Fall planted grass?

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

A coworker of mine told me this. She advised me to plant my grass seed now, during the cool weather of fall. First rake the soil to aerate it and stir it up, add some compost, scatter the seed, and leave it all winter. In spring it'll come up.

I've never heard of this. My lawn has almost no grass and needs something. Would this work?

Great South Bay, Lon, NY(Zone 7a)

The theory goes there are fewer birds around in winter, so they won't eat as much of the seed. When I lived in zone 5 Ohio, I used to sow lawn seed on top of snow, and it germinated in the early spring.

A better option is to scrap the lawn, and turn it into garden beds and prairie grass meadow.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

around here a bit warmer than you, it's advised to plant grass in the early fall, because the soil still has some warmth, but the moisture is more stable, than trying to do it in spring when the sun gets hot and scorches it, and the summer heat stresses it. Fall grass seeding is not unheard of, Ok except by you, til now!

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

I just bought the house last spring. I've never had to worry about grass till now.

Toone, TN(Zone 7a)

Cool season grasses should be planted now. Warm season grasses like bermuda and zoysia are planted in the spring, as they are going dormant now. I've got 45 acres of dormant (yellow) bermuda sod.


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