Plant Id

Plattsmouth, NE(Zone 5a)

I bought this plant local at a nursery here in Nebraska last summer. No one knew what it was.... can you identify it for me. It's not very big, grows upright right now, it's very soft to the touch and was in the tropical section of the nursery. Sure would like to know what it is so I can meet it's needs. It's softer than the asparagus fern.

Thumbnail by bradfordko
Plattsmouth, NE(Zone 5a)

A full picture of the unidentified plant I have.

Thumbnail by bradfordko
SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Does your plant have any thorns on it?

It does look like one of the 'other' Asparagus Fern cultivars.....I have a few different ones, myself....I'll try to figure out which one.

Here's the one I was thinking of: Asparagus pyramidalis....what do you think?

This message was edited Oct 13, 2006 11:03 AM

Plattsmouth, NE(Zone 5a)

HOORAH!. I believe you've got it. It looks just like. I knew it wasn't that other asparagus fern that you see all the time. This is just as soft as feathers. The link you sent me is right on cue...Thank so much. Now I'll try not to kill it.


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Looks good so far! Have faith in looks really good, and good-sized, too!

This one is kind of hard to find.
I got mine from an ebay seller a few years back.
One thing I've found is that in order to continue to grow, it doesn't like to be 'crowded'.....likes to be potted 'up'.

I put mine outside the last couple of years and those darned wild oxalis have practically taken over it's pot and are trying to choke it out!!

You've just inspired me to repot mine...that is if that big old toad that was sleeping under the soil of it the other night (When I went to bring it indoors from the garage and then suddenly saw the soil heave up!! Surprise!)has 'hopped' out of it!

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