Spring plant swap

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Would you all be interested in doing a plant swap here in the spring? I have plenty of room and it's a beautiful drive but I am kind of out in the boonies. I'm about a half hour from Front Royal, a little bit less from Edinburg.

Not kidding about the drive. A good bit of it is through the GW National Forest.

Crozet, VA

Count me in Hart. I will try my durndest to be there.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Ruby, we'll do what we can to schedule it so you can be here. You too Happy.

Chantell, it should be easy for you to get out here if you take 17 (make sure to take the bypass around Warrenton) to 66 west. That's a pretty pleasant drive. Ruby, you can take 64 across to Staunton but it might be better to go to Luray and cut across the mountain from there and it takes you right into Fort Valley. Once you get to Luray, you're only about 20 minutes to a half hour from here. There's an overlook with an absolutely breathtaking view of Page Valley and the South Fork of the Shenandoah along that route.

We could do a cookout if you all want. Burgers or chicken.

Those of you who think you don't have anything to swap - bring pieces of the things that are sprouting up all over that you think no one will want. You'll be surprised at the people who will be looking for just that plant. One lady at the last swap brought one piece of tiger lily. I was thrilled - I'd been looking everywhere for tiger lilies. I brought just a couple of pots of my apple mint thinking few would want it. Everyone wanted some and I should have potted up more. Or bring cuttings or seeds.

The most fun, however, was getting to meet everyone and spending the day talking gardening.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hart- still need tiger lilies, the fluorescent orange ones with spots, and bulbils in the leaves. ? I liked them as a kid, and dad gave me some, and it was hard to find anything on them.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Yes, that's the ones. I bought a pack of three at Bluestone. I hope they make it. I'd still like to get some more. Are you coming to the swap?

I think they like a fair amount of moisture but not in soil that stays wet. My mom had a huge clump of these when I was a kid growing alongside the garage, which got quite a bit of shade.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

That's a wonderful invitation, but it's really far for me (central MD)
My dad's TL have been multiplying in his somewhat shady spot. Mine have been OK in two spots, but at the moment, I see babies coming along in the warmer sunnier spot, and didn't see any in the shadier spot. I think they're fine there though, there were babies there in the spring when I was moving the older ones.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Are the maps I'm seeing wrong? It shows Millersville east of DC.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yeah, thats the one. Am I a big chicken? I think you're a couple hours away....well, I'd have to get our familytrip logs, we've been out 66 and down 81 a few times to get to my sister's place in FL.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Braaaaaack braack braaack! LOL Sally, it would probably be a bit less than two hours. Looks like 340 is close to you? That will take you right to Front Royal, where you can turn off to get to Fort Valley. Or take 70 across and cross over at Point of Rocks into Virginia. Or go around the Beltway to 66.

We are certainly worth making the drive. LOL

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hart- you are too funny! and awful nice. I spose I could work up my courage by spring...It sure is pretty out there. We (H and kids) have been up and down 81 several times to visit family in Pensacola FL.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

That drive through Point of Rocks is no slouch either. One of the prettiest places I've seen.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

You KNOW I'd love to come!!! Count me in!! Since you're the map guru now...LOL...do you know approx. how far you are from Garrisonville, if I took 17?

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

hart, spring's a long way off, but meeting some other DG'ers sounds like fun. I go to the Maryland 'burbs a few times a year to visit family and friends. Who knows... When I was a teenager ( almost thirty years ago LOL) I spent a summer in the teeming metropolis of Bentonville, which is probably not too far from you, the other side of the river, I guess. I bet it's really pretty there now, fall leaves and all!
I notice there seems to be a lot of Virginians on this forum, not many from around here. Maybe lurking.... lol

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Sounds like a great plan to me - I was just "out your way" a couple of weekends ago - we took the suggested fall trip from the park Service and what a pretty drive it is through the GW forest! I would love to live out by Edinburgh - Strasbourg - but, alas too far to commute!

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Bec, you'd be surprised at the proportion of people out here who commute. My neighbor is a lieutentant in the Capitol police (not DC, but the feds.) When I worked in Reston, I worked with people from Winchester and WV. Lots of rural living lovers who have to work in the city are out here.

hart, I'd certainly be interested, as long as it's late enough for me to know what's coming up - lol. Maybe if we had it the same weekend as the Arboretum sale that would make it really worth a long drive for those not so close. I know this is about trading, but Weber's has had tiger lilies every year I've looked at their lilies. So try them in late Feb/early Mar. The ones I planted in April 2 years ago bloomed thier first year.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

When I worked at the paper, about 67% of the workers in Warren County (where Mickgene lives) were commuting, most of them to Northern Virginia/DC. The figure for Shenandoah County would probably be similar. And thanks for the tip on Weber's, Mickgene. I would never have thought of them.

Chantell, if you're near Garrisonville, it would probably be easier to take the 234 bypass over to 66. When I used to drive across 17 to get to Richmond, I think it took about 45 minutes to get from 95 to 66. From 66 to here about another 45 minutes.

Mickgene, you can either come down 55 west from the bridges, go just about exactly five miles and turn left on Fort Valley Road. It's about 12 miles down Fort Valley Road. Or you can take 619 from 340, which would probably be easier if you're coming into town from 55 east, and turn left onto Fort Valley Road just past the fish hatchery. Probably about 9 miles down Fort Valley Road from there.

Mike, Bentonville is almost exactly directly east of me, only about 4-5 miles as the crow flies. But there's a mountain in between and no road. Well, there's an old logging road I think but you couldn't drive a car on it. LOL And the South Fork is between here and Bentonville too and I guess you'd have to swim across. LOL

I was thinking a bit later in May than the arboretum sale. It's still cold enough here in early May that it would be better to wait a couple of weeks at least.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

I'd love to come too. I should have some small dogwoods and a flowering quince, Japanese maple and maybe a weeping cherry or two. The weeping cherry weeps into a flower bed and plants itself there. I've given away four already this year. Autumn Joy sedum, it all needs to be divided, and a white azalea to find homes for.

If anyone one has a fragrant native azalea (rhododendron austrinum) to put up for adoption, please remember me.

Hart, I think the Shenandoah Valley is the most beautiful place in the world. The first time we went there, I was ready to go straight to a realtor. Unfortunately, my beloved husband has his heart set on the coast. AAARRRGGG!!!

Here is a picture of the weeping cherry from spring of last year '05

Thumbnail by dayli
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Beautiful tree!!!

hart - later in May would be preferred....as I've got that new grandbaby due May 2nd...but go with what works best for you!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

The one Jenna hosted was the last weekend in May and even that was pushing it. I have oodles of things to offer for trade but they have to be out of the ground first. LOL We're colder here - I've had frost nearly every night for a week and my friend who lives in Front Royal has had none.

Okay, here's some options. The last Saturday in May is the 26th. Or we could push into June - Saturday June 2 or Saturday June 9. Or we could do it on a Sunday if that would work better for you all, especially those of you who have kids' ball games on Saturdays. That last weekend in May is Memorial Day weekend, so I imagine most of you who work would be off the next Monday.

Dayli, that weeping cherry is gorgeous.

Crozet, VA

Oh yes, I agree about the weeping cherry tree. Gorgeous. My ears also perked up at the mention of possibly getting a starting of a japanese maple. I think they are beautiful trees too.

I will have to find the time to think about what I will be bringing to swap. What are some other things that you might want Dayli. How will I know if the azaleas that I have are the variety that you are looking for. I do know that my hubby spent almost a week planting azaleas that he brought from the home place. Some of them might be what you are looking for.

This is gonna be fun!!!


Shenandoah Valley, VA

I have some native trees here too if anyone wants any - black cherry (the kind that makes good lumber, not for eating), black walnut if anyone has a big enough place to deal with the juglone, sassafras, red cedar. Might be able to find some really small hickories up in the woods. I've found it's almost impossible to transplant the oak and hickory seedlings unless they're miniscule. And of course if anyone is crazy enough to want box elders, I have those too. Might be able to find a seedling or two from the wild crabapple as well.

My friend Joyce has seedlings from a rose of sharon that grows as a tree, not a shrub, and ash. I'll have to look around her yard to see what other tree seedlings are there.

She's talking about the deciduous azaleas that have yellow or orange flowers, Ruby. Also called flame azaleas. They're not native to this area but are hardy to here.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm pretty sure I'll have to get an austrinum from Niche Gardens or one of the other nurseries that sell it. I saw it on a plant tour this spring and just fell in love with it. It is a fragrant, deciduous azalea with yellow or yellow and orange flowers. Just thought I'd ask though, it is always more fun to get a plant from someone who can tell you how it actually behaves in a garden.

I want to bring my plants because I know they will be going to good homes. The first thing I try to do when I get a plant I really love is to propagate it. But I have all the plants I can take care of or have room for. I always think I have all the plants I need until I fall in love with another one.

Hart, this is going to be so much fun. Thank you so much for the invitation.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Dayli, Horton's Nursery out here carries them. I can show you how to go home in a way that would take you by them if you don't get one at the swap. I'm sure it would be far larger than anything you got mail order.

I'd also be astounded if Merrifield Garden Center or Betty's Azalea Ranch in Fairfax don't carry them. Try asking if they have flame azaleas or deciduous azaleas. Sometimes the kids who work in these places have no idea about the latin names.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Has anyone seen a "Grif's Select" or "Griffith's Select" (same plant) Gardenia any where? Someone down in NC said they'd had them at their HD or Lowes...none of ours have them. :(

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I just checked their website. Merrifield has gardenia Kleim's Hardy, which is supposed to be hardy in zone 7.

Park/Wayside had the Grif's Select on their clearance site. They have in regular price but I'm sure it's beyond what a sane person would want to pay for a small shrub.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

I think the azalea that I want is a little different from a flame azalea which is a beautiful plant also. It is also called a honeysuckle azalea, because the flowers look more like the flowers of a wild honeysuckle, not as large or bright as the colors of a flame azalea. I guess I shouldn't buy one that wasn't in bloom because of the confusion about the names. Also if you are buying something fragrant sniffing first is good policy. I mention Niche because my brother lives in Chapel Hill now and I can visit family and hit Camellia Forest and Niche Gardens in one trip.

Wow, a hardy gardenia--please let it be true!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm game. SallyG, if the timing works so that I can go (and that's always a little dicey), I might be able to give you a ride if you can get to me. It looks as if you are 40 minutes away from me, and I'm 2-1/2 hours away from Hart (based on mapquest).

Shenandoah Valley, VA

You're right - I thought all of the yellow and orange deciduous ones were called flame azaleas. Anyway, Merrifield has it, listed by the latin name. Listed as azalea austrinum rather. Betty's Azalea Ranch is almost next door to Merrifield if you want to check them too.

I don't think it would take quite that long unless traffic is bad, Happy. I can get to DC in two hours if I'm not fighting traffic. But you all may want to stop at the Apple House in Linden and get some apple doughnuts on the way. LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hmmmm.....dare I ask why no prices are listed on Merryfield's site?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh THE Apple House...kids talk about that all the time...my ex and his folks live in Linden

Shenandoah Valley, VA

They don't mail order. That's just a list of what they carry at the garden center. I do think they're pretty high on the larger trees and shrubs but the smaller sizes aren't bad. Their quart perennials, for example, are usually $4.95. I got an azalea there a few years ago, it wasn't too bad. Of course I promptly killed it with my off the charts alkaline soil. This was before I got smart enough to test the soil.

You think the stuff at the Apple House is good - they also do catering. Yummmmmmmm.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Happy- that's a nice offer- extra plant chatting time~~or I'll pick you up, dependingmaybe on how much stuff we are hauling!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Sallyg -- sounds great -- provided we can stop at the Apple House. We can work out the details when the time comes. Just so we can stop at the Apple House -- sounds wonderful!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

To stop at the Apple House, coming out 66 west just take the Linden exit, turn left at the end of the ramp, then turn right at the light (just a few feet) and the Apple House is right there on your right. They have baked goods and other food, cute gifty things, Alpenglow, which is the sparkling cider they make.

But I'll make sure everybody has detailed directions before the swap.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Sounds great! We don't have a date yet, do we?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

No but I'd appreciate some input. As I posted above, late May would be about the earliest it would be feasible for me because we're a bit colder out here in the spring and we don't want to conflict with Chatell's grandbaby. The dates I posted above, if you all want a Saturday, are May 26, June 2 or June 9.

Would it be better to have it on a Sunday so those of you who have kids' ballgames don't have to worry about conflicts? That May 26 weekend is Memorial Day weekend.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Honestly, working around my schedule is going to be a headache for all. Saturdays are usually out for me. Mothers Day is out. June 2 and 9 are free for the moment, but . . . . it is just hard to say so far in advance, and there are so many things that arise at the last minute that I don't have a lot of flexibility to say "no" to.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Mother's day is earlier, Father's day is later. Is a Sunday better? Y'all? We don't have to set an exact date yet but I think it would help to have a rough idea.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Doesn't look like graduation is until mid June...so early June should be great!!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

For me, we have rec soccer games on Saturdays, travel soccer on Sunday -- it is just a question of what I skip. And whether my father-in-law is visiting, and what is happening for end-of-school year events, etc. etc. There is just no telling. So I'll now be quiet and let others sort it out, and I'll either be able to do it or not. But definitely not on Mother/Father's Day. . . .

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