
Selma, NC(Zone 7b)

I have an Iron Cross oxalis that I would like to bring inside for the winter. I've read they are best planted out in the spring and make very forgiving houseplants. Can I keep it in an office with only flourescent lighting - or is that pushing it? If it would be happy there I'd love to have it at work where I'd see it more often.

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

You can also check the plantfiles and see if it is hardy in your zone to be left outdoors.

Feasterville Trevose, PA(Zone 6b)

From what I think I know about florscent lighting for house plants, is that the farther the plants are from the bulb the less effective it is as a light source. I have successfully grown light loving plants under florscent lighting when they are only a few inches away from the bulb. You can get away with this using this type of light because the bulb produces very little heat compared with that of an incandescent type. You might try putting it up high as close to the light as practical. Another consideration is that most if not all florscent bulbs used in office buildings do not emit a broad spectrum of wavelengths of light as a "plant light" florscent does.

Having said all of that, I myself would still give it a try. Even if it goes downhill half way through the winter, you still have the bulbs in the pot that can be replanted outside in the spring and you get to enjoy it for a while longer.

Selma, NC(Zone 7b)

The Iron Cross is hardy to 7b and I plan to plant outside in the spring. Brent and Becky's Bulbs which is not too far away in Va recommends spring planting. I may take it to work for a while and bring back home as soon as I see any decline in the foliage. I have good light here for houseplants but always fret about what I might be bringing in with outdoor plants especially since I don't take any of my houseplants outdoors for the summer. Also have to deal with the cats and only have a few spots I can place plants that they can't get to.

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

I know what you mean about cats! I have houseplants I keep hostage behind closed doors. They are in a room along with my parakeets whom I don't trust them around either. I recently moved a African Violet to the window sill above the sink. We will see if they can keep their kitty mitts off that.
I thought about hanging some from the ceiling, but then that doesn't necessarily mean I won't walk in to find a cat swinging along with the plant.
You can always dig and store the bulb. I had a white one once and ended up just trading it for something more hardy and planted it outdoors.

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