Logee's Loot

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

:) I got these in the mail today. From left to right are: Hoya Odorata, Hoya Multiflora, Begonia 'Fire Flush' and Begonia 'My Special Angel'. I was pleasantly surprised at how big the Multiflora was. Whoopee!!!

Thumbnail by GrowHappy
Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)


Those are simply BEAUTIFUL!
I love the leaf on your begonia in the back. Never grew begonia...are they hard?
You are going to LOVE the Multiflora! Be sure to give her LOTS of water and she'll surprise you with some of these:


Thumbnail by kimskreations
Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

ooohhhh, I want some of those!!! LOL Is she an everbloomer, Kim?


Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)


Yes, she blooms for me all the time.....sometimes 5 or 6 different pedules at the same time! You are going to LOVE her! It's one of my favorites along with Heuschkeliana which blooms for me constantly. I have a hard time with many of them but those 2 and Sheperdii love to bloom.

Here is Heuschkeliana (smells like buttered popcorn....mmmm) followed by Sheperdii.

Enjoy it!


Thumbnail by kimskreations
Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)


Thumbnail by kimskreations
Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Better picture of Heuschkeliana:

Thumbnail by kimskreations
Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Ahhh, I've heard tell that the the smell of Heuschkeliana is like that of vanilla and chocolate. I have one, a tiny one, but I don't k now if it is the pink or yellow bloomer. It'll be ages before I see any blooms! Your hoyas are really nicely grown, Kim. Hoyas are notorious for blooming when THEY are good and ready. LOL


Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Believe it or not, I have many hoyas that just hang around and do absolutely nothing for me. Then I have the ones that I can absolutely not grow. These 3 above just seem to thrive for me for some reason. Not sure why. I don't know if they are "easy" growers or what but they just seem to prosper no matter what I do. Others I treat the same way (even baby them more) and they die (bella, lacunosa, even cummingiana doesn't do well for me).

Do you have Sheperdii? If not, I have plenty of leafless vines I could cut if you want to try to root it. I think it was Awanda that showed how to root a leafless vine. Sheperdii always needs a haircut in my house *lol*.

Just let me know.


Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

I don't have Shepherdi, but would love to try it. If you will tell me how to root the leafless vines, I would be more than happy to receive the remnants of his next haircut!!!! That Awanda has the magic touch when it comes to growing Hoyas!;)

The Hoya that has done the absolute worst for me is Serpens. It has survived for one year in my house and now looks like it's on it's last leg. Didn't grow one bit over the summer!

The one that grows the best for me is Pink Silver. It's so easy to please! No flowers yet, but it still looks good. Someone sent me a small rooted cutting of one last month and I don't know what I am going to do with it!!!! Do you have Pink Silver?

I completely gave up on the Hindu Rope Hoya. Every one that I bought died either from under or over watering. Either that or they came infested with mealy bugs. I ended up throwing out every single one(3 or 4 total) that I ever bought. I usually bought them from HD, so no wonder they were infested. So, I've sworn off Rope Hoyas indefinitely!

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

I have to tell you, I am not the one to give any advice on rooting these things....not at all. Maybe Awanda's post would give you an idea? Check on the hoya forum for it, if I remember right it was very interesting. We could also wait until the vines leaf up but that usually takes a while. It would be something to play with over the winter if you're up for the challenge *lol*

I don't think I have pink silver GH. I started taking the labels off mine and just throwing them all in pots together but still remember the names to most of them by sight. Some I have forgotten but I know I don't have anything with leaves quite like those.

I bought a hindu rope from HD not too long ago. So far it's been slow growing but still looks happy.

I also bought Tsagnii and Incurvula from HD and they haven't done much as far as growing goes. Quite honestly, I find hoya to be slow growers here. Then again, I'm in Maine and certainly can't provide the "proper" growing conditions for them for most of the year :( I don't know what makes me think I can grow tropicals *lol*....I truly am in zone denial that's for sure.

Feel free to D-Mail me your address and I'll put some cuttings in the mail to you tomorrow.


Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Nice Haul there growhappy! You may already know this but 'Fireflush' likes extra humidity. I love it's new growth, they're so red and fuzzy.

I totally agree about the Hindu Rope Hoya. Someone over on the hoya forum says it's a great beginner hoya, but I totally disagree.


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