spider plant gone wild!!!!!

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

i got these spider plants from a wonderful dg member this spring. i plant many different plants into this hanging basket. just look at it now! i love how it looks on my enertainment center. some of them are plain green and some reverse variegated. it has been outside since i got them but i brought them in this weekend. i hope it does okay inside. show me your spider plants!


Thumbnail by lovesdaylilies
Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

another shot

Thumbnail by lovesdaylilies
Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Oooo! I love when they cascade like that. I have two spider plants above my son's desk that constantly send out shoots, but they tickle my son's hair, so I cut them off. Here's one shot.

Thumbnail by Sofonisba
Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

and another

Thumbnail by Sofonisba
Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

last one with some friends

Thumbnail by Sofonisba
Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

i love your plants! so pretty and healthy! your hangers are nice as well. i have made some beaded hangers but they are different design than yours. i love yours! mine won't hold much weight. what is the hanging plant on the left hand side in last photo?


Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

The plant on the left in the last photo is a swedish vine. I love it. It grows sooo fast. Thanks for the compliment on my hangers. I don't do anything special. When I need a hanger, I just braid one from strings or ribbons. What do yours look like?


Your spider is amazing! Any special growing secrets to share? Mine are healthy but don't look anything like yours.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow...that one's lovin' life!! Great job!!

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

I can't keep the spiders from growing like crazy. Good light is just about all I give mine. No sun. I hardly fertilize them because they grow so fast, especially when I put them outside in the summer. Their roots are so dense that I have to pot them up, or separate them every spring. If I don't, they'd break the pot and I'd have to water them every other day. I tend to underwater my plants. I usually use the spiders as a guide to tell me when it's time to water everybody again, because their leaves start folding and looking pale when they're dry. They spring right back after some water. Oh! I also stick them in the shower. They love that.

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

You both have some really beautiful and healthy plants!

Is that second one, Sofonisba, a Hawaiian Spider Plant? I like the solid green ones. I have one, but I think the sender said that the mother is all green but when she has babies, they are variegated. It's still small, so I've a while yet to see any babies!!!! the pot dries out so fast, though. I know it needs repotting, but they like to be snug. Oh well, guess it will be okay to wait until spring to do that now!

Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

Kelly and Sofon, you all spider plants look nice...i have like 3 of them and they don't look like that at all. What do you feed them? I have mine in sunny location and water them..maybe i should try to feed it some miracle grow.


Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

GrowHappy, I got this spider plant back in 1987... well, it's ancestor. Now they just reproduce and reproduce. My aunt had it and gave it to me. I never bothered to find out what variety it is. It's offspring is solid green just like the mother.

Char, I feed mine an average houseplant fertilizer every now and then - not even regularly. It likes bright light, but not too much direct sun.


Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

thanks yall but...i can't take all credit for mine. they were nice size with babies already when dg member gave them to me. they were put outside on front porch and got some light this spring and summer. front porch is covered. i watered them a good bit and fed with a deep feeding fertilizer. as i said they were very nice when she sent them. i took it out on porch to water and let drain then brought back in. when i was bringing in door shut on tail end and took off several babies : 0 i potted them up so maybe they will grow on their own. does anyone have any fireflash spider plants? i would love to see pictures if you do! i just got some from dg member a few months back. can't wait to see what they will look like when they get big!!!


Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

ooooohhhhhhhh just noticed someone started a thread on fireflash with pictures! how pretty is that fireflash? i hope mine looks like that someday!!!!
check her fireflash out!

edited to add link

This message was edited Oct 13, 2006 8:02 AM

(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Here is a pic of one of my spiders when I put it out on the back patio this last spring. They love it outside. It grew pretty good over the summer. Wish I could take a picture of it now as it sent out quite a few new babies. Even some of the babies are having babies. DD loves to borrow my camera and I haven't seen it in a few weeks. I think I'll have to get her, her own digital camera for Christmas so I can have mine back!

Thumbnail by staceysmom

Wow!staceysmom! That's a great idea for a plant stand, too!


Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

i just love spider plants! love how yours looks on that stool!


(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Thanks Susan and Kelly. I love spider plants too. It's on the stool 'cause when it was young I failed to put it in a hanger and it is too big now. The stool is nice and tall so the babies don't drag on the ground. But now with the babies having babies it is dragging. Don't know what I'm gonna do. I think it also needs transplanting but wouldn't know how to go about it!

Gay Lynn

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

I need to get a new picture of our plant has grown in a tree the past ouple years ! and always happy !

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Here's my spiders!!
Plain Green and just divided and repotted a monthe ago.


Thumbnail by baja220
Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Green and White, also recently divided and repotted.

Thumbnail by baja220
Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

My Fire Flash that's not lookin too good. His color is fadin, even the green is fadin. But here he is when it still looked good! LOL

Thumbnail by baja220
Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

And here's a new one I just picked up at the grocery store a few days ago. Exotic Angel labled as Variegated Bonnie.


Thumbnail by baja220
Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Look how curley she is.

Thumbnail by baja220
Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Love that variegated Bonnie!

Gay Lynn: I know you can divide the plant but if it was me, I think I would just pot up the mother plant to the next larger size and let it go. You might have to take some of the babies off if they're dragging the ground. Eventually, it will be a monster plant. :)


(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the info Susan. Can I re-pot to the next largest size during the winter? I didn't think you were supposed to transplant anything except during the spring. Thanks, Gay Lynn

I never follow the norm. LOL! But I don't want anything to happen to your spider so I'll say wait until Spring.

Post another pic afterwards.


Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Spider plants can be transplanted at any time. They never stop growing!


Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

Very pretty spider plants, and Gay Lynn, that is one gorgeous norfolk pine! I have some spider plants in my flower beds that I just leave and let die back in the winter, and they come back out in the spring. I don't think you can hurt those things :-)


(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Okay you all convinced me, transplant it is.
Sharon, thanks for the comment on the Norfolk Pine. I got it in a little 6 inch pot 2 years ago at Christmas all decorated with little red bows. It looks good from that angle but the bottom in the back has lost a few branches due to lack of light while over wintering in the house. I envy your Texas climate and zone. Would love to be able to leave more of my plants outdoors.
Gay Lynn

Satsuma, AL(Zone 8b)

Great looking spiders, gang. This is one plant that is just about impossible for me to kill -- and that's a really good thing for this beginner.

Here's a link to a couple pics of mine; some are in the ground and some in a gladware tray that I use to get the pups growing:



Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

I can't grow 'Bonnie' to save my life. I've killed two of them! I would suspect it's because I've never repotted it out of that dreadful EA soil. I'm going to give it one more try because I really do love Spider plants.

I have a ton of babies on my regular Comosum(variegated) and am at a loss as to what to do with them. I was thinking of potting them up in little Dixie cups for my DD's class. Please, the babies need help. Won't you help me help them? :)


Satsuma, AL(Zone 8b)

I raid my cabinets for empty sour cream and butter tubs...our bay window ledge looks like a supermarket.

I saw a variegated one at the store the other day and it had a ton of babies. It almost made me want to steal, but my morals prevailed (all my plants are the plain green). :)

You know, I suspect Bonnie is more of a 'diva' than other spiders. I've had problems with her as well.


Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Is Bonnie the one that's solid green? I have some of the variegated and some of the solid green kind. For some reason, the solid green ones do much better for me than the variegated type.


Bonnie is the curly variegated spider but I understand EA is coming out with a solid green.


Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Harper, Bonnie is the last one I posted on Oct. 31 above.


Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Great plants friends. I love hanging baskets. I am working on a wondering jew basket that I have started from 3 pieces that I rooted, grew and than broke off more and rooted and so on and it is now starting to look full.

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