was acidic?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

The reason I know I have alkaline soil is that I finally tested my soil using little kits I bought at a local store, and then I didn't believe the results so I sent them for formal testing. For years I had been dumping lime on the lawn, only to find it didn't need it (it was equally alkaline in places I had never touched with lime). I was dumbfounded.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Yeah, I think that's unusual for the general area...how about that!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

You don't want to put lime on alkaline soil, but it's not going to affect the soil for long. That's why you have to keep applying it if you do need it.

The Thunderbird dig aka Flint Run Complex has been closed for decades but in the 70s it was big archealogical news. It's closer to the Rivermont area than Bentonville. Preservationists have been able to buy a few lots - a small portion of it - but no work is being done out there. If you're in the Front Royal area, it's out where the Thunderbird Farms subdivision is located but there's nothing to see now and you certainly can't go out there and dig for spearpoints.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Hello Hart,
As you know I am very new to the garden and dont know what I would have to swap but I will come up with something...LOL Kevin(husband) and I are just now talking about coming to your get together.... He and I think it will be fun... Hart can you tell me kinda sorta how to go??? Thanks and hope you dont mind a newbie coming???

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'll be posting maps and directions closer to when we're ready to have the swap in the spring.

Generally, Susan, you would come up 81 to Edinburg and turn off just north of town on a road called Edinburg Gap Road, which takes you across the mountain to Fort Valley, then north on Fort Valley Road. I'm about 15-18 miles from Edinburg.

There are some really nice b&bs in the Edinburg/Woodstock area including one in Edinburg and another one a mile or so north of where you turn off. There are also some motels in Woodstock, which is about 4-5 miles from Edinburg. Remind me closer to the date and I'll send you some links to them. If anyone likes to camp, there's a campground in the national forest in Fort Valley north of me.

For your husbands, if they'd rather fish than swap plants, there's a stocked trout stream right up the road from me too, maybe 1-2 miles. All kinds of hiking trails in the forest too. There are even trails where guys take their mountain bikes and four wheelers. I'm pretty much surrounded by the George Washington National Forest.

For the fishing, you need a special license for fishing in the forest as well as your Virginia license but you can get that right around the corner at the little store out here.

Oh, and if anyone would like some of the purest spring water in Virginia, there's a spring where you can fill your own bottles for free on the road between here and Edinburg so just bring empty water bottles. I'll give everyone directions for that too.

Oh, and welcome to the Mid Atlantic forum, Susan!

This message was edited Dec 17, 2006 11:43 AM

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Fishing! Wow! My husband will be THRILLED to hear!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

There's a stocked stream right up the road, another larger one up closer to the mouth of the fort. And of course there's all kinds of fishing on the North and South forks of the Shenandoah River. If they want to fish in the river, they don't need the second permit for fishing in the forest.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh hart...can I just live with you...it sounds beautiful up there!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

It is, Chantell. Very peaceful and quiet too. I've had people come out here who live in the country remark on how quiet it is.

The valley where I live is only about 4-5 miles wide so the mountains are very close.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh...I'm so bringing my camera!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

You'll be so sorry if you don't. The drive down Fort Valley Road from the north is really pretty too. I'm sure you'll want to stop there and take pictures of Passage Creek and some of the other sites. It's no slouch on the other end either, which goes over the mountain between here and Edinburg.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Sheesh, I just saw this thread! How did I miss it???

Is it possible to select a more centralized location for people coming from MD, DC, PA, and VA? I'm at LEAST 3 to 4 hours away from you. I'm close to Baltimore. Perhaps a park in N. VA??? Has this been posted in the 'Round-up Form'???? Haven't been looking there this time of year.

I hope I can make it! I'll keep watching this thread.

Please spread the word.....lots of DG'ers in the area!!! :~)

P.S. Sundays are best for me, because Saturdays are filling up fast! No major holiday weekends either, please.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Shirley, I guess you missed all the posts a few months ago where I struggled mightily to find something that would suit everyone. That was fruitless.

Parks in northern Virginia are out - the rentals are sky high. Keep in mind too for some of the people who want to come, northern Virginia would be even further away than three hours.

I would love for you to be able to come and yes, we're about three hours from Baltimore. If you'd like to make a weekend of it, there's camping right up the road in the forest and some really nice b&bs in the towns nearby.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Dear Fort Valley Visitor's Bureau,
Do you have any fast food nearby? I might get my family to come camp, but it would sweeten it if they can go get 'real' food while I swap. They won't want me to miss any hiking etc. , they could maybe fish without me.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Front Royal and Strasburg are probably only about 15-20 minutes from the campground in the forest. Strasburg has McDonalds, Arbys and Burger King. Front Royal is a much bigger town and has McDonalds, Arbys, Burger King, Taco Bell, Subway, Wendys. There's also a local fast food place called Spelunkers.

If they like Pizza, everyone absolutely raves about the pizza at Melting Pot. I mean everybody. If they like diner type homemade stuff, I'd recommend Winns, which is only open for lunch and breakfast. If they want something fancier, Jaliscos Mexican restaurant is outstanding and has very reasonable prices. The Main Street Mill also has good food, not cheap but not real expensive, and has murals by a local artist. It's in an old feed mill.

For a fancier meal, but much pricier, in Strasburg, the restaurant at the Strasburg Inn is wonderful. They do have a lunch buffet that isn't too expensive. (If anyone opts to stay at the Strasburg Inn, be sure to get them to show you the haunted rooms and tell you the story of the ghosts.)

On the opposite side, Woodstock has McDonalds, Wendys, Arbys and Five Guys. I highly recommend Five Guys. The Spring House is probably the best in town for a sit down meal, they specialize in ribs, also have burgers and sandwiches. There's a Ponderosa in town too.

Tourism is a big industry here, so there are lots and lots of restaurants.

You do know you can access the Appalachian Trail from here? Plus there are lots of trails in the forest.

Front Royal has several canoe companies where you can make a canoe trip on the river. It would be too cold for tubing.

If you're a history buff, there are Civil War sites all over the place. Oh, and Strasburg has a huge antique emporium. Lots of other antique shops all over.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Shirly1md: Sallyg and I have talked about driving out together -- I might rent a van. Want to join us? I'm probably more or less en route for you.

Crozet, VA

This is gonna be so much fun. I am really looking forward to putting faces with names when I get to meet all you lovely people.


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

You never know. We might all turn out to be witches.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Eh eh eh eh eh eh ehhhhhhhh. Who us?

Crozet, VA

Dear Happy - When I speak of lovely, I speak of personality rather than outward looks. Looks are very deceiving, I have found. Even people who aren't blessed with great physical features become lovely in my eyes if they are kind and caring persons. Reminds me of years back when I was divorced. Some of the women that I began working with used to see my ex out and about doing the singles scene in our town. These ladies would come in after a weekend and exclaim how good looking or how gorgeous my ex was. Hard as I tried, after living with him and knowing him quite well, I could not see good looks. Just goes to show ya.......


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Great thoughts to remember, Ruby!!!

Hart - this all sounds absolutely wonderful...I can't wait - will have my new camera by then to boot!!!

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

Hey! Where's the nearest airport!?
I wanna come, too!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

4paws - Dullas is probably the closest - followed by Regan National then BWI

Crozet, VA

4paws, if you are serious about airports they are Dulles International, Reagan National and Baltimore Washington International. Ask me, I have been lost at two out of the three. ha-ha And......another moral of the story....never, never, never go to New York City with me. I have only been a few times but each time I have some sort of disaster. Thing is....I want hubby to take me there for at least a day next week. He is saying that he won't take me. We will be in Atlantic City for a week and I really, really want to go over to NYC for a day.

It would be cool to have a Californian join us for the swap, so ya'll come.


Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

IT would be serious fun, but in all liklihood, out of my budget. :-)

But perhaps something out of my yard will make it (or a relative...:-) ...since hart and I have done some heavy trading.

Crozet, VA

Wonderful. Hart is a doll, isn't she?


Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

That's a true statement!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Actually, the nearest airport is in Winchester or Front Royal but I don't think they do flights from California. (Actually, FR is just a little general aviation airport so I know they don't.) Dulles is a lot closer than Reagan or Balt/Wash.

I wish you could come, 4paws. :>)

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